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Powder of Burnt Sponge (Wirtzung)

Powder of Burnt Sponge Tradition: Western Source / Author: Wirtzung Herb Name Washed Sponges, ashedSponge stonesPumiceCuttle bone Red cloth burnt to ashes Latin Spongi ustaLapis SpongiPumexOs SepiaLinum rubra usta Amount 4 oz. 1 dram ea.1⁄2 oz. Preparation: Powder Function: Clears Phlegm and Heat, resolves Swellings Use: 1. Scrofula2. Lymphadenitis3. Other Phlegm-Heat swellings Dose: 1⁄2 dram…


Prostatitis, Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) Prostatitis is an inflammation of the Prostate Gland. It may be Bacterial or Chronic in nature. Prostatitis is believed to affect 30–50% of men with approximately 8% having symptoms. Men under 35 are more prone to bacterial Prostatitis whereas men over 50 typically have some degree of prostate enlargement or…

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Mantis Egg Case, Sang Piao Xiao

Praying Mantis Egg Case, Sang Piao Xiao 桑螵蛸 Sang Piao Xiao (TCM) Mantis religiosa Egg CasePhoto by Dhrm77 (Wikimedia) Above: Praying Mantis Egg Case for sale atthe Chengdu Medicine Market (Adam, 2016) Left: Mantis religiosa (Photo by Chaos) (Wikimedia) Entomological name: Various species of Praying Mantis: Mantis religiosa (Bao Chi Tang Lang) Paratenodera sinensis (syn….

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Scilla, Squill PRO

Scilla, Squill Isqeel (Unani)Vana-Pataandu, Korikanda (Ayurveda, S. indica)Kattu Velvengayam (Siddha, S. indica) Herbarius latinus, Petri, 1485 Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 New Kreuterbuch, Matthiolus, 1563 Kurtzes Handtbuchlein, Ryff, 1599 Koehler, Medizinal Pflanzen, 1890 Left: South Indian Squill, S. indica; Right: Indian Squill, Urginea indicaFigures of Indian Plants, Wight, 1853 SQUILL1. Concentric slices of Squill bulb.  2….

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Powder for Hysteria with Agnus Castus

Powder for Hysteria with Agnus Castus Tradition: Western Source / Author: Herb Name Agnus CastusParsnip seedRue seedPeony seedAniseedFennel seedCardamonMaceCinnamonClove Cassia WoodCalamusFaecula of Bryony * Sugar of Rosemary flowers Latin Vitex agnus-castusPastinaca sativaRuta graveolensPeonia officinalisPimpinella anisumFoeniculum vulgareElettaria cardamomumMyristica fragransCinnamonum zeylanicumEugenia caryophyllusCinnamonum cassiaAcorus calamus Bryonia dioica Rosmarinus officinalis Amount 1 dram ea.1 1⁄2 drams weight of all…

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Yang Xin Tang

Yang Xin Tang 养心汤Nourish the Heart Decoction Tradition: TCM Source / Author: Comprehensive Collection of Medicine Past and Present (Gu Jin Yi Tong Da Quan) Herb Name Dang Gui (Chinese Angelica)Sheng Di Huang (Rehmannia)Shu Di Huang (Rehmannia)Fu Shen (Poria)Ren Shen (Ginseng)Mai Men Dong (Ophiopogon)Suan Zao Ren (Zizyphus seed)Bai Zi Ren (Biota seed)Wu Wei Zi (Schisandra)Zhi…

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Viscum, Mistletoe, Sang Ji Sheng FREE

Viscum, Mistletoe, Sang Ji Sheng 桑寄生 Viscus (Latin)Sang Ji Sheng (Mulberry Mistletoe, Loranthus [Taxillus] spp. TCM);Hu Ji Sheng (Northern Mistletoe, Viscum spp., TCM) Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 Krauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578 ViscumBotanische wandplaten, 1904–1914 Viscum albumKoehler’s Medizinal Pflanzen, 1887 Loranthus europeausFlora von Deutschland (27), Kohler, 1886 Viscum (Adam, 2017) Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION…

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Carissa carandas, Karamarda PRO

Carissa carandas, Karamarda Karanda Karamarda (Ayurveda)Kalakkai (Siddha)Kakronda, Karaunda (Unani)Laaz (Arabic) Carissa carandasW. Roxburgh, Plants of the coast of Coromandel, (1795) Carissa carandas(Photo by Sakurai Midori, cropped) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Carissa carandasOthers reportedly used include Carissa spinarum, C. inermis (Syn. C. macrophylla) Parts used: Root; also leaf and fruit Temperature & Taste: Cool, dry. Pungent, Bitter…

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Electuary for Vehement Pituitous and Burnt Bile Humors

Electuary for Vehement Pituitous and Burnt Bile Humors Tradition: Western, Unani Source / Author: Mesue Herb Name Black Hellebore, preparedTurbithBlack MyrobalanChebulic MyrobalanColocynth pulp AniseedFennel seedSquill bakedStoechasOreganoGingerCinnamonAmomumMastic Gum ArabicCamphor Latin Helleborus nigerOperculina turpethumTerminalia chebula (black)Terminalia chebula Citrullus colocynthusPimpinella anisumFoeniculum vulgareScilla maritimaLavendula stoechasOreganum vulgareZingiber officinalisCinnamonum zeylanicumAmomum subulatumPistacia lentiscus Acacia arabicaCamphora Amount 1 dram ea. 2 drams ea.2…

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Troches of Poppy seed

Troches of Poppy seed Tradition: Western / Unani Source / Author: De morbis internis curandis, Mesue, 1551 Herb Name White Poppy seedMusk Melon seedMelon seedHenbane seedStarch TragacanthGum Arabic Latin Papaver somniferumCucurbita meloCitrullus vulgarisHyoscyamus nigerAmylum Astragalus tragacanthAcacia arabica Amount 30 drams 20 drams ea. 15 drams ea. Preparation: Form Troches with mucilage of Psyllium Function: Clears…

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Electuary of the Juice of Roses (Mesue)

Electuarium de Succo Rosarum Electuary of the Juice of Roses Tradition: Western, Unani Source / Author: Mesue Herb Name Rose juiceWhite SugarScammony preparedRed SandalwoodWhite SandalwoodYellow SandalwoodTabasheerCamphor Latin Rosa gallicaSaccharum albaConvovulus scammoniaPterocarpus santalinusSantalum albumSantalum citrinumBambusae silicaeCamphora Amount 8 oz. ea.3⁄4 oz. 3 drams ea. 1 1⁄2 drams1 scruple Preparation: Seethe the juice and sugar together until…


Fever Traditionally Categorization of Fevers has been complicated and involved. In general, Humoral Systems will divide Fever into Humoral types. TCM has a advanced system of the development of a pathogen from Exterior to Interior of the Body. This is dealt with in detail in our page on Shang Han Lun. The primary classifications of…

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