Lamb and Dang Gui Soup

Lamb and Dang Gui Soup Ingredients:      Lamb (preferably leg with bone), half kilo     Dang Gui, 60 grams     Astragalus (Huang Qi), 30 grams     Fresh Ginger, 5 slices, plus 5 more slices     Salt to taste Directions: 1. Add the lamb briefly to boiling water with 5 slices of Ginger, bring to boil, then drain and rinse2….

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Rauwolfia, Sarpagandha PRO

Rauwolfia, Sarpagandha Snake rootSarpagandha (Ayurveda.)Asrol, Choti-Chandan (Unani)Bai Hua Lian, Shan Ma Ti (TCM) Rauwolfia serpentinaCurtis’s Botanical Magazine, 1804 Rauwolfia root(Calcutta Unani College, Adam, 2019) Botanical name: Rauwolfia serpentinaother species used in India include R. beddomei, R. densiflora, R. micrantha;R. tetraphylla (syn. R. canescens) is also used but is low enough in alkaloids to be considered…

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Pills of Euphorbium (Mesue)

Pilulae de Euphorbio Pills of Euphorbium Tradition: Western, Unani Source / Author: Mesue Herb Name EuphorbiumColocynthAgaricBdelliumSagapenAloe Latin Euphorbium resiniferaCitrullus colocynthusFomitopsis officinalisCommiphora mukulFerula persica Aloe spp. Amount 2 drams ea.5 drams Preparation: Form a pill mass with Syrup of Leek juice Function: Purges Cold Phlegm and Damp, stops Wind Use: 1. Edema2. Arthritis 3. Rheumatism4. Tremors5….

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Cymbopogon, Lemongrass

Cymbopogon, Lemongrass Bhutika (Ayurveda)Vasanaipillu (Siddha) Rumphius, G.E., Herbarium amboinense (1747) Lemongrass(Adam, 2019) Botanical name: Cymbopogon citratus Parts used: Herb Temperature & Taste: Cool, dry. Pungent, Bitter, Sour Uses: 1. Moves the Qi:-indigestion, colic, gas, cramps-menstrual cramps and pain-used for mild cases of anxiety, nervousness and hypertension 2. Clears Phlegm, Stops Cough:-Cough, Bronchitis with yellow Phlegm-Asthma,…

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Glycyrrhiza, Licorice, Gan Cao FREE

Glycyrrhiza, Licorice, Gan Cao 甘草 Liquorice, Dulcis radix (‘Sweet root’)Gan Cao (TCM)Yastimadhu (Ayurveda)Shing Mnar   ཤིང་མངར  (Tibetan)Asl us Soos (Unani) Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 New Kreuterbuch, Matthiolus, 1563 G. glabraAtlas der officinellen pflanzen (2), Felix, 1899 G. echinataDarstellung und Beschreibung sammtliche, Berg, 1858 Left:Three varieties of Licorice root available on the Chinese Market. The bottom…

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Electuary of Frankincense (Unani)

Electuary of Frankincense Tradition: Unani Source / Author: Herb Name CyperusAcornsCostusOlibanumGingerBlack PepperWhite Sugar Syrup Latin Cyperus rotundus Quercus spp. Saussurea lappa Boswellia sacra Zingiber officinalis Piper nigrum Syrupus Amount 210 grams 100 grams ea. 40 grams ea.1.8kg Preparation: Add the powdered herbs to the heated Syrup and mix well Function: Astringes to stop Leakage Use:…

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Powder Against Miscarriage

Pulvis Contra AbortumPowder Against Miscarriage Tradition: Western Source / Author: Corpus Pharmaceutico Chymico Medicum, 1697 Herb Name CloveNutmegTormentilPearlRed CoralGold leavesPearled Sugar (Manus Christi) Latin Eugenia caryophyllusMyristica fragransPotentilla tormentillaMargarita Corallum rubrumAurumSaccharum perlata Amount 1 scruple2 scruples 1⁄2 dram 1 scruple ea.33 drams Preparation: Powder finely and mix well Function: Regulates Qi, clears Heat, prevents Leakages, calms…

Geranium robertum, Herb Robert FREE

Geranium, Herb Robert Cranesbill is the common name of the GeraniumsGratia Dei (used for a number of Geranium species) Geranium robertumKrauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578 Geranium robertumFlora von Deutschland (21), Kohler, 1885 Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Botanical name: Geranium robertum (syn. G. robertianum) Parts used: Herb Temperature & Taste: Cool, dry. (Schroder said ‘temperately…


Decoction of Marshmallow root

Decoction of Marshmallow root Tradition: Western Source / Author: Herb Name Marshmallow root, bruisedRaisins, stoned Latin Althea officinalis Vitis vinifera Amount 4 oz.2 oz. Preparation: Boil gently in 7 pints down to 5 pints, strain, allow to cool and settle, then decant the clear. Function: Clears Heat, soothes Irritation, nourishes Yin, increases Qi Use: 1….

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Phlomis 7 (Lug mur bdun pa)

Lug mur bdun pa  ལུག་མུར་བདུན་པ་Phlomis 7 Tradition: Tibetan Source / Author: Herb Name Lug mur (Phlomis)A ru ra (Chebula)Cu gang (Tabasheer)Shing mngar (Licorice)Sro lo dkar poTsan dkar (White Sandal)Li shi (Clove) Latin Phlomis younghusbandiiTerminalia chebulaBambusa textilesGlycyrrhiza glabra Pegaeophyton scapiflorumSantalum albumEugenia caryophyllus Amount 150 grams100 grams150 grams70 grams150 grams60 grams30 grams Preparation: Powder and form Pills….

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Catechu 4 (Seng ldeng 4) (Tibetan Medicine)

Seng ldeng 4 Catechu 4 Tradition: Tibetan Source / Author: Herb Name Seng ldeng (Catechu)A ru ra (Chebula)Ba ru (Belleric)Skyu ru (Emblic) Latin Acacia catechu Terminalia chebula Terminalia bellirica Phyllanthus emblica Amount Preparation: Coarse powder (to be decocted) Function: Clears Heat and Damp, Promotes Urine, ease Pain Use: 1. Gout2. Heat-type Arthritis3. Edema4. ‘Yellow Water’5….

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Bao Yuan Tang

Bao Yuan Tang  保元汤Preserve the Basal Decoction Tradition: TCM Source / Author: Herb Name Rou Gui (Cinnamon)Ren Shen (Ginseng)Huang Qi (Astragalus)Zhi Gan Cao (Fried Licorice)Gan Jiang (Ginger) Latin Cinnamonum cassiaPanax ginsengAstragalus mongholicusGlycyrrhiza uralensisZingiber officinalis Amount 2 grams 6–9 grams 3 grams ea. Preparation: Decoction Function: Strengthens Spleen, Increases Qi, Warms the Yang Use: Fatigue, weakness,…

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