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Cuscuta semen, Dodder, Tu Si Zi FREE

Cuscuta Semen, Dodder seed, Tu Si Zi 菟丝子 Tu Si Zi (TCM)Kasoos (Unani)Sbrul zhags སྦྲུལ་ཞགས (Tibet) Left: Dodder, Cuscuta ; Right: Dodder of Thyme, EpithymumKreutterbuch, Matthiolus, 1586 C. europeaBritish Phaenogamous Botany, Baxter, 1834 C. vulgaris (syn. C. epilinum)Flora von Deutschland (16), Kohler, 1884 Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Botanical name: Cuscuta spp.European is…

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Douche for Uterine Cancer (Riverius)

Douche for Uterine Cancer Tradition: Western Source / Author: Riverius (Opera Medica, 1737) Herb Name Barley waterNightshade waterPlantain waterVeronica waterWhite Troches of RhasisSugar of Lead Latin Aqua HordeumAqua SolanumAqua PlantagoAqua Veronica Lead acetate Amount 1⁄2 lb. 2 oz. ea. 1 oz.2 drams 1 dram Preparation: Mix the waters together, then mix in the Lead acetate…

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Extraordinary Confection for Epilepsy

Extraordinary Confection for Epilepsy Tradition: Western, Unani Source / Author: De morbis internis curandis, Mesue, 1551 Herb Name PellitorySiler MontaneStoechasAgaricCardamonHyssopRound BirthwortAsphodelLicoriceBalsam fruitPeony Latin Anacyclus pyrethrumSiler trilobumLavendula stoechasFomitopsis officinalisElettaria cardamomumHyssopus officinaleAristolchia rotundaAsphodelus spp.Glycyrrhiza glabraCommiphora opobalsamumPaeonia officinalis Amount 10 drams ea.5 drams 2 drams ea. Preparation: Decoct equal parts of Squill juice and Honey, then add the…

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Powder for Hoarseness of the Throat

Powder for Hoarseness of the Throat Tradition: Western Source / Author: Serapion Herb Name StarchTabasheerRoseSaffronSugar CandyCardamonCamphor Latin AmylumBambusae silicaeRosa gallicaCrocus sativusSaccharum candiiElettaria cardamomumCamphora Amount 5 drams2 drams3 drams1 dram4 drams 1⁄2 dram ea. Preparation: Powder Function: Clears Heat, Soothes the Throat Use: 1. Hoarseness2. May be used for itchiness and irritation of the Throat Dose:…

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Wishfulfilling Garuda (Bsam khyung)

Bsam khyung བསམ་ ཁྱུང་Wish-fulfilling Garuda Tradition: Tibetan Medicine Source / Author: Herb Name Cu gang (Tabasheer)Gur gum (Safflower)Li shi (Clove)Dza ti (Nutmeg) Sug smel (Cardamon)Ka ko la (Amomum)Tsan dkar (White Sandal)Tsan dmar (Red Sandal)Ar ga ru (Aloeswood)Gla rtsi (Musk) *Gi wan (Bezoar) *Mu tig (Pearl)Bse ru (Rhino horn) **A ru ra (Chebula)Ba ru (Belleric)Skyu ru…

Cinchona PRO

Cinchona Quinine tree, Peruvian bark, Jesuits bark Top: C. officinalisBottom Left: C. cordifolia, Bottom Right: C. oblongifoliaMedical Botany, Stephenson and Churchill, 1836 Varieties of Pale Cinchona barkHortus Medicus, Graves, 1834 Yellow (left) and Red (right) CinchonaHortus Medicus, Graves, 1834 Botanical name: Cinchona spp. particularly C. officinalis (syn. C. robusta), ‘Pale’ CinchonaThree main types were recognised:…

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Silkworm Cocoon

Silkworm Cocoon Abresham (Unani)Za og bsregs thal (Burnt Silk, Tibetan) Silkworm farmingMuseum Museorum, Valentini, 1704 Silkworm, Silkworm Cocoon, SilkInsectorum sive Minimorum Animalium Theatrum, 1634 Raw Silkworm Cocoons (Photo by Biswarup Ganguly) (Wikimedia) Types of raw Silk available on the Indian market:1 & 2 (Far Left & Left): Assamese Cocoons: Samia cynthia Red and White; 3:…

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Caragana 6 Decoction (Mdzo mo drug thang)

Mdzo mo drug thang   མཛོ་མོ་ དྲུག་ ཐང་Caragana 6 Decoction Tradition: Tibetan Source / Author: Men Tsee Kang Herb Name Mdzo mo shing (Caragana)Ma nu (Inula)Ka ko la (Greater Cardamon) Go yu (Betel nut)Sug smel (Lesser Cardamon) Sman sga (Ginger) Latin Caragana jubataInula racemosaAmomum subulatumAreca catechuElettaria cardamomumZingiber officinalis Amount 20 grams20 grams10 grams10 grams10 grams10 grams…

Burdock root & Yarrow

Burdock root & Yarrow Burdock root effectively clears Heat and Poison from the Blood, being used for all foul and impure conditions of the Blood. It is used for various chronic skin diseases, diseases of the Joints, as well as chronic toxicity of the whole body.    Yarrow moves the Blood while helping stop Bleeding, thereby…


Pregnancy See also FertilityThreatened Miscarriage Western Tradition General Medicines for use During PregnancySyrup of Quince with Spices (Nicholas)Electuary of Pearl (Avicenna)Aromatic Rose Compound (Aromaticum Rosatum)New Rose Powder (Rosata Novella) (Nicholas)Powder to Strengthen in Pregnancy Morning SicknessAromatic Rose Powder (Aromaticum Rosatum)Decoction for Morning Sickness (Ayurveda) Poor Appetite During PregnancyAromatic Rose Powder (Aromaticum Rosatum)Powder for Pica 1….


Prolapse Western Tradition Of the Rectum1. Take fresh Galls, boil in wine, powder and apply to the Anus. Or use a decoction of Galls topically, or as a Sitz bath.2. Acorn cups, Frankincense, burnt Wormwood, Galls, burnt Pomegranate flowers, burnt Mussel shells (topically)3. Wash with a decoction of Plantain, then apply a poultice of Agrimony…

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