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Powder to Purge Phlegm (Unani)

Powder to Purge Phlegm Tradition: Unani Source / Author: Dispensatory of Ibn at Tilmid Herb Name Sonth (Ginger)Turbud (Turbith)Misri (Sugar) Latin Zingiber officinalis Operculina turpethum Saccharum Amount 10 drams ea. Preparation: Powder Function: Purges Phlegm Use: Used to Purge Phlegm in all types of Phlegm diseases. This is a major medicine for purging Phlegm. It…


Pain Dolor is the Latin word … in English it is named Pain or Dolour, the which may be many ways,as by sickness of the body, or disquietness of a man’s mind. (Boordes Book of Knowledge, 1542) Pain has several types and causes. Some of the main causes of Pain include: Inflammation–inflammation and congestion irritates…


Hypocistus Succus Hypocistidis, Hypocystis HypocistusKrauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578 HypocistusNew Kreuterbuch, Matthiolus, 1563 HypocistusKreutterbuch, Matthiolus, 1586 Cytinus hypocistusWilhelm, Flora of Germany, Austria and Switzerland, 1885 Cytinus hypocistus(Photo by Acord H. Brisse) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Cytinus hypocistus (growing on Cistus ladanifer) Parts used: Dehydrated juice of the fruit or whole plantNOTE: this was described as an excretion or…

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Cepa, Onion FREE

Cepa, Onion Piyaz (Unani) Herbarius latinus, Petri, 1485 Dioscorides Materia Medica, Mathias, 1563 Two varieties of OnionKreutterbuch, Matthiolus, 1586 Left: A. oleraceum, Right: A. cepaFlora von Deutschland, Kohler, 1886 Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Botanical name: Allium cepaVarious related species are used similarly: Spring Onion: A. fistulosum; Chinese Onion: A. macrostemon, A. oleraceum…

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Raphani hortensis et sylvestris, Radish and Horseradish PRO

Raphani hortensis et sylvestris, Radish, Garden & Horse-radish Radish:–Turb (Unani)Radish Seed–Lai Fu Zi 莱菔子 (TCM)–Tukhm e Turb (Unani) Gart der Gesundheit, Cuba, 1485 Herbarius latinus, Petri, 1485 Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 Della Materia Medicinale, Andrea Valuassori, 1562 New Kreuterbuch, Matthiolus, 1563 HorseradishCochlearia armoraciaFlora von Deutschland (14), Kohler, 1883 Botanical name: Raphanus sativa: Garden RadishCochlearia armoracia:…

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Pills for Alopecia from Phlegm

Pills for Alopecia from Phlegm Tradition: Western Source / Author: Enchiridion Medicum, Petrus Pomarius, 1612 Herb Name AloeScammony preparedColocynth pulpMasticBdellium Latin Aloe spp.Convovulus scammoniaCitrullus colocynthusPistacia lentiscusCommiphora mukul Amount equal parts Preparation: Powder and with Wormwood juice form a Pill mass, from 1 dram, make 6 pills. Function: Purges Phlegm, opens Obstructions Use: 1. Alopecia associated…

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Decoction for Wounds

Decoctum Traumaticum Decoction for Wounds Tradition: Western Source / Author: Herb Name AgrimonyMugwortAngelicaSt. John’s wortMouse-earSouthernwoodBetony Bugle, with rootsComfrey, with rootsGreater PlantainRibwort PlantainAvens TormentilRaspberry budsOak budsWormwood Latin Agrimonia eupatoriaArtemisia vulgarisAngelica archangelicaHypericum perforatumHieracium pilosellaArtemisia abrotanumBetonica officinalisAjuga reptensSymphytum officinalePlantago majusPlantago lanceolataGeum herbanumPotentilla tormentillaRubus fructicosusidaeusQuercus spp. Artemisia absinthum Amount 2 handfuls ea. 1 handful ea. 1⁄2 handful Preparation: the…

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Bletilla, Bai Ji PRO

Bletilla, Bai Ji 白芨 Hardy Orchid, BletillaBai Ji (TCM)Pa To La  པ་ཏོ་ལ  (Tibetan) Curtis’s Botanical Magazine, vol. 36 (1812) Bletilla striata(Photo by Sten Porse) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Bletilla striata (syn. B. hyacinthina, Cymbidium hyacinthinum, Limodorum striatum) (Official species)Bletilla ochracea and B. formosanare are also used, and are often considered substitutes. Parts used: Tuber Temperature &…

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Eugenia jambolana, Jambu

Eugenia jambolana, Jambu Java Plum, Black Plum, Black Cherry, JambolanJambu, Mahaphala, Phalendra (Ayurveda)Jamum (Unani)Naval (Siddha)sra ‘bras (Tibetan)Wu Mo is the name of the leaf, used in TCM. Eugenia jambolanaHerbarium Amboinense, Rumpf, 1755 Eugenia jambolanaHoola van Nooten, B., Fleurs, fruits et feuillages choisis de l’ille de Java: peints d’apres nature, 1880 Botanical name: Eugenia jambolana (syn….

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Restorative of Nicholas (Pleres Arconticon) (Nicholas)

Pleres ArconticonRestorative of Nicholas Tradition: Western, Unani Source / Author: Nicholas Myrepsus Herb Name CinnamonCloveGalangalAloeswoodNutmegIndian SpikenardGingerTabasheerSchoenanthCypress nutsRose VioletMaceLicoriceMasticStoraxBasil seedMarjoramCostmaryCardamonLong PepperWhite PepperMyrtle berriesCitron peel Red BehenWhite BehenPearlRed CoralSilk torrefiedMuskCamphor Latin Cinnamonum zeylanicumEugenia caryophyllusAlpina officinarumAquillaria agallochaMyristica fragransNardostachys jatamansiZingiber officinalisBambusae silicaeCymbopogon schoenanthusCupressus semperviensRosa gallica Viola odorataMyristica fragransGlycyrrhiza glabraPistacia lentiscusStyrax officinalisOcinum basilicumOreganum marjoranaBalsamita majorElettaria cardamomumPiper longum Piper albumMyrtus communisCitrus…

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Zhi Gan Cao Tang

Zhi Gan Cao Tang 炙甘草汤Honey-fried Licorice Decoction Tradition: TCM Source / Author: Discussion of Cold-induced Disorders (Shang Han Lun) Herb Name Zhi Gan Cao (Fried Licorice)Ren Shen (Ginseng)Gui Zhi (Cinnamon twig)Sheng Di Huang (Rehmannia)Mai Men Dong (Ophiopogon)E Jiao (Donkey hide gelatin)Huo Ma Ren (Cannabis seed)Sheng Jiang (fresh Ginger)Da Zao (Jujube) Latin Glycyrrhiza uralensisPanax ginsengCinnamomum cassiaRehmannia…

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Sea Buckthorn 5 (Star bu 5) (Tibetan Medicine)

Star bu lnga pa  སྟར་བུ་ལྔ་པ།Sea Buckthorn 5 Tradition: Tibetan Source / Author: Herb Name Star Bu (Sea Buckthorn)Ru rta (Costus) Rgun ‘brum (Raisin)Shing Mngar (Licorice)Skyu ru ra (Emblic) Latin Hippophae rhamnoidesSaussurea lappaVitis viniferaGlycyrrhiza glabraEmblica officinalis Amount 30 grams25 grams20 grams15 grams10 grams Preparation: Powder or Pills Function: Clears Lung Heat, clears Heat-Phlegm, stops Cough and…

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