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Thlaspi 13 (Bre ga bcu gsum)

Bre ga bcu gsum   བྲེ་ག་བཅུ་གསུམ་Thlaspi 13 Tradition: Tibetan Source / Author: Men Tsee Kang Herb Name Bre ga (Treacle Mustard) seedA ‘bras (Fever nut) **Sra ‘bras (Eugenia) **‘jam-‘bras (Mango kernel) **Tskhos (Lacca)Btsod (Madder)Zhu mkhan (Symplocos)Shug pa tsher canA ru (Chebula)Sug smel (Cardamon)Mkhal zo dkar poGser me (Herpetospermum) ***Ba sha ka (Adhatoda) Latin Thlaspi arvenseCaesalpinia…

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Powder of Musk Sweet (Diamoschu Dulce) (Mesue)

Diamoschu DulceSweet Powder of Musk Tradition: Western, Unani Source / Author: Mesue Herb Name SaffronDoronicumZedoaryAloeswoodMace PearlSilk toastedWhite AmberRed Coral prepared Gallia Moschata BasilRed BehenWhite BehenIndian leafIndian SpikenardCloveGingerCubebLong PepperMusk Latin Crocus sativusDoronicum hookeriCurcuma zedoariaAquillaria agallochaMyristica fragransMargarita SericumSuccinumCorallum rubruma compoundOcinum basilicumSalvia hemotodesCentaurea behenCinnamonum tamalaNardostachys jatamansiEugenia caryophyllusZingiber officinalis Piper cubebaPiper longumMoschus Amount 2 drams ea. 2 1⁄2 drams…

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Douche for Ulcers of the Uterus

Douche for Ulcers of the Uterus Tradition: Western Source / Author: Herb Name Comfrey rootBistortPlantainHorsetailShepherd’s PurseSanicle PilosellaYarrowRose Latin Symphytum officinalePolygonum bistortaPlantago majusEquisetum arvenseCapsella bursa-pastorisSanicula europaeaHieracium pilosellaAchillea millefoliumRosa gallica Amount 1 oz. ea. 1 handful ea. 1⁄2 handful Preparation: Decoct Function: Astringent, clears Heat, clears Foulness, promotes Healing Use: 1. Ulcers of the Uterus2. May be…

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Colocynth, Coloquintida PRO

Colocynth, Coloquintida Bitter AppleHanzal (Unani)Arruthummati (Unripe fruit) (Siddha) Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 Mesue, Opera de Medica, 1589 Della Materia Medicinale, Andrea Valuassori, 1562 Krauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578 Botanische wandplaten, 1904–1914 (Köhler’s Medizinal Pflanzen, 1897) Above: Colocynth Fruit(A Text-book of Botany and Pharmacognosy, Kraemer, 1909) Right: Colocynth pulp1, Part of a compressed cake of colocynth pulp. 2,…

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Lasiosphaera seu Calvatia, Puffball

Lasiosphaera seu Calvatia, Puffball, Ma Bo 马勃 Fuss Balls, Puck-FistsBovista, Fungus Chirurgorum, Crepitus Lupi (Latin)Ma Bo 马勃 (TCM)Pha bad go dgo rigs ཕ་བད་གོ་དགོ (Tibet) PuffballSalmon, Botanologia, 1710 Lycoperdon bovistaE. Hamilton, Flora homoeopathica, vol. 1 (1852) Lycoperdon coronatumM.E. Descourtilz, Flore médicale des Antilles, vol. 2: (1822) Giant PuffballCalvatia gigantea (syn. Lycoperdon gigantea)A.M. Hussey [born Reed], Illustrations…

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Rhodiola 4 Decoction (Sro lo bzhi thang) (Tibetan Medicine)

Sro lo bzhi thang  སྲོ་ལོ་ བཞི་ཐང་Rhodiola Four Decoction Tradition: Tibetan Source / Author: Men Tsee Kang Herb Name Sro lo dmar po (Rhodiola) *Shing mngar (Licorice)Rgya skyegs (Lacca)Ga dur (Geranium) ** Latin Rhodiola crenulataGlycyrrhiza glabraLaccifer laccaGeranium wallichianum Amount 40 grams20 grams20 grams35 grams * Some sources listed Sro lo dkar po, Pegaeophyton scapiflorum or Solms-laubachia…

Tincture of Honey

Tinctura MellisTincture of Honey Tradition: Western Source / Author: Herb Name Best HoneySpirit of WineFine, white, dry sand Latin MelSpiritum VitaeArena Amount 2 lbs.2 lbs.3 lbs. Preparation: Digest in a warm place in a sealed bottle; strain, and evaporate in B.M. to the thickness of Honey.Some used ‘Spirit of Wine twice rectified from Carminatives’, meaning…

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Catechu Wood, Seng ldeng

Catechu Wood, Seng ldeng སེང་ལྡེང༌ Seng ldeng  (Tibetan) Acacia catechuBotanische wandplaten, 1904–1914 Acacia catechuAn Encyclopaedia of useful and ornamental Plants, Burnett, 1852 Botanical name: A large number of plants supply Seng ldengWhite: Acacia catechu Cephalotaxus sinensis Taxus yunnanensi (Gsom seng ldeng) Red: Xanthoceras sorbifolium (Tsan dan seng ldeng) Caesalpinia sappan Yellow: Rhamnella gilgitica, R. forrestii,…


2P. Hemostatics Styptics; Medicines that Stop Bleeding. Materia Medica in Arabic & Persian, Shirazy, 1793 These are medicines which stop bleeding. In general, Bleeding may be either of a Heat type or Cold type. Types of Bleeding:1. Heat-type Bleeding–In this case the Blood is bright red, fresh and flows freely. It is seen in either…

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Juniperus, Juniper PRO

Juniperus, Juniper Abhal (Unani) JuniperGart der Gesundheit, Cuba, 1485 Herbarius latinus, Petri, 1485 Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 Koehler’s Medizinal Pflanzen, 1887 Botanical name: Juniperus communis Parts used: Fruit; rarely the Wood or Gum Temperature & Taste: Warm, dry. Pungent, Bitter“Some physicians hold it to be Hot and Dry in the Third degree”. (Avicenna) Classifications: 2B…

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Powder to Stop Bleeding (Wirtzung)

Powder to Stop Bleeding Tradition: Western Source / Author: Wirtzung Herb Name Armenian EarthMarshmallow rootGum ArabicDragon’s Blood Latin Terra Armenius Althea officinalis Acacia arabica Daemonorops draco Amount 10 grains 5 grains ea. Preparation: Powder Function: Moistens, clears Heat, stops Bleeding Use: 1. Various types of Bleeding associated with Heat and dryness Dose: This is taken…

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Uncaria, Gou Teng PRO

Uncaria, Gou Teng 钩藤 Gou Teng (TCM)Khung sder  ཁུང་སྡེར་ (“Claws of Garuda”) (Tibet) Ohwi, J. , Flora of Japan (1965) Photo of branch showing the curved hooks(Photo by keisotyo) Botanical name: Uncaria spp.Various species are used: U. rhynchophylla U. macrophylla U. hirsuta U. sinensis U. sessiliffructus U. scandens (syn. U. pilosa, also used in Tibet)…

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