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Earthworm, Di Long PRO

Earthworm, Di Long 地龙 Di Long ‘Earth Dragon’ (TCM)Kharateen (Unani) Materia Medica Animalia, Peter Peyto Good, 1853 Bulk Prepared Earthworm as available on the Chinese Market (Chengdu Medicine Market, Adam, 2015) Dried Earthworm as used in Unani medicine (Calcutta Unani College, Adam, 2019) Entomological name: Primarily Lumbricus and Pheretima spp: Lumbricus terrestris Pheretima vulgaris Pheretima aspergillium (‘Guang Di…

Liver Obstruction

Liver Obstruction Western Tradition Simple WormwoodCentauryMaidenhairDodderEndiveAgrimonyMadderAsarumLacca OrrisHopsLettuceDandelionVioletAsparagusRhubarbParsleyBitter Almond Hepatis oppilationes aperiunt–Liver obstruction 1. Take Figs with Black Pepper2. Confect of Dodder seed3. Wormwood, Indian Spikenard in wine Decoction of RootsDecoction of AgrimonyDecoction of StoechasDecoction of Fumitory (Mesue)Decoction for JaundiceSyrup of Agrimony (Mesue)Syrup of FumitorySyrup of ChicorySyrup of the Juice of ChicorySyrup of SquillSyrup of Wormwood…

Tincture of Rue

Tinctura RutaeTincture of Rue Tradition: Western Source / Author: Herb Name Rue, carefully driedSalt of Tartar Latin Ruta graveolensPotassium carbonate Amount 4 oz.2 oz. Preparation: Grind together in a hot Iron Mortar; put them into a suitable vessel and cover with 3 lbs. of Spirit (Brandy), or Spirit of Rue. Mix, seal, and digest in…

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Laurus, Baytree PRO

Laurus, Bay-tree Bay tree, Sweet Bay, Bay Laurel; Baccum Lauri (berry)Ghar, Hab-el-Ghar, Dahmusht (Unani)Yue Gui Zi (Fruit) Yue Gui Ye (Leaf) TCM) LaurusOrtus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 LaurusDella Materia Medicinale, Andrea Valuassori, 1562 LaurusKrauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578 Laurus nobilisFlora von Deutschland (10), Kohler, 1882 Botanical name: Laurus nobilisDioscorides described 2 varieties: Narrow-leaved and a Broad-leaved Parts used:…

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Melodious Pill (Dbyangs chan ril bu)

Dbyangs chan ril bu  དབྱངས་ ཆན་ རིལ་བུ་Melodious Pill Tradition: Tibetan Source / Author: Herb Name A ru ra (Chebulic Myrobalan) Skyu ru ra (Emblic Myrobalan) Pi pi ling (Long Pepper)Shing mngar (Licorice)Sgron shing (Pine tree) *Go snyod (Caraway)Dug mo nyung (Holarrhena)Lug ru gsumLug serLug dmarLug smugSpang rgyan dkar (White Gentian) Latin Terminalia chebulaEmblica officinalisPiper longumGlycyrrhiza…

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Aromatic Musk Compound Aromaticum Moschatum (Mesue)

Aromaticum Moschatum Aromatic Musk Compound Tradition: Western, Unani Source / Author: Mesue Herb Name AloeswoodCinnamonAmbergrisMusk Latin Aquillaria agallochaCinnamonum zeylanicumAmbre grisMoschus Amount 7 drams20 drams3 drams2 scruples Preparation: Powder the Aloeswood and Cinnamon, mix with three times their weight of Syrup of Roses, then add the powdered Musk and melted Ambergris, and mix well. Function: Warms…

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Hyssopus, Hyssop FREE

Hyssopus, Hyssop Zoofa (Unani) Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 New Kreuterbuch, Matthiolus, 1563 Krauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578 Icones Plantarum Medcio-oeconomico, Vietz, 1800 Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Botanical name: Hyssopus officinalisGarden and Wild types were differentiated Parts used: Herb, flower Temperature & Taste: Warm, dry. Pungent, Bitter Classifications: 2A APERIENT MEDICINES.    2B ATTENUATERS.    2F. PURIFYING.   …

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Electuary of Calamint (Galen)

Electuarium de Calamintha Electuary of Calamint Tradition: Western Source / Author: Galen Herb Name Calamint seedPennyroyal seedParsley seedSiler montane seedCelery seedThyme Lovage seedBlack Pepper Latin Calamintha officinalisMentha pulegiumPetroselinum crispumSiler montanumApium graveolensThymus vulgarisLevisticum officinalePiper nigrum Amount 1 dram ea. 2 drams ea. 1 oz.3 oz. Preparation: Form a powder, then with a sufficient amount of Sugar,…

Vitiligo, Leucoderma

Vitiligo, Leucoderma Vitiligo, also called Leucoderma (or Leukoderma, lit. ‘White Skin’) is a condition where skin pigment is lost in certain areas, resulting in white or whitish patches. In Humoral Pathology, it is often associated with Phlegm Humor. One part of the Bile Humor is responsible for skin color and complexion, and if obstructed with…

Diseases of the Abdomen in General

Diseases of the Abdomen in General Crooke, Mikrokosmographia, 1618 Abdominal Swelling & Pain Western Tradition TCM Classification Abdominal Distention and Swelling from Obstruction (Qi Stagnation)New Rose Powder (Rosata Novella) (Nicholas)Aromatic Powder (Mesue)Powder of Happiness (Letificans)Powder of Calamint Compound (Diacalamint) (Mesue)Powder of Cumin Greater (Diacyminum) (Nicholas)Powder of Galangal Compound (Diagalanga) (Mesue)Aromatic Clove Compound (Aromatic. Caryophyllatum) Pacific…

Unani Materia Medica

Unani Materia Medica The following is a comprehensive Materia Medica of Unani Medicines with links to Monographs for each medicine.. See also Introduction to Traditional Unani MedicineUnani Formulas AAbresham, Bombax mori, Silkworm CocoonAfteemoon, Cuscuta reflexa, Dodder herbAjwain Khorasani, Hyoscyamus albus, Henbane seedAkoob, GundeliaAlubalu, Prunus cereus, Cherry fruitAmaltas, Cassia FistulaAmber, Ambra grasea, AmbergrisAmla, Emblica officinalis, Emblic…

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Spinacia, Spinach

Spinacia, Spinach Spinachia, Lapathum hortenseIspanaj (Arabic)Palak, Asfanakh (Unani)Paluk, Chular (Ayurveda)Bo Cai (TCM) Herbarius latinus, Petri, 1485 Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 Fuchs, L., New Kreüterbuch (1543) Botanical name: Spinacia oleracea Parts used: Herb; juice; occasionally the root and seed Temperature & Taste: Cool, moist when fresh. Sweet, slightly Bitter“Cold and Moist in the last of the…

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