
Cajeput oil Cajeput tree, Swamp Tea treeKayaputi (Ayurveda) Botanische wandplaten (1904–1914) Medical Botany, Hooker, Vol V, 1832 Botanical name: Melaleuca leucadendron (syn M. cajuputi) Parts used: OIl Temperature & Taste: Warm, dry. Pungent, aromatic Uses: 1. Clears Wind-Cold, Promotes Sweat:-Cold, Flu with fever-wind-damp pain-Intermittent Fever-skin diseases with itching 2. Moves Qi:-Stomach pain, Colic-promotes Menstruation-Hysteria 3….

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Vitex, Nirgundi, Man Jing Zi PRO

Vitex negundo, Nirgundi, Man Jing Zi 蔓荆子 Five-leaved Chaste TreeNirgundi; Renuka (seed) (Ayurveda)Man Jing Zi (TCM)Tukhm-e-Sambhalu (Unani) Vitex negundoM. Blanco, Flora de Filipinas. (1875) Vitex negundo(Photo by peganum) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Vitex spp:Two main varieties are recognised: Vitex negundo (syn. V. negundo vat. incisa, V. incisa) (Blue flowers) (Ayurveda, Unani) V. trifolia, V. rotundifola (Pale…

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Sugar for Vertigo (Gabelhover)

Sugar for Vertigo Tradition: Western Source / Author: Gabelhover, 1599 Herb Name CuminCoriander seedCalamusMarjoramAniseedFennel seedSugar Latin Cuminum cyminum Coriandrum sativum Acorus calamus Oreganum marjorana Pimpinella anisum Foeniculum vulgare Saccharum Amount 1⁄2 oz. ea.1 1⁄2 oz. Preparation: Powder the herbs then mix with the sugar. Function: Clears Wind and Phlegm, regulates Qi Use: 1. Vertigo2. Dizziness…

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Eupatorium purpureum, Queen of the Meadow

Eupatorium purpureum, Queen of the Meadow Gravel root, Joe Pye Weed, Purple Joe Pye Weed, Kidney Root, Gravel Root, Fever Weed, Trumpet Weed, Purple Boneset Eupatorium purpureumThesaurus Botanicus (1805-1819), Trattinnick Eupatorium purpureum(Photo by A. Barra) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Eupatorium purpureum (syn. E. falcatum, Eutrochium purpureum, Cunigunda purpurea, Eupatoriadelphus purpureus)E. maculatum, E. fistulosum E. verticillatum are…


Plasters Plasters are similar to Ointment, although they are usually thicker. A plaster is designed to be applied to cloth or gauze and bound onto a part for hour, a day, or sometimes several days. As with Ointments, Plasters usually have an oily base to facilitate penetration through the skin. The base of a Plaster…

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Tanacetum, Tansy FREE

Tanacetum, Tansy Medical Botany, Woodville, 1810 Darstellung und Beschreibung Pharmacopoea Borussica, Berg, 1861 Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Botanical name: Tanacetum vulgareTwo types were known: the sweet, and that without scent; the Sweet was divided into the common yellow, curly leaved, small white, and that from the Alps; that without scent is also…


The Organs The Organs have been recognised as the principle members of the Human Body. In the Humoral systems, the Organs digest, process, and store the Humors. To Galen, the Heart, Liver, Brain and Testicles were the principle Organs of the Body. From the Humoral viewpoint, the Heart, Kidneys, Liver and Spleen are the principle…

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Calcite, Han Shui Shi 寒水石

Calcite, Han Shui Shi 寒水石 Han Shui Shi  (TCM)Cong Zhi  ཅོང་ཞི  (Tibetan) Calcite crystal(Photo by Slim Sepp) Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Mineralogical name: Calcitum Parts Used:Various types and sources of ‘Calcite’ have been used. Some are related stones, for example, Red Gypsum is used for Calcite in North China and Limestone varieties…

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Piper methysticum, Kava FREE

Piper methysticum, Kava Kava KavaKa Wa Hu Jiao 卡瓦胡椒 (TCM) Image from Natural History Museum, London Piper methysticum (Photo by Forest & Kim Starr) (Wikimedia) Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Botanical name: Piper methysticum Parts used: Root Temperature & Taste: Warm, dry. Pungent, slightly Bitter. Numbing Uses: 1. Moves the Qi, Calms the…

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Sanicula, Sanicle

Sanicula, Sanicle Wood Sanicle, Sanicula, Sennicula, Diapensia, Ferraria minor, Consolida minor Herbarum Vivae Eicones, Otto Brunfels, 1530 Krauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578 Kreutterbuch, Matthiolus, 1586 Botanical name: Sanicula europaWirtzung described three separate herbs called and used for Sanicle: True (‘Male’) Sanicle Alpine Sanicle: fat leaves similar to Plantain, with flowers like Cowslip, blue or purple colored ‘Female’…

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Chlorophytum, Musali PRO

Chlorophytum, Musali Shveta Musali (Ayurveda)Safed Musali (Unani)Vallai Musali (Siddha)Tibbati Ginseng (Folk) A. tuberosumRoxburgh, W., Plants of the coast of Coromandel, vol. 2 (1798) Chlorophytum tuberosum(Photo by Dinesh Valke) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Chlorophytum spp. C. arundinaceum (official species) C. borivillianum C. tuberosum C. indicum (syn. C. attenuatum) This is one of the herbs used for White…

Cancer Thyroid

Thyroid Cancer Thyroid Cancer starts in the cells of the Thyroid gland. It often has no symptoms in the early stage but symptoms develop as the Cancer increases. Most Thyroid Cancer progress slowly although some rarer types are aggressive. It is the most common endocrine cancer with more than 500,000 cases anually worldwide. Signs: Swelling,…

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