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Ba Zhen Tang (TCM)

Ba Zhen Tang 八珍汤Eight Treasure Decoction Tradition: TCM Source / Author: Experiential Formulas from the Auspicious Bamboo Hall, 1326 Herb Name Ren Shen (Ginseng)Dang Gui (Chinese angelica)Bai Zhu (White Atractylodes) Fu Ling (Poria)Shu Di Huang (Rehmannia)Bai Shao (White Peony)Chuan Xiong (Sichuan lovage) Zhi Gan Cao (Fried Licorice) Latin Panax ginsengAngelica sinensisAtractylodes macrocephalaPoria cocosRehmannia glutinosaPaeonia lactifloraLigusticum…

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Delphinium grandiforum, Bya rkang PRO

Delphinium grandiflorum, Bya rkang བྱ་རྐང༌ Bya rkang, བྱ་རྐང༌ (Tibetan)Dakhangu (Sanskrit); Asbarg (Hindi)D. grandiflorum: Cui Que Hua (TCM)D. kamaonense: Zhan Mao Cui Que Hua (TCM) Delphinium grandiflorum(The Botanical Register, Edward’s, 1820) Delphinium grandiflorum ‘Dwarf Blue Butterfly’(Photo by David Stang) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Delphinium grandiflorumThe Delphiniums are difficult to classify and have many varieties. Over 2 dozen…

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Betel Immense Pleasure Giver (Gu yu bde dpags)

Go yu bde dpags  གོ་ཡུ་བདེ་བའི་དཔག་བསམ།Betel Immense Pleasure Giver Tradition: Tibetan Source / Author: Herb Name Gu yu (Betel nut)Mkhal zho dkar po (Erythrina)Brag zhun (Shilajit)Gla rtsi (Musk)Sra Bras (Java Plum)Jam bras (Fever nut)Sug smel (Cardamon)Bre Ga (Thlaspi)Dngul chu (Mercury prepared)Dbang po lag pa (Gymnadenia)Ra mnye (Solomans Seal)Nye shing (Asparagus root)Lca ba (Angelica)Ba spru (Mirabilis)Gze ma…

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Galangae, Galangal, Gao Liang Jiang PRO

Galangae, Galangal, Gao Liang Jiang 高良姜 Gao Liang Jiang (‘High Mountain Ginger’) (TCM)Kulanjana (Ayurveda) Perarattai (Siddha)Khulanjaan (Unani)Don gra  དོང་གྲ  (Tibet) Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 Parkinson, Theatrum Botanicum, 1640 Lesser Galangal, Alpina officinarumBotanische wandplaten (1904–1914) Kaempferia galangaRedouté, P.J., Les Liliacées, (1805-1816 Greater and Lesser Galangal rootHerbarium, Matthioli (Polish), 1596 ALIPNA1. Annulate, wavy leaf bases or scars….

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Lapis Armenius, Azurite

Lapis Armenius, Azurite Armenian StoneLapis Ligurius; MelochitesHajar Armani (Unani)Mthing sngon  མཐིང་སྔོན་ (Tibetan) Hortus sanitatis, 1491 Ortus Sanitatis, Beck, 1517 Azurite crystalsPhoto by Parent Gery (Wikimedia) Mineralogical name: Azuritum Parts used: Washed and prepared stone Temperature & Taste: Neutral (slightly Cool), Dry. Sweet, Sour, slightly Toxic Uses: 1. Clears Wind-Phlegm, Calms the Mind and Spirit:-Apoplexy, Convulsions,…

BOOK PAGEDispantaorium Cordus

MedicineTraditions–Important Texts Dispensatorium of Valerius Cordus Many editions of the Dispensatory of Valerius Cordus were printed, this edition being from 1559.  Text:Dispensatorium Author & Tradition:Valerius CordusWestern (European) Year PublishedFirst edition was 1542 Brief OverviewValerius Cordus was a German physician, botanist and pharmacologist who wrote the first Pharmacopeia of Northern Europe. He collected a number of…

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Morus Cortex, Mulberry bark, Sang Bai Pi FREE

Morus Cortex, Mulberry Bark, Sang Bai Pi 桑白皮 Sang Bai Pi (TCM) Morus albaBotanische wandplaten (Plantillustrations) Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Botanical name: Morus alba Parts used: Root-Bark Temperature & Taste: Cold, dry. Sweet. Some older TCM sources said it was Warm, others said Neutral Classifications: Q. Stop Cough and Wheezing Uses: 1….

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Spring Onion, Cong Bai

Allium fistulosum, Spring Onion, Cong Bai 葱白 Scallion, Green OnionCong Bai (TCM) Vietz, F.B., Icones plantarum medico-oeconomico-technologicarum, vol. 3 (1806) Botanical name: Allium fistulosumRelated Allium species are used similarly including A. macrostemon (Chinese Chive) Parts used: White part of the fresh stalks Temperature & Taste: Warm, dry. Pungent Classification: A. Clear Exterior Wind-Cold Uses: 1….

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Pluchea, Rasana PRO

Pluchea, Rasana Rasana, Rasnika, Rasa (Ayurveda)Rasna, Rasan, Zanjbeel-Shaami (Unani) Pluchea indicaWight, R., Illustrations of Indian botany, or figures illustrative of each of the natural orders of Indian plants (1850) Pluchea. indica leaf(Photo by Forest & Kim Starr) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Pluchea lanceolataDifferent plants are used for Rasana in different parts of India: Pluchea lanceolata is…


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Powder of Gum Lacca Greater (Dialacca Majores) (Mesue)

Dialacca MajoresPowder of Gum Lacca Greater Tradition: Western, Unani Source / Author: Mesue Herb Name Gum Lacca washedRhubarbSchoenanthIndian SpikenardMastic Wormwood thickened juiceAgrimony thickened juiceCelery seedAniseed Fennel seedAmmi seedSavinBitter Almonds (blanched)Myrrh Costus (or Zedoary)MadderAsarabaccaLong BirthwortRound BirthwortGentian SaffronCinnamonHyssopCassia WoodBdelliumBlack PepperGinger Latin Laccifer laccaRheum palmatumCymbopogon schoenanthusNardostachys jatamansiPistacia lentiscusArtemisia absinthumAgrimonia eupatoriaApium graveolensPimpinella anisumFoeniculum vulgareAmmi majusJuniperus sabinaPrunus amygdalus amara Commiphora…

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