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Pills of Shafa (Habb e Shafa)

Habb e ShafaPills of Shafa or, Pills of Datura Tradition: Unani Source / Author: Herb Name Tukhm e Dhatura (Datura seed)Rewan (Rhubarb)Sonth (Ginger)Babul (Gum Arabic) Latin Datura stramonium Rheum palmatum Zingiber officinalis Acacia arabica Amount 75 grams50 grams 25 grams ea. Preparation: Powder, add water, and form pills of size 3. Function: Stops Cough and…

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Decoction of Timaei (modified)

Decoction of Timaei (modified) Tradition: Western Source / Author: Medicus Officiosus, Weinhart, 1724 Herb Name ComfreyPlantainTormentilMarshmallow rootLicoriceShepherd’s PurseSelf Heal RoseSt. John’s wort Latin Symphytum officinalePlantago majusPotentilla tormentillaAlthea officinalisGlycyrrhiza glabraCapsella bursa-pastorisPrunella vulgaris Rosa gallicaHypericum perforatum Amount 1 1⁄2 oz. 2 drams 1⁄2 oz. 3 drams ea. 1 handful ea. 1⁄2 handful ea. Preparation: Prepare a standard…

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Reading Old English Medical Books

Reading Old English Medical Books Reading Old English Books takes a little while to get used to. And the earlier they are, the harder they can be to read. Books printed during the 16th century can use old English fonts, irregular spelling, and some unusual conventions. As I have often witnessed colleagues have great difficulty…

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Electuary Against Forgetfulness

Electuary Against Forgetfulness Tradition: Western Source / Author: Secrets of Art and Nature, John Wecker, London, 1660 Herb Name Black PepperLong PepperWhite PepperGalangalCalamusSaffron Indian SpikenardCardamomCarpobalsamumAsarum GingerMyrtle seed Latin Piper nigrumPiper longumPiper albumAlpina officinarumAcorus calamusCrocus sativusNardostachys jatamansiElettaria cardamomumCommiphora opobalsamumAsarum europeum Zingiber officinalisMyrtus communis Amount 2 drams ea. Preparation: Form into a fine powder, and with purified…

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Bu Fei Tang

Bu Fei Tang  补肺汤 Tonify the Lungs Decoction Tradition: TCM Source / Author: Everlasting Categorization of Seal Formulas (Yong Lei Qian Fang) Herb Name Ren Shen (Ginseng)Huang Qi (Astragalus)Shu Di Huang (Rehmannia)Wu Wei Zi (Schisandra)Zi Wan (Aster)Sang Bai Pi (Mulberry bark) Latin Panax ginsengAstragalus mongholicusRehmannia glutinosaSchisandra chinensisAster tartaricusMorus alba Amount 3–9 grams 12–24 grams ea.6…

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Acetum, Vinegar

Acetum, Vinegar Cu 醋 (TCM) Herbario Nuovo, 1667 Chemical name: Acetum Parts used: Wine Vinegar was most used in the West Vinegar prepared from Apples and various other fruits can also be used.In the East, Rice vinegar is most used.Later, Acetic acid was more often used. Temperature & Taste: ‘Vinegar is made of hot and…

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Styptic Pills

Styptic Pills Tradition: Western Source / Author: Arnold de Villanova Herb Name SumacMyrtlePomegranate rindPomegranate flowerComfreyDragons BloodArmenian EarthAcaciaHypocistusRoseTamarindSaffronGallia MoschataSpodium (Tabasheer)MaceGum Arabic torrefied Latin Rhus parvifloraMyrtus communisPunica granatumPunica granatumSymphytum officinaleDaemonorops dracoTerra ArmeniusAcacia spp. Cytinus hypocistusRosa gallicaTamarindus indicaCrocus sativusGallia MoschataBambusae silicaeMyristica fragransAcacia arabica Amount 1 dram ea. 1⁄2 dram ea. Preparation: Powder, and with juice of Myrtle berries,…

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Brassica campestris, Field Mustard

Brassica campestris, Field Mustard Field Mustard, Turnip Rape, Rape SeedSarshapa (Ayurveda)Kadugu (Siddha)Sarson (Unani) R. Dodonaeus [Dodoens], Stirpium historiae pemptades sex, sive libri XXX (1583) Botanical name: Brassica campestris (syn. B. rapa, B. campestris var. oleifera) Parts used: Seed; Oil is used as Mustard oil Temperature & Taste: Warm, dry. Pungent Uses: 1. Clears Wind-Cold:-Fever, Cold,…

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Chalcopyrite Bhasma

Chalcopyrite Bhasma Copper Pyrite AshSwarna Makshika Bhasma (Ayurveda) Minerological name: Copper PyritePyrite is a compound of Iron, Copper and Sulphur. That with greater Iron is called Iron Pyrite, that with more Copper is called Copper Pyrite. Copper Pyrite is softer than Iron Pyrite. Parts used: Copper Pyrite ash Temperature & Taste: Cold, dry. Bitter, SweetIt…

Breast Milk

Breast Milk Medicines which promote Breast Milk have long been used to nourish and improve Breast Milk in nursing Mothers. Some increase activity of the Breasts to produce more Milk, others improve nutrition to improve Milk quality. Equally important are medicines which stop Breast Milk when breasts are engorged, or when weaning an infant. Ayurveda…

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Chlorophytum, Musali FREE

Chlorophytum, Musali Shveta Musali (Ayurveda)Safed Musali (Unani)Vallai Musali (Siddha)Tibbati Ginseng (Folk) Chlorophytum tuberosumRoxburgh, W., Plants of the coast of Coromandel, vol. 2 (1798) Chlorophytum tuberosum(Photo by Dinesh Valke) (Wikimedia) Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Botanical name: Chlorophytum spp.  1. C. arundinaceum (official species)  2. C. borivillianum  3. C. tuberosum  4. C. indicum (syn. C….

Liver Pain

Liver Pain Western Tradition Hepatis Doloribus–Liver pain Decoction of AgrimonySyrup of Agrimony (Mesue)Syrup of Wormwood (Mesue)Vinegar of SquillDiarrhodonPhilonium RomanumAthanasia Greater (Nicholas)Pills of Rose and Agrimony (Mesue)Troches of Rhubarb (Mesue)Pills of Gentian (Unani)Pills of Rhubarb (Mesue)Pills of Agrimony Lesser (Mesue)Pills of Agrimony Greater (Mesue)Oil of MasticOil of OrrisOil of Euphorbium See also Liver Obstruction TCM classification…

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