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Powder Purging Melancholy (Fuchs)

Powder Purging Melancholy Tradition: Western, Unani Source / Author: Fuchs (Nicolai Magni, De Medicis Pulveribus, 1545) Herb Name DodderLapis Armenius (Azurite) washed AgaricScammony prepared Clove Latin Cuscuta europea AzuritumFomitopsis officinalis Convovulus scammonia Eugenia caryophyllus Amount 1⁄2 oz. 2 drams ea.1 dram 20 in number Preparation: Powder Function: Purges Melancholy Use: 1. Melancholy diseases2. Dementia, Mental…

Diseases of the Breast

Diseases of the Breast Western Tradition To Firm the Breasts 1. Ivy leaf, boiled in Vinegar and applied, was said to sagging breasts to help them become firm and round.2. ‘A Garland made of Ivy berries, laid to the breasts of Women that hang flagging, gathers them up together decently, and makes them round; the…

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Powder to Strengthen the Stomach (Nicolas)

Powder to Strengthen the Stomach Tradition: Western, Unani Source / Author: Nicolas (Nicolai Magni, De Medicis Pulveribus, 1545) Herb Name Citron peelMasticCinnamonSugar of Roses Latin Citrus medicaPistacia lentiscusCinnamonum zeylanicumSaccharum Rosatum Amount 1 oz.1 dram 3 drams 1 1⁄2 oz. Preparation: Powder Function: Warms and Strengthen the Stomach, clears Damp, regulates Qi Use: Stomach weakness with…

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Potion for Ulcers of the Kidneys and Bladder

Potion for Ulcers of the Kidneys and Bladder Tradition: Western Source / Author: Pharmacopoea Dogmaticum Resititua, 1622 Herb Name ComfreySoloman’s SealBistortLadies MantlePlantainCrocus Martis prepared Latin Symphytum officinalePolygonatum officinalePolygonum bistortaAlchemilla vulgarisPlantago majus Iron oxide Amount 1 oz. ea. 1 handful ea.1 oz. Preparation: Powder, and macerate in hydromel (enough to cover by 4 fingers) Function: Clears…

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Powder Against Forgetfulness

Powder Against Forgetfulness Tradition: Western Source / Author: Grulingus Herb Name CubebElecampaneCaraway seedMaceCinnamonNutmegClove Latin Piper cubebaInula heleniumCarum carviMyristica fragransCinnamonum zeylanicumMyristica fragransEugenia caryophyllus Amount 1 1⁄2 oz. 1 oz. ea. 1 dram ea. Preparation: Powder Function: Clears Cold and Damp, Benefits the Brain Use: Poor or Failing Memory Dose: 1 dram with wine Cautions: None noted…

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Gargle for Swollen Tonsils (Wirtzung)

Gargle for Swollen Tonsils Tradition: Western Source / Author: Wirtzung Herb Name Red WineRosePomegranate peelGall, beatenLicorice Currant Latin Vinum rubrumRosa gallicaPunica granatumQuercus infectoriaGlycyrrhiza glabraRibes nigrum Amount 1 quart3 handfuls 2 in number 4 in number 1⁄2 oz.2 drams Preparation: Decoct until one quarter has wasted, strain and keep Function: clears Heat and Swelling, relieves Pain,…

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Meconopsis horridula, Tsher sngon PRO

Meconopsis horridula, Tsher sngon ཚེར་སྔོན Prickly blue poppy, Spiny meconopsisTsher sngon (Tibetan)Duo ci lu rong hao (TCM)Gul-e-Nilam (Unani)Kanderi (Ayurveda) Meconopsis horridulaPhoto by Ghislain118) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: There are 2 sources for this Medicine: Meconopsis horridula (syn. M. horridula var. rudis, M. pratti, M. racemosa, M. rudis, M. sinuata var. pratti) M. aculeata Parts used: Whole…

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Tiao Wei Cheng Qi Tang

Tiao Wei Cheng Qi Tang  调胃承气汤Regulate Stomach and Order the Qi Decoction Tradition: TCM Source / Author: Discussion of Cold Induced Disorders (Shang Han Lun) C.220 Herb Name Da Huang (Rhubarb root)Mang Xiao (Mirabilite)Zhi Gan Cao (Fried Licorice) Latin Rheum palmatumMirabilitumGlycyrrhiza uralensis honey-fried Amount 6–12 grams9–12 grams6 grams Preparation: Decoct Rhubarb and Licorice in 3…

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Pratia, Tong Chui Yu Dai Cao PRO

Pratia, Tong Chui Yu Dai Cao 铜锤玉带草 PratiaTong Chiu Yu Dai Cao (TCM) Pratia nummulariaLindley, J., Edwards’s Botanical Register (1830) Pratia nummularia(Photo by 阿橋) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Pratia nummularia (syn. P. beonifolia, P. zeylanica, Lobelia nummularia) Parts used: Whole herb Temperature & Taste: Neutral. Pungent, Sweet, Bitter Uses: 1. Clears Wind and Damp:-Wind-Damp Rheumatic Pain…

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Including Emphysema Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a group of chronic Lung diseases that obstruct airflow and cause difficulty breathing. Emphysema and chronic Bronchitis are the 2 most common causes. SymptomsShortness of breath, wheezing, chronic cough, breathless on exertion. Severe cases will have cyanosis of the lips, face and…

Regimen of Health, Maimonides, Introduction

Regimen of Health, Maimonides Introduction Moses ben Maimon ha–Sefardi (Maimonides, 1138–1204) was a Jewish physician who came from Maghrib to Egypt. He was a well versed physician and philosopher who had studied medicine with various masters (some claim he was a student of Avenzoar in Spain, other of Averroes in Cordova), and had significant influence…

Intro to Tibetan Medicine

Introduction to Traditional Tibetan Medicine Tibetan Medicine, Mongolian Medicine Tibetan Medicine is a merge of systems: the traditional ‘Bon’ medicine of Tibet, and Ayurveda, imported from India with the arrival of Buddhism. It also had a lot of influence from Greek medicine via the Arabs. Denpa Shere Menoche was born in 1917 BCE and is…

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