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Viper, Bai Hua She 白花蛇 Agkistrodon, Qi She 蕲蛇 Zaocys, Black Striped Snake, Wu Shao She 乌梢蛇 Bungarus, Jin Qian Bai Hua She 金钱白花蛇 Sbrul gyi  སྦྲུལ་གྱི  (Tibetan) Dioscorides Materia Medica, Mathias, 1563 Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 Vipera berus (syn. V. communus)(Photo by Bouke ten Cate) (Wikimedia) Dried Viper (top), Viper with Live Birth, Heart…

Emotional Disorders

Emotional Disorders ‘Passions of the psyche produce changes in the body, that are great, evident and manifest‘(Maimonides, Regimen of Health) The Emotions are closely related to Mental activity and the Spirit in Traditional Medicine. Since the Heart ‘stores’ the Spirit, the state of the Heart can have an impact on the Mind and Emotions. For…

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Paeonia officinalis, Western Peony PRO

Paeonia officinalis, Peony European PeonyOod Saleeb, Ood Gharqi (Unani)Yao Yong Shao Yao 藥用芍藥 (TCM) Gart der Gesundheit, Cuba, 1485 Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 Krauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578 Left: Male Peony; Right: Female PeonyKreutterbuch, Matthiolus, 1586 Botanische wandplaten (1904–1914) Peony seed(Photo by H. Zell) (Wikimedia) Left: Peony from the Unani Market; Above: Cross-section of the root showing…

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Symphytum, Comfrey PRO

Symphytum, Comfrey Consolida Major Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 Koehler’s Medizinal Pflanzen, 1887 Comfrey root (Adam, 2022) Botanical name: Symphytum officinaleOther related species such as the Russian Comfrey (Symphytum x uplandicum) and Prickly Comfrey (S. asperum) have been used, but these should be avoided due to the higher levels of toxic alkaloids. Parts used: Root; Leaf…

Epilepsy & Convulsions

Epilepsy & Convulsions Falling Sickness It is caused by “the thick chyme which blocketh up the exits of the breath [Qi]“(Syrian Book of Medicine) Epilepsy and Convulsions are classic ‘Wind’ diseases. As with other Wind diseases, Wind can come with Heat, Phlegm and is either excess or deficient. Wind-Heat can be acute or chronic; acute…


2Y. Corrosive Corroding; Caustic; Eating; Destroying; Exedentibus These burn, corrode or destroy unhealthy flesh, and hardness such as Warts, and Tumors.                        Verdigris                       Alum                       Melanterite                       Mercury Sublimate                       Zinc Chloride                       Copper Sulphate                       Lime                       Hydrochloric acid Burnt CopperBoraxSoryArsenicLead OxideFerrous SulphateNitric acidSulphuric acid Western Classification 2. Secondary Facultiesa. Aperientsb. Attenuatersc. Inciding Medicinesd. Attenuaters of Congealed Bloode. Lenitivef. Purifyingg….

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Powder for Dry Cough

Powder for Dry Cough Tradition: Western Source / Author: Wirtzung Herb Name Poppy seedStarchTragacanthGum ArabicGourd seed, peeledQuince seed Latin Papaver somniferumAmylumAstragalus tragacanthAcacia arabicaCucurbitas spp.Cydonia oblonga Amount 1 1⁄4 ounce 1⁄2 ounce ea. 3 drams ea. Preparation: Powder Function: Clears Phlegm, moistens the Lungs Use: Dry Cough Dose: 1⁄2–1 dram Cautions: None noted Modifications: Back to…

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Fibroid Tumors Fibroid Tumors are a classic Melancholy-type Tumor in the Western Tradition. It is analogous to Phlegm-Damp and Blood-stagnation Masses of TCM. It requires a combination of Blood-moving Medicines and medicines to clear Damp and Melancholy. Diet include foods which are easily digestible, avoiding foods hard to digest including meat of old animals Many…

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Nux Vomica 13 (Ko byi bcu gsum) (Tibetan Medicine)

Ko byi bcu gsum  ཀོ་བྱི་བཅུ་གསུམ།Nux Vomica 13 Tradition: Tibetan Source / Author: Herb Name Ko byi la (Nux vomica) preparedMa nu (Inula)Sle tres (Tinospora)A ru ra (Chebula) Ar ga ru (Aloeswood)Kan ta ka ri (Rubus)Ut Pal (Blue Poppy)Dza ti (Nutmeg) Ru rta (Costus)Snying zhoSga skya (Galangal)Gu gul (Bdellium)Btsod (Madder) ** Latin Strychnos nux-vomicaInula heleniumTinospora cordifoliaTerminalia…

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Cowrie shell

Cowrie shell Concha venerisKarpardaka, Kapardik (Ayurveda)‘gron bu  འགྲོན་བུ  (Tibetan Medicine)Zi Bei Chi 紫貝齒 or Bei Zi (TCM)Kharmohra (Unani)Kawry (Arabic) Krauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578 Cypraea moneta (Money Cowrie)Photo by Liez   Zoological name: Cypraea spp. / Mauritia spp.Ayurvedic texts mention 3 types of Cowrie: White, Red, Yellow. A Purple variety is preferred in TCM.A number of different…

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Electuary of Five Medicines with Iron (Saptamrit Lauh)

Saptamrit LauhElectuary of Five Medicines with Iron Tradition: Ayurveda Source / Author: Chakradatta Herb Name Yashtimadhu (Licorice)Amla (Emblic Myrobalan)Bibhitaki (Belleric Myrobalan)Haritaki (Chebulic Myrobalan)Lauh Bhasma (Iron Bhasma) Latin Glycyrrhiza GlabraEmblica OfficinalisTerminalia Bellirica Terminalia Chebula Feruum Amount 1 part ea. Preparation: Powder and mix with Honey (3 parts) and Ghee (6 parts) Function: Nourishes Blood, benefits Eyes,…

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Smyrnium, Alexander PRO

Smyrnium, Alexander Black Lovage, Hipposelinum, Smyrnium, ZirnabumXiao Mei Wei Qin (TCM) Salmon, Botanologia, 1710 Smyrnium olusatrumFlora von Deutschland (27), Kohler, 1886 Smyrnium olusatrum(Photo by tato grasso) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Smyrnium olusatrumOther related species used include S. perfoliatum, S. rotundifolium (Alexander of Candy) Parts used: Seeds; sometimes the root. The herb was eaten as a vegetable….

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