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Powder of Rhubarb (Fuchs)

Powder of Rhubarb Tradition: Western Source / Author: Fuchs Herb Name RhubarbIndian SpikenardMasticSugar Latin Rheum palmatum Nardostachys jatamansi Pistacia lentiscus Saccharum Amount 2 drams 6 grains ea.2 scruples Preparation: Powder Function: Purges Bile humor Use: Used for excess Bile humor (red eyes, headache, Liver pain and distention etc.) Dose: 1⁄2 dram, up to 1 dram…

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Sophora, Ku Shen FREE

Sophora, Ku Shen 苦参 Ku Shen (TCM) Sophora japonicaDuhamel du Monceau, H.L., Traité des arbres et arbustes, Nouvelle édition, vol. 3 (1806) Sophora flavescens(Photo by Dalgial) (Wikimedia) Sophora Ku Shen from the Chengdu Medicine Market (Adam 2023) Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Botanical name: Sophora flavescens (syn. S. alopecuroides, S. angustifoliola, S. chinensis,…

Calamus & Peony

Calamus & Peony Powder:                Calamus        200-500mg    Peony root     0.5-1 gramDecoction:                Calamus        1.5-3 grams    Peony root     6–9 grams Calamus is Warm, dry, Pungent, Bitter, and very Aromatic. It strongly opens obstructions of the Qi circulation, stops Wind, regulates Qi, clears Damp and Phlegm, and has a…

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Exhilarative Syrup (Laurent)

Syrupus ExhilaransThe Exhilarative Syrup Tradition: Western Source / Author: Laurent Herb Name Borage juiceBugloss juiceSweet Apple juiceBalm juiceKermesSaffronCooling Pearl PowderAmbergris Compound PowderSugar Latin Borago succusAnchusa officinalisSuccus Pomi dulcisMelissa succusKermes vermilloCrocus sativusDiamargariton FrigidumDiambraSaccharum Amount 1½ lbs. ea.1 lb.½ oz.3 drams ½ dram ea.4 scruples2 lbs. Preparation: Infuse the Kermes berries in the clarified juices overnight with…

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Pulegium, Pennyroyal PRO

Pulegium, Pennyroyal Futang (Unani) Herbarius latinus, Petri, 1485 Herbarum Vivae Eicones, Otto Brunfels, 1530 Medical Botany, Woodville, 1810 Botanical name: Mentha pulegium Parts used: Herb Temperature & Taste: Slightly Warm, dry. Pungent, Bitter Classifications: 2A APERIENT.    2B ATTENUATER.    2F. PURIFYING.    2H. CARMINATIVE.    2J. RAREFYING3C. ALEXIPHARMIC.    3G. EMMENAGOGUE.    3H. LACTAGOGUE.    3K. EXPECTORANT.    3M. ARTHRITICS4a. CEPHALIC.    4f….

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Punarnavadi Guggulu

Punarnavadi Guggulu Boerhaavia and Guggulu Pills Tradition: Ayurveda Source / Author: Bhaisajya Ratnavalı Herb Name Punarnava (Boerhaavia)Shunthi (Ginger)Eranda mool (Castor root) Latin Boerhaavia diffusaZingiber officinaleRicinis communis Amount 4.8 kg ea.768 grams Grind to a coarse powder and soak in 32 liters of water for 12 hours, then gently boil down to 4 liters. Herb Name…

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Calcite 25 (Cong zhi nyer lnga)

Cong zhi nyer lnga  ཅོང་ཞི་ཉེར་ལྔ་Calcite 25 Tradition: Tibetan Source / Author: Herb Name Cong zhi (Calcite)Dza ti (Nutmeg)Li shi (Clove)Cu gang (Tabasheer)Gur gum (Safflower)Ka ko la (Amomum)Sug smel (Cardamon)Ru rta (Costus)Brag zhun (Shilajit)A ru ra (Chebula)Ba Ru (Belleric)Shyu ru (Emblic) Ma nu (Inula)‘U su (Coriander)Star bu (Sea Buckthorn)Se bru (Pomegranate)Pi pi ling (Long Pepper)Bca sga…

Notable Texts

Some Notable Texts of Traditional Medicine The following shows some of the principles texts of the Western Tradition, and texts which have been drawn upon by MedicineTraditions. See also:Principal Herbals from 1470–1670Authors and Sources Antidotarium Johannis Filii Mesue, 1550. Mesue the Younger died in 1051 and was a contemporary of Avicenna. His Receptarium Antidotari has…

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Powder of Lavender Seed to Promote Labor

Powder of Lavender Seed to Promote Labor Tradition: Western Source / Author: Medicina Britannica, Thomas Short, 1746 Herb Name Lavender seed powderPlantain seedEndive seedPepper Latin Lavendula officinalis Plantago majus Chicorium endiva Piper nigrum Amount 1⁄2 dram 2 scruples ea.1 scruple Preparation: Powder Function: Promotes Labor Use: Held to be a ‘Great Secret’ in promoting Birth…

Books on Medical Specialities

Books on Medical Specialties Below is a selection of texts on Medical Specialties. Some are in Latin, most are downloadable. Opthalmology–Fuchs, Leonard, Alle Kranckheyt der Augen, [All Diseases of the Eyes], 1539 (Downloadable) Gynecology & Obstetrics–Rueff, Jacob, De conceptu et generatione hominis… 1580 (Downloadable)–Mercado, Luis, Ludouici Mercati… De mulierum affectionibus libri quatuor… 1579 (Downloadable)–Bodium, Apud,…

Hops & Fumitory

Hops & Fumitory Fumitory is Cold, dry and Bitter. It is most appropriate to the Liver, clears Heat and Damp, Liver Heat, and cleanses the Melancholy humor.   Hops is Cold, dry, Bitter and slightly Sweet. It also affects the Liver but also the Spleen and Heart. It especially calms the Mind and Nerves, clears Bile Humor,…

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Troches of Red Coral (Samarqandi)

Troches of Red Coral Tradition: Unani Source / Author: The Medical Formulary of al Samarqandi Herb Name Red CoralGum AcaciaArmenian EarthYellow AmberHematiteLicorice juiceStarch Dragon’s BloodHenbane seedCinnamon Latin Corallum rubrumAcacia arabicaTerra ArmeniusSuccinumHaematitumGlycyrrhiza glabraAmylum Daemonorops dracoHyoscyamus nigerCinnamonum zeylanicum Amount 5 drams ea. 1 1⁄2 drams ea. 2 drams ea. 1 dram ea. Preparation: Powder, and form into…

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