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Rhubarb 8 Ointment (Zab lag brgyad pa)

Zab lag brgyad pa   ཟབ་ལག་བརྒྱད་པ་Rhubarb 8 Ointment Tradition: Tibetan Source / Author: Men Tsee Kang Herb Name Chu rtsa (Rhubarb)Mu zi ser po (Sulphur)Stag sha Brag zhun (Shilajit) Gla rtsi (Musk)Khi la wa ri (Acacia catechu) *Ni la tho tha (Copper sulphate)Dan rog (Croton) Latin Rheum spiciformeSulphuraOxytropis microphyllaAsphaltumMoschusAcacia catechuCopper SulphateCroton tiglium Amount 50 grams20 grams30…

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Carminative Decoction (Pharmacopoea Dogmaticum Resititua)

Carminative Decoction Tradition: Western Source / Author: Pharmacopoea Dogmaticum Resititua, 1622 Herb Name Fennel rootThymePennyroyalMother of ThymeRaisin Fennel seedAniseedCarrot seedCuminCinnamonRosemary flowersCamomile Latin Foeniculum vulgareThymus vulgarisMentha pulegiumThymus serpillumVitis viniferaFoeniculum vulgarePimpinella anisumDaucus carrotaCuminum cyminumCinnamonum zeylanicum Rosmarinus officinalis Matricaria recutita Amount 1 oz. 1 handful ea.1 oz. 3 drams ea. 4 drams 2 pugils ea. Preparation: Bruise the…

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Ursi / Bos Fel, Bear / Cow Bile

Bear / Cow Bile Xiong Dan 熊胆 (Bear Bile, TCM)Niu Dan 牛胆 (Cow Bile, TCM)Dom mkhris  དོམ་མཁྲིས  (Bear Bile, Tibetan Medicine) Dried Cow Gall Bladder as used in Tibetan Medicine in place of Bear Bile. (Adam, 2016) Zoological name: Traditionally, Bear Bile has been used in both East and West:  1. Ursus arctos (European Brown…

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Letificans Cooling Electuary (Unani)

Electuarium Laetificans FrigidumLetificans Cooling Electuary Tradition: Unani Source / Author: Pharmacopoeia Persica (1681) Herb Name Red BehenWhite BehenChebulic MyrobalanPistacio peel Citron peel Silkworm CocoonPearlBugloss  FumitoryBalsam AppleCoriander seedTabasheerRed CoralAmberZerumbetDoronicumAloeswoodPomegranate juice Sorrel juiceHawthorn juiceSugar CandySyrup of Violet Latin Salvia hemotodesCentaurea behenTerminalia chebulaPistacia veraCitrus medicaSericiMargaritaAnchusa officinalisFumaria officinalisMomordica balsaminaCoriandrum sativum Bambusae silicaeCorallum rubrumSuccinumZingiber zerumbetDoronicum hookeriAquillaria agallochaPunica granatumRumex acetosaCrataegus laevigataSaccharumSyrupus…

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Decoction to Promote Menstruation (Turner)

Decoction to Promote Menstruation Tradition: Western Source / Author: De Morbis Foeminis, Turner, 1686 Herb Name MugwortBetonyElecampaneHyssop Latin Artemisia vulgaris Betonica officinalis Inula helenium Hyssopus officinale Amount 1 handful ea. Preparation: Boil in 1 1⁄2 pints of white wine, or a mixture of water and wine Function: Moves the Blood, benefits Qi Use: Delayed or…

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Electuary for Stomach Debility

Electuary for Stomach Debility Tradition: Unani Source / Author: Pharmacopoeia Persica (1681) Herb Name TabasheerChicken Gizzard skinRoseMintPistachio shell *Citron peelYellow MyrobalanRed BehenWhite BehenWhite SandalwoodSavoryCoriander seed torrefiedMyrtle fruit Latin Bambusae silicaeGigeriae galli endothelium corneum Rosa gallicaMentha arvensis Pistachio verum Citrus medicaTerminalia chebula (yellow)Salvia hemotodesCentaurea behenSantalum albumSatureja montanaCoriandrum sativumMyrtus communis Amount 1 dram ea3 drams 1/2 dram…

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Powder for Apoplexy (Wirtenberg)

Powder for Apoplexy Tradition: Western Source / Author: Wirtenberg (Pharmacopoea Wirtenbergica) Herb Name AmberBurnt Deer HornAloeswoodPeony rootCitron peelPearled SugarCinnamon oil Latin SuccinumCornu Cervii ustaAquillaria agallochaPaeonia officinalisCitrus medicaSaccharum perlataOleum Cinnamonum Amount 1⁄2 oz. ea. 1 dram ea.3 oz.16 drops Preparation: Powder the herbs, Amber and Deer horn, mix with the Pearled Sugar, then add the Cinnamon…

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Pyrethrum tatsienense, Gzer joms PRO

Pyrethrum tatsiense, Gzer joms གཟེར་འཇོམས Gzer joms, A byag (Tibetan) Botanical name: Pyrethrum tatsiense (syn. P. tatsienense, Chrysanthemum tatsiense, C. jugorum, Tanacetum tatsiense) Parts used: Flower Temperature & Taste: Cool, dry. Bitter Uses: 1. Clears Liver Heat, Relieves Pain:-Headache, pain in the upper body-pain in the Hypochondria-Hepatitis-Hepato-protective, Anti-inflammatory and Analgesic effects have been noted 2….

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Pogostemon/Agastache, Huo Xiang FREE

Pogostemon seu Agastache, Huo Xiang 藿香 Wrinkled Giant-Hyssop, Patchouli (Agastache)Cablin Patchouli (Pogostemon)Huo Xiang (Agastache) (TCM)Guang Huo Xiang (Pogostemon) (TCM)Paachi (Pogostemon, Ayurveda) Agastache rugosaPhoto by Dalgial (Wikimedia) Pogostemon cablinPhoto by Forest & Kim Starr (Wikimedia) Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Botanical name: Two different herbs supply Huo Xiang:  1. Agastache rugosa (Tu Huo Xiang)  2….

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Polygonum hydropier, Persicaria, Water Pepper

Polygonum hydropier, Persicaria Water Pepper, Arsmart, HydropeperiFilfil al-ma (Unani) Gart der Gesundheit, Cuba, 1485 Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 Polygonum hydropierSvensk botanik, Palmstruch et al], 1807 Botanical name: Persicaria hydropiper (syn. Polygonum hydropier)Salmon (Seplasium) describes two types:  1. Dead or Spotted, which is Persicaria, or (Mild) Arsmart, has little or no taste, like Sorrel; this is…

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Surgeon’s Musked Troches (Alipta Muscata) (Nicholas)

Trochisci Alipta MoschataThe Surgeon’s Musked Troches Tradition: Western, Unani Source / Author: Nicholas Praepositus Herb Name HypocistusLiquid StoraxBenzoinAloeswoodAmbergrisCamphorMusk Latin Cytinus hypocystisStyrax officinalisStyrax benzoinAquillaria agallochaAbre grisCamphoraMoschus Amount 3 oz.1 1⁄2 oz.1 oz.2 drams1 dram1⁄2 dram1⁄2 scruple Preparation: In the Dog Days (heat of Summer), blend the gums with Rose water or a little Almond oil until…

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