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Pills to Aggregate Greater (Mesue)

Pilulae Aggregative Majores Pills to Aggregate Greater Tradition: Western, Unani Source / Author: Mesue Herb Name BdelliumBlack MyrobalanBelleric MyrobalanEmblic MyrobalanTurbithCelery seedFennel seedAniseedCarawayAmmiOreganoIndian NasturtiumWild RueColchicumIndian SaltMasticSpikenard,CalamusGingerCinnamonCardamonSaffronColocynthCassia WoodSagapenSugar PenidsAloe Latin Commiphora mukulTerminalia chebula (black)Terminalia bellericaEmblica officinalisOperculina turpethumApium graveolensFoeniculum vulgarePimpinella anisumCarum carviAmmi majusOreganum vulgareNasturtium sppPeganum harmalaColchicum autumnaleSal IndiiPistacia lentiscusNardostachys jatamansiAcorus calamusZingiber officinalisCinnamonum zeylanicumElettaria cardamomumCrocus sativusCitrullus colocynthusCinnamonum cassiaFerula persicaPenidarumAloe…

Cinnamon, Clove & Nutmeg

Cinnamon, Clove & Nutmeg This trio Warms the Kidneys, increases Yang, clears Cold and Damp, potently regulates Wind and Qi, promotes Circulation and Digestion.    Specifically, Cinnamon Warms the Kidney Yang, and has a special effect of guiding the Kidney Yang back to its source. Clove potently guides the Qi of the body, especially the Yang…


12 Formulas for Cough The Purpose of our ’12 Formulas’ Pages are to illustratevarious formulas used to treat a specific condition on one page. This can be useful to help Practitioners develop their own Formulas. Emplastic Pills of Galen   Licorice juice  Gum Arabic  Tragacanth 1 oz. ½ oz. each Form pills with Sapa. Powder for…

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Caper, Capparis spinosa

Capparum, Capers Classical western names include: cynosbaton, capria, coracos melon, ophioscordon, ophiostaphylon, petraia, holophyton, aeichloron, hippomanes, trichomanes Karira, Apatra (Ayurveda)Kabar, Kabar-ul-Hindi (Unani)Chengan (Siddha)Lao Shu Gua (TCM) Gart der Gesundheit, Cuba, 1485 Krauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578 Flora von Deutschland (14), Kohler, 1883 Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Botanical name: Capparis spinosaRound and Pointed Leaf varieties…

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Melia azedarach, Ku Lian Pi PRO

Melia azedarach, Ku Lian Pi 苦楝皮 Persian Lilac, Pride of India, ChinaberryMahanimba (Ayurveda)Bakayan, Bakain, Azad Darakht (Unani)Malaivembu (Siddha)Ku Lian Pi (TCM) Melia azedarachF.A. Michaux, The North American sylva, vol. 3 (1819) Melia azedarach fruit, used in Unani(Unani Medicine College, Kolkata, Adam, 2019) Botanical name: Melia spp. M. azedarach M. dubia is used in some parts…

Borage & Fumitory

Borage & Fumitory Borage is Cool, Moist, and slightly Sweet and Bitter, and is appropriated to the Spleen and Heart. It has long been regarded as a potent ‘Cordial’ (medicine which strengthens and benefits the Heart), good to clear Heat, calm the Mind and Spirits, and clear Melancholy.    Fumitory is Cold, Dry, and Bitter. It…

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Thirst Western Tradition Vehement Thirst 1. For Vehement Thirst, mix oil and water, heat a little and drink, then vomit it up. Repeat if necessary. It is very good to cure vehement Thirst. (The Secrets of Alexis, 1615)2. Soft roasted Egg yolks, mixed with a little Oil and eat, cures thirst. These are to be…

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Antidote Experienced Against Cold Gout & All Feet Pain

Antidotum Experum Contra Frigidam Podagram & Omnes Pedum DoloresAntidote Experienced Against Cold Gout & All Feet Pain Tradition: Wetsern, Unani Source / Author: Nicholas Alexandrinus (Medici Graeci, 1541) Herb Name ColchicumScammony preparedTurbithEuphorbiumCloveIndian SpikenardCinnamonGingerGalangalLong BirthwortCostusCyperusSaxifrageWhite GromwellButchers Broom seedAsparagus seedNettle seedZedoaryMyrrhCuminBlack PepperCarrot seedLemon seedHoney Latin Colchicum autumnaleConvovulus scammoniaOperculina turpethumEuphorbium resiniferaEugenia caryophyllusNardostachys jatamansi Cinnamonum zeylanicumZingiber officinalis Alpina officinarumAristolchia…

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Angelica dahurica, Bai Zhi FREE

Angelica dahurica, Bai Zhi 白芷 Bai Zhi (TCM) Angelica dahurica(Photo by Alicia-C) (Wikimedia) Whole Sichuan Angelica dahurica Bai Zhi (Adam, 2017) Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Botanical name: Angelica dahurica, A. dahurica var. formosana Parts used: Root Temperature & Taste: Warm, dry. Pungent Classification: A. Clear Exterior Wind-Cold Uses: 1. Clears Wind-Damp, Promotes…

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Powder to Purge in Ascites (Nicolas)

Powder to Purge in Ascites Tradition: Western Source / Author: Nicolas (Nicolai Magni, De Medicis Pulveribus, 1545) Herb Name WormwoodTurbithOpopanaxFennel seedAniseedCelery seedMaceMulleinAloeswoodSpurge (Tithymallus)Mastic Squinanth Latin Artemisia absinthumOperculina turpethumCommiphora guidottiiFoeniculum vulgarePimpinella anisumApium graveolensMyristica fragransVerbascum thapsusAquillaria agallochaEuphorbia helioscopiaPistacia lentiscusJuncus odoratus Amount 5 drams ea. 2 drams ea. Preparation: Powder Function: Opens Obstruction, purges Water Use: Ascites Dose:…

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Chebula 18 (A Ru 18) (Tibetan Medicine)

A ru bcu brgyad  ཨ་རུ་བཅོ་བརྒྱད།Chebula 18 Tradition: Tibetan Source / Author: Herb Name A ru ra (Chebula)Shug pa tsher can (Juniper) **Lcam pa (Mallow seed)Mkhal ma zho sha (Sword Bean) ***Zhu mkhan (Symplocos leaf)Rgya skyegs (Lacca) Btsod (Madder)A bras (Mango stone)Sa bras (Java plum)Gur gum (Safflower)Jam bras (Indian Beech)Tig ta (Swertia)Gser bye (Mica)Brag zun (Shilajit)Sug…

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