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Delphinium brunonianum, Bya rgod spos PRO

Delphinium brunonianum, Bya rgod spos བྱ་རྒོད་སྤོས་ Musk LarkspurBya rgod spos (Tibet)Sprika (Ayurveda)Ke Shen Mi Er Cui Que (D. cashmirianum) (TCM) Delphinium brunonianumCurtis’s Botanical Magazine (1864) Delphinium cashmerianumIllustrations of the Botany … of the Himalayan Mountains, Royle, 1839 Delphinium brunonianum(Photo by Hectonichus) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Delphinium spp.Two species supply this medicine: D. brunonianum (syn. D. moschatum)…

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Ding Zhi Wan

Ding Zhi Wan 定志丸Settles the Emotions Pill Tradition: TCM Source / Author: Thousand Ducat Formulas (Qian Jin Yao Fang) Herb Name Ren Shen (Ginseng)Fu Ling (Poria)Shi Chang Pu (Calamus)Yuan Zhi (Polygala) Latin Panax ginsengPoria cocosAcorus calamusPolygala tenuifolia Amount 90 grams ea. 60 grams ea. Preparation: Powder, form into Honey pills. Function: Strengthens the Heart, Calms…

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Aquilaria, Aloeswood, Chen Xiang PRO

Aquilaria, Aloeswood, Chen Xiang 沉香 Eaglewood, Agar, Agarwood, Aloes Wood, Wood of AloesChen Xiang (TCM)Agaru (Ayurveda)A gar  ཨ་གར (Tibetan)Ood, Ood Hindi, Ood-ul Hindi, Ood Gharqi (Unani) Left: True Aloeswood; Center: Aloeswood tree; Right: ‘Spurious’ (false) AloeswoodMuseum Museorum, Valentini, 1704 A. agallocha (left)Royle, J.F., Illustrations of the botany and other branches of the naturalhistory of the…

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Infusion to Purge Bile and Phlegm (Mesue)

Infusion to Purge Bile and Phlegm Tradition: Western Source / Author: Mesue Herb Name Chebulic MyrobalanYellow MyrobalanRhubarbCassia pulp Aloes washed Latin Terminalia chebulaTerminalia chebula (yellow) Rheum palmatumCassia fistulaAloe lota Amount 1⁄2 dram ea. 1 dram3 drams 1 scruple Preparation: Infuse the first 3 medicines in 6 oz. of Maidenhair water; press, strain, then dissolve in…

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Stephania japonica, Qian Jin Teng PRO

Stephania japonica, Qian Jin Teng 千金藤 Snake VineQian Jin Teng (TCM)Raj-Patha (variety of, Ayurveda) Stephania japonica Ben Cao Tu Pu (Illustrated Herbal) 1644 (Welcome, Wikimedia) Stephania japonica Wight, R., Spicilegium Neilgherrense (1846) Stephania japonica(Photo by MargaretRDonald) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Stephania japonica (syn. S. hernandiifolia, S. rotunda, Menispermum japonicum, Cissampelos hernamdiifolia)The Australian Stephania japonica var. australis…

Cancer Colorectal

Colorectal Cancer Bowel Cancer, Colon Cancer, Rectal Cancer Colorectal Cancer is the third most common form of Cancer in the US and the second cause of Cancer deaths.. It is more common in developed countries and also more common in the poor. Risk Factors: being over 50 and male being poor diet low in fiber,…

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Powder of Cumin Greater (Nicholas)

Pulvis Diacyminum Magnus Powder of Cumin Greater Tradition: Western, Unani Source / Author: Nicolas Myrepsus Herb Name Prepared Cumin *CinnamonCloveLovage seedBishop’s weed seedGalangal SavoryCalamintGingerBlack PepperLong PepperSpikenardNutmeg Latin Cuminum cyminum Cinnamonum zeylanicum Eugenia caryophyllus Levisticum officinale Ammi majus Alpina officinarum Satureja montana Calamintha officinalis Zingiber officinalis Piper nigrum Piper longum Nardostachys jatamansi Myristica fragrans Amount 1…

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Amomum, Greater Cardamon, Sha Ren PRO

Amomum, Greater Cardamon, Sha Ren 砂仁 Greater Cardamon, Large Cardamon, Nepal Cardamon, Black CardamonSha Ren (TCM)Sthoolaila (Ayurveda)Heel Kalan (Unani)Ka Ko La  ཀ་ཀོ་ལ (Tibetan) Amomum subulatumRoxburgh, Plants of the coast of Coromandel, vol. 3, 1819 Lesser, Medium and Greater CardamonsNew Kreuterbuch, Matthiolus, 1563 Botanical name: Amomum spp: A. villosum A. villosum var. xanthioides A. longiligulare A….

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Emmenagogue Decoction (Riverius)

Emmenagogue Decoction Tradition: Western Source / Author: Riverius (Opera Medica, 1737) Herb Name CyperusAngelicaValerianMadderMugwortPennyroyalSavinCarrot seedSeseleos seedCinnamonSaffron Latin Cyperus rotundusAngelica archangelicaValeriana officinalisRubia tinctorumArtemisia vulgarisMentha pulegiumJuniperus sabinaDaucus carrota Siler trilobumCinnamonum zeylanicumCrocus sativus Amount 1⁄2 dram ea. 1⁄2 handful ea. 1 dram ea. 4 scruples 1 scruple Preparation: Decoct; the same herbs may be decocted again the following…

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Powder for Weakness of Sight

Powder for Weakness of Sight Tradition: Western, Unani Source / Author: Nicholas (Nicolai Magni, De Medicis Pulveribus, 1545) Herb Name EyebrightSageMintSeseliAniseedFennel seedGingerClove Long PepperBorage flowersSenna leafDodderLicoriceRaisins driedBlack MyrobalanLoaf Sugar Latin Euphrasia officinalisSalvia officinalisMentha arvensisSiler montanumPimpinella anisumFoeniculum vulgareZingiber officinalisEugenia caryophyllusPiper longum Borago officinalisCassia angustifoliaCuscuta europeaGlycyrrhiza glabraVitis viniferaTerminalia chebula (black) Panis Sacchari Amount 2 oz. ea. 1…

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Wine of Eyebright and Fennel

Wine of Eyebright and Fennel Tradition: Western Source / Author: Wirtzung Herb Name EyebrightFennel seedCinnamon Latin Euphrasia officinalis Foeniculum vulgare Cinnamonum zeylanicum Amount 2 handfuls 1⁄2 oz.3 drams Preparation: Bruise the herbs, put in a bag and steep in Rhenish wine (Riesling) (1 gallon or more). Function: Warms, benefits the Eyes Use: 1. strengthens the…

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Medicine to Defend the Base from all Danger

Medicamen ex inventione nostra defendens basin ab omni periculoMedicine to Defend the Base from all Danger Tradition: Western / Unani Source / Author: De morbus internis curandis, Mesue, 1551 Herb Name Red CoralMaceBone of a Stag’s HeartAmbergrisPearlCrystalGold leafSilver leafIvoryRubySapphireHyacinth (Zircon)BalsamMuskRosemaryTabasheerSandalwoodCloveGalangalCalamus *CubebIndian SpikenardStaceorum barkCuttlefish bone BasilCardamonWhite PepperLong PepperBay berryPellitoryStoraxCalamusMagnetMyrrhThebane OpiumPeony seed *CamomileWild Sage (Lilifagus)MarjoramBalsamita **AmmiRound BirthwortDianthosSaffronAloeswoodWhite…

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