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Electuary to Restore Humidity (Arnold de Villa Nova)

Electuary to Restore Humidity Tradition: Western Source / Author: Arnold de Villa Nove Herb Name LicoriceRoseAniseedWhite SugarGum ArabicTragacanthWhite SandalwoodRed SandalwoodWhite Poppy seedLicorice juiceStarch Purslane seedChicory seedLettuce seedMelon seedGourd seedPumpkin seedCucumber seedQuince seedSweet AlmondsPine nutsSebestensCinnamonStyrax calamintaCotton seedMallow seedViolet Water LilyBarberry Latin Glycyrrhiza glabraRosa gallicaPimpinella anisumSaccharum albaAcacia arabicaAstragalus tragacanthSantalum albumPterocarpus santalinusPapaver somniferumSuccus GlycyrrhizaAmylum Portulaceae oleraceaChicorium intybusLactuosa sativaCitrullus…

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Diet Guidelines for Humoral Treatment

Diet Guidelines for Humoral Treatment MedicineTraditions is a subscription service for students and practitioners of Herbal and Traditional Medicine. A Unique Resource with the most comprehensive Materia Medica ever created, ‘s of Traditional Combinations and Formulas, Treatment of Disease, and ample Resources to help you become a Master.–SUBSCRIBE NOW– The Humors are formed from the…


Jiao Tai Wan

Jiao Tai Wan  交泰丸Grand Communication Pill Tradition: TCM Source / Author: Comprehensiue Medicine According to Master Han (Han Shi Yi Tong) Herb Name Huang Lian (Coptis)Rou Gui (Cinnamon) Latin Coptis chinensisCinnamomum cassia Amount 18 grams3 grams Preparation: Powder and form pills with Honey. Function: Balances Heart (Fire) and Kidney (Water) Use: Irritability, restlessness, severe Palpitations,…

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Haliotis, Abalone, Shi Jue Ming 石决明

Haliotis, Abalone, Shi Jue Ming 石决明 Abalone shellShi Jue Ming (TCM) Fischbuch, Gessner, Forrer, 1563 Manual of Conchology, Tryon, 1890 Abalone as a delicacy (Adam, 2017) Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Zoological name: Haliotis spp. Parts used: Shell Temperature & Taste: Cold, dry. Salty. Flesh is Neutral, Salty and Pungent Classification: I. Medicines…

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Thymus, Thyme FREE

Thymus, Thyme Serpyllum, Mother of Thyme Mother of Thyme: Serpillum, Serpyllum, Quendel–Ajagandha (Ayurveda)–Hasha, Jangali Pudina (Unani) ThymeOrtus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 SerpyllumOrtus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 Thyme (Left), Mother of Thyme (Right)New Kreuterbuch, Matthiolus, 1563 ThymeKoehler’s Medizinal Pflanzen, 1887 Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Botanical name: Thymus vulgaris; T. serpillum is Mother of ThymeSmall-leaved (most…

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Troches Proven for Hardness of the Liver (Nicolas)

Troches Proven for Hardness of the Liver Tradition: Western, Unani Source / Author: Medicamentorum Opus, Nicolai Myrepsus, 1625 Herb Name Scarlet PimpernelRhaponticIndian SpikenardBirthwort MaceAsarumAgnus CastusSennaPurslane seedWhite Poppy seedRoseCeltic SpikenardTabasheerHenbane seed Latin Anagallis arvensisRheum raponticumNardostachys jatamansiArsitolchia spp.Myristica fragransAsarum europeumVitex agnus-castusCassia angustifoliaPortulaceae oleraceaPapaver somniferum albaRosa gallica Valeriana celticaBambusae silicaeHyoscyamus niger Amount 1⁄2 oz. 1 oz. ea. 1⁄2…

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Troches of Spodium (Trochisci Spodii) (Mesue)

Trochisci Spodii Mesuae Troches of Spodium [Tabasheer] of Mesue Tradition: Western, Unani Source / Author: Mesue Herb Name RoseTabasheerPurslane seedLicorice juice Latin Rosa gallica Bambusae silicae Portulaceae oleracea Succus Glycyrrhiza Amount 7 drams 1⁄2 oz. 2 drams ea. Preparation: Powder and with mucilage of Psyllium seed, form Troches Function: Clears Heat from the Stomach and…

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Aromatic Rose Compound Lesser (Mesue)

Aromaticum Rosatum Minus Aromatic Rose Compound Lesser Tradition: Western, Unani Source / Author: Herb Name RoseAloeswoodYellow SandalwoodCinnamonMasticAmbergrisMusk Latin Rosa gallicaAquillaria agallochaSantalum citrinumCinnamonum zeylanicum Pistacia lentiscus Ambre grisMoschus Amount 10 drams 2 drams ea.4 drams 1 dr., 1 scr.2 scruples1 scruple Preparation: Powder, and with Syrup of Rose, form a Confection Function: Strengthen the Stomach, move…

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Electuary of Frankincense (Diaolibanum) (Nicholas)

DiaolibanumElectuary of Frankincense Tradition: Western Source / Author: Nicholas Herb Name CastoreumOpiumHenbane seedCassia woodIndian leafSaffronFrankincenseRhubarbAmomumMyrrhIndian SpikenardPellitoryEuphorbiumWhite PepperPeonyStoraxLong Pepper Latin CastoreumOpiumhyoscyamus nigerCinnamonum cassiaCinnamonum tamaleCrocus sativusBoswellia sacraRheum palmatumAmomum subulatumCommiphora molmolNardostachys jatamansiAnacylus pyrethrumEuphorbium resiniferaPiper albumPaeonia officinalisStyrax officinalisPiper longum Amount 4 drams ea.2 dr, 2 scr. 2 drams ea. 1 dr, 2 scr. ea.1 1⁄2 drams 2 1⁄2 scr….

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Veronica, Paul’s Betony PRO

Veronica, Paul’s Betony Speedwell Parkinson, Theatrum Botanicum, 1640 Deutschlands Flora in Abbildungen, Sturm, 1796 Veronica officinalis(Photo by Kurt Stüber) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Veronica officinalisSeveral varieties of Veronica were known and used:  1. Male Speedwell (V. officinalis)  2. Female Speedwell (or Fluelin)    i. Round-leaved    ii. Cornered-leaved    iii. Blue-floweredThat growing at the base of Oak trees was…

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Amaranthus spinosus PRO

Amaranthus spinosus Spiny AmaranthChaulai (Ayurveda) Bonelli, Giorgio, Hortus Romanus juxta Systema Tournefortianum (1783-1816) Botanical name: Amaranthus spinosus, A. polygamus Parts used: Whole plant; Seeds; Root Temperature & Taste: Cool, Sweet. Uses: 1. Clears Heat, Resists Poison: (West, Ayurveda)-Poisons, Toxic Fever-Intoxication, alcoholism; drowsiness due to poison or intoxication-High Fever, Chicken Pox, malaria-Boils, Eczema-Bites of Insects, Rats,…

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Zhen Gan Xi Feng Tang

Zhen Gan Xi Feng Tang 镇肝熄风汤Sedate Liver and Extinguish Wind Decoction Tradition: TCM Source / Author: Essays of Medicine Esteeming the Chinese and Respecting the Western, 1918–1934 Herb Name Niu Xi (Achyranthes)Dai Zhe Shi (Hematite)Long Gu (Fossil bones)Mu Li (Oyster shell)Gui Ban (Tortoise plastron)Xuan Shen (Scrophularia)Tian Men Dong (Asparagus) Bai Shao (White Peony) Yin Chen…

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