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The Four Humors

The Four Humors As with the Elements, the terms ‘Blood’, ‘Bile’, ‘Phlegm’, and ‘Melancholy’ are not taken in their normal or literal sense. Rather they refer to the basic building blocks of the body, both physical and energetic. They have commonly been translated in these names because they do refer to the physical Blood, Bile…

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Trichosanthes Fructus, Gua Lou PRO

Trichosanthes Fructus, Gua Lou 瓜蒌 Gua Lou (TCM) Dian Nan Ben Cao Tu Shuo (Illustrated Yunnan Pharmacopoeia) Ming Dynasty (1773 edition) (Welcome, Wikimedia) Trichosanthes kirilowii var. japonica(Photo by 杉山龍彦) (Wikimedia) Trichosanthes kirilowii fruit(Photo by 杉山龍彦) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Trichosanthes kirilowii (syn. T. japonica), T.  rosthornii (syn. T. uniflora) Parts used: Fruit Temperature & Taste: Cold,…

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Aquilaria, Aloeswood, Chen Xiang FREE

Aquilaria, Aloeswood, Chen Xiang 沉香 Eaglewood, Agar, Agarwood, Aloes Wood, Wood of AloesChen Xiang (TCM)Agaru (Ayurveda)A gar  ཨ་གར (Tibetan)Ood, Ood Hindi, Ood-ul Hindi, Ood Gharqi (Unani) Left: True Aloeswood; Center: Aloeswood tree; Right: ‘Spurious’ (false) AloeswoodMuseum Museorum, Valentini, 1704 A. agallocha (left)Royle, J.F., Illustrations of the botany and other branches of the naturalhistory of the…


Pleurisy Pleurisy in inflammation of the Pleura, causing pain when Breathing due to loss of lubrication. It can be associated with Pneumonia and various other diseases of the Lungs or Abdomen. The Classical symptom pattern is difficulty Breathing, Cough, pain of the sides and Fever. Opening the Basilic Vein on the opposite side often brings…

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Zi Xue Dan

Zi Xue Dan 紫雪丹Purple Snow Special Pill Tradition: TCM Source / Author: Imperial Grace Formulary of the Tai Ping Era Herb Name Shi Gao (Gypsum)Han Shui Shi (Calcite)Hua Shi (Talcum)Xi Jiao (Rhinoceros horn) *Ling Yang Jiao (Antelope)She Xiang (Musk)Xuan Shen (Scrophularia)Ci Shi (Magnetite)Sheng Ma (Cimicifuga)Zhi Gan Cao  (Fried Licorice)Qing Mu Xiang (Birthwort)Chen Xiang (Aloeswood)Ding Xiang…

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Acacia, Gum Arabic FREE

Acacia, Gum Arabic Egyptian ThornBabula (Ayurveda)Aqaqia (Unani) Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 Egyptian Acacia (left), Acacia of Dioscorides (right)Parkinson, Theatrum Botanicum, 1640 Flora Medica, Royal College of Physicians, 1829 Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Botanical name: Acacia arabica Parts used: Gum (‘Gum Arabic’); extract of the seed pods (‘Gum Acacia’)The bark is also used…

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Ruta, Rue PRO

Ruta, Rue ‘Herb of Grace’Sudab (Unani)Sitav (Ayurveda) Herbarius latinus, Petri, 1485 Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 Kohler’s Medizinal Pflanzen, 1887 Botanical name: Ruta graveolens Parts used: Herb; Seed Temperature & Taste: Warm, dry. Pungent, Bitter“Hot and Dry in the Second degree”. (Avicenna) Considered Cold in TCM, although it is rarely used. Classifications: 2C INCIDERS.    2D ATTENUATERS…

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Decoction to Promote Menstruation (Wirtzung)

Decoction to Promote Menstruation Tradition: Western Source / Author: Wirtzung Herb Name MugwortFeverfewPennyroyalBalmMallows Latin Artemisia vulgaris Tanacetum parthenium Mentha pulegium Melissa officinalis Malva sylvestris Amount 1 handful ea. Preparation: Seethe in 1 1⁄2 pints of wine down to 1 pint. Function: Moves the Blood, promotes Menstruation, eases Pain Use: 1. Amenorrhea2. Dysmenorrhea Dose: take half…

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Haritakyadi Guggul (Chebula and Bdellium Pills)

Haritakyadi GuggulChebula and Bdellium Pills Tradition: Ayurveda Source / Author: Brihad Nighantu Ratnakar Herb Name Haritaki (Chebula)Sunth (Ginger)VidharaGuggulu (Bdellium)Erand Tail (Castor Oil) Latin Terminalia chebulaZingiber officinaleArgyreia nervosaCommiphora mukulOleum Ricini Amount 1 part ea.6 partssufficient Preparation: Purified Bdellium is beaten in a mortar with a little Castor oil to form a paste. Gradually add the other…

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Agathosma, Buchu

Agathosma, Buchu Agathosma betulinaKöhler, Köhler’s Medizinal Pflanzen (1883-1914) Agathosma betulina(Photo by Margriet B) (Wikimedia) Left: Short Buchu; Right: Long BuchuSquibb’s Atlas of the Official Drugs, Mansfield, 1919 Botanical name: Agathosma betulina (syn. Barosma betulina, Diosma crenata)Three main varieties appear on the market:  1. A. betulina  2. A. serratifolia  3. A. cretulata Parts used: Leaf Temperature…

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Antidote for the Liver and Chronic Cough

Antidote for the Liver and Chronic Cough Tradition: Western, Unani Source / Author: Nicholas Alexandrinus (Medici Graeci, 1541) Herb Name CostusSaffronAloesStoraxMyrrhBitter AlmondGentianWormwoodCyperus Bay berry *Black PepperParsley seedAniseedFenugreek Honey Latin Saussurea lappaCrocus sativusAloe spp.Styrax officinalisCommiphora molmolPrunus amygdalus amaraGentiana lutea Artemisia absinthumCyperus rotundusLaurus nobilisPiper nigrumPetroselinum crispumPimpinella anisumTrigonella foenum-graecumMel Amount 10 drams ea.Sufficient * Daphnidon coctarum, as listed…

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Nelumbo Plumuia, Lotus Plumule, Lian Zi Xin FREE

Nelumbo Plumuia, Lotus Plumule, Lian Zi Xin 莲子心 Lian Zi Xin (TCM) Descourtilz, M.E., Flore médicale des Antilles, vol. 8 (1829) Nelumbo nucifera Illustrations of Indian Botany, Wight, 1840 Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Botanical name: Nelumbo nucifera Parts used: Plumule Temperature & Taste: Cold, dry. Bitter Uses: 1. Clears Heart Fire: -Fever…

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