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Infusion for Scrofula

Infusion for Scrofula Tradition: Western Source / Author: Herb Name CleaversBurdock rootFumitoryBittersweet Latin Galium aparine Arctium lappa Fumaria officinalis Solanum dulcamara Amount 2 parts ea. 1 part Preparation: Prepare a standard infusion Function: Clears Heat and Toxin, resolves Swellings Use: 1. Scrofula2. Lymphadenitis3. Swellings associated with Heat and Toxin4. May also be used for chronic…

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Electuary of Frankincense (Wirtzung)

Electuary of Frankincense Tradition: Western Source / Author: Wirtzung Herb Name FrankincenseBlack PepperCyperus rootMyrrh Latin Boswellia sacra Piper nigrum Cyperus rotundus Commiphora molmol Amount equal parts Preparation: Powder and with clarified Honey, make an Electuary Function: Moves the Blood, clears Cold and Damp, regulates Qi, benefits the Brain Use: 1. Poor or Failing Memory2. Increases…


Shen Fu Tang

Shen Fu Tang 参附汤Ginseng and Aconite Decoction Tradition: TCM Source / Author: Revised Fine Formulas for Women (Jiao Zhu Fu Ren Liang Fang)  Herb Name Ren Shen (Ginseng)Fu Zi (Aconite) Latin Panax ginsengAconitum carmichaeli Amount 12 grams9 grams Preparation: Prepare a standard decoction, cooking the Aconite 45 minutes before adding Ginseng.The source text recommended cooking…

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Syrup of Hops

Syrupus de Lupulo Syrup of Hops Tradition: Western Source / Author: Herb Name HopsFumitorySugar Latin Humulus lupulus Fumaria officinalis Sacchatum Amount 1 lb.1⁄2 lb.1 1⁄2 lbs. Preparation: Boil the juices to remove their scum, then add the Sugar and form a Syrup. It was also made with simple Hops juice. Function: Clears Heat and Damp,…

Chelidonium minus, Lesser Celandine or Pilewort

Chelidonium minus, Lesser Celandine or Pilewort Bulliard, Herbier de la France, 1776-1783 Gourdon & Naudin, Nouvelle iconographie fourragère, Atlas, 1865-1871 Botanical name: Ranunculus ficaria Parts used: Whole plant Temperature & Taste: Hot, dry. Pungent, biting Uses: 1. Clears Damp, Opens Obstructions:-Good for the Spleen; Spleen obstruction, hardness; Scrofula-Jaundice-bleeding Hemorrhoids 2. Externally:-topically for Hemorrhoids, it is…

Cancer Leukemia

Leukemia Leukemia is a type of Cancer affecting Blood producing cells in the body, primarily found in the Bone Marrow and Lymphatic tissue. It usually affects White Blood Cells. There are a number of types of Leukemia, some acute, some chronic, some affect children while others are more common in adults. Leumkemia is the most…

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Leeching IntroductionLeeching has been used for a long time in the Western Tradition. Where exactly it first started in uncertain, but it was formerly widely used throughout Europe, and is still used in Unani and Ayurvedic medicine today. Further, its usefulness has been rediscovered in modern medicine where it has been found useful in certain…

9 Rules for Health

The following is a compilation of general Health guidelines as promoted in Traditional Medicine. While not all is verified by modern research, some of it is. Nevertheless, it represents good general information for Health in most people. Drink Warm Drinks All Medicine Traditions state that warm drinks are healthier. Some traditional texts go as far…

Dodder & Wormwood

Dodder & Wormwood Dodder is mildly Warm and Dry, and cleanses the Spleen and purges Melancholy; used for obstructions of the Spleen and Liver, used for Black Jaundice, Ulcers, Fibroid Tumors and Cancers. It clears Damp and promotes Urine. In this combination, Dodder herb or Dodder seed may be used.   Wormwood is Cold, dry, Bitter and…

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