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Antidotum Apollonii Laodicensis (Nicholas)

Antidotum Apollonii Laodicensis Tradition: Western, Unani Source / Author: Nicholas Alexandrinus (Medici Graeci, 1541) Herb Name White PepperSaffronCinnamonHenbane seedAsarabaccaHoney Latin Piper nigrumCrocus sativusCinnamonum zeylanicum Hyoscyamus nigerAsarum europeumMel Amount 20 drams6 drams 4 drams ea. 2 dramssufficient Preparation: Powder, and with sufficient Honey, form an Electuary Function: Clears Cold Phlegm, Opens the Lungs Use: 1. Difficulty…

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Safflower Supreme 7 (Gur gum mchog bdun)

Gur gum mchog bdun  གུར་གུམ་མཆོག་བདུན་Safflower Supreme 7Or, Most Excellent Safflower 7 Tradition: Tibetan Source / Author: Herb Name Gur gum (Safflower)Cu gang (Tabasheer)Utpal (Blue Poppy)Ba le ka (Birthwort)Tig ta (Swertia)A ru (Chebula)Mtshe ldum (Ephedra) Latin Carthamus tinctoiusBambusa textilisMeconopsis grandisAristolochia moupinensisSwertia chirataTerminalia chebulaEphedra saxatilis Amount 10 grams5 grams5 grams5 grams5 grams5 grams5 grams 450 grams300 grams300…

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Amomum tsaoko, Cao Guo PRO

Amomum tsao-ko, Cao Guo 草果 Black CardamonCao Guo (TCM) Amomum Cao Guo(Adam, 2017) Botanical name: Amomum tsao-ko (syn. A. hongtsaoko) Parts used: Fruit Temperature & Taste: Warm, dry. Pungent Classification: J. Aromatics that Resolve Dampness Uses: 1. Moves the Qi, Warms the Stomach, Dries Damp: -epigastric and abdominal fullness, distention, pain and a greasy tongue…

Adhatoda vasica, Malabar nut PRO

Adhatoda vasica, Malabar nut Vasa, Vasaka, Adarushah (Ayurveda)Adathodai (Siddha)Ba sha ka  བ་ཤ་ཀ  (Tibetan)Arusa, Hashees-tussual (Unani)Da Bo Gu (TCM) Adhatoda vasicaWeinmann, Phytanthoza iconographia, 1739 Botanical name: Adhatoda vasica (syn. Justicia adhatoda) In Tibetan Medicine, several plants supply Ba Sha Ka. The medicine is divided into Superior and Inferior types, or according to other sources, there are…

Plaster of Bayberries (Mesue)

Home About Materia Medica Materia Medica of Herbal Medicine FREE Materia Medica of Herbal Medicine PRO Animal Materia Medica PRO Animal Materia Medica FREE Mineral Materia Medica PRO Mineral Materia Medica FREE Formulas Treatment Types of Treatment in Traditional Medicine Treatment of Specific Conditions Diseases and Formulas Resources Brief Overview of Traditional Medicine Theory Timeline…


Juices and Quiddonies

Juices & Quiddonies Juices are often used in Traditional Medicine, especially the Western Tradition. In some cases, juices were kept to be used as needed, but usually juices were used in certain preparations, especially Syrups, Electuaries, and in the formation of Pills. Juices require clarification or purification (‘depuration’) as fresh juices will go off quickly….

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Sophora, Ku Shen PRO

Sophora, Ku Shen 苦参 Ku Shen (TCM) Sophora japonicaDuhamel du Monceau, H.L., Traité des arbres et arbustes, Nouvelle édition, vol. 3 (1806) Sophora flavescens(Photo by Dalgial) (Wikimedia) Sophora Ku Shen from the Chengdu Medicine Market (Adam 2023) Botanical name: Sophora flavescens (syn. S. alopecuroides, S. angustifoliola, S. chinensis, S. korolkowii)Other synonyms include Anagyris chinensis, Macrotropis…

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Syrup for Asthma (Wirtzung)

Syrup for Asthma Tradition: Western Source / Author: Wirtzung Herb Name ElecampaneLicoriceSageMaidenhairColtsfootLungwortVioletHyssopPennyroyalThymeParsley rootPolypody rootAniseedFennel seedMallow seedAgaric preparedFig CurrantIndian SpikenardSquinanthGalangalGingerGrains of ParadiseBorage flowersBugloss flowersViolet flowersChicory flowers Latin Inula heleniumGlycyrrhiza glabraSalvia officinalisAdiantum capillus-venerisTussilago farfaraPulmonaria officinalisViola odorata Hyssopus officinaleMentha pulegiumThymus vulgarisPetroselinum crispumPolypodium vulgarePimpinella anisumFoeniculum vulgareMalva sylvestrisFomitopsis officinalisFicus carica Ribes nigrumNardostachys jatamansiJuncus odoratusAlpina officinarumZingiber officinalisAframomum meleguetaBorago officinalisAnchusa officinalisViola odorataChicorium…

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Wine for Arthritis

Vinum ArthriticumWine for Arthritis Tradition: Western Source / Author: Weinhart (Medicus Officiosus, Weinhart, 1724) Herb Name SarsaparillaGuaiacumMistletoeGermanderGround IvySagePrimula flowersRosemary St. John’s wortWhite Wine Latin Smilax sarsaparillaGuaiacum officinaleViscum albaTeucrium chamaedrysGlechoma hederaceaSalvia officinalisPrimula verisRosmarinus officinalisHypericum perforatumVinum album Amount 1 oz. ea.3 drams 3 oz. ea. 1⁄2 oz. ea. 6 drams10 lbs. Preparation: Beat the herbs and infuse…

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Syrups Syrups are generally decoctions that have had Sugar or Honey added both to preserve them for longer keeping, and to make them more palatable. The creation of a syrup follows that for making a Decoction, excepting that once strained and clarified, a sufficient amount of Honey or Sugar is added which is then boiled…

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Electuary for Asthma (Gereonis)

Electuary for Asthma Tradition: Western Source / Author: Gereonis (Omnia Quae extant in Latinum Sermonem Conversa, 1556) Herb Name TurbithAgaricRound Birthwort Latin Operculina turpethumFomitopsis officinalis Aristolchia rotunda Amount 1 dram ea. Preparation: Powder, and form an Electuary with Decoction of Horehound Function: Clears Phlegm, stops Cough and Wheezing Use: 1. Asthma2. Obstructive Cough Dose: 1 dram…

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Sarcandra, Zhong Jie Feng PRO

Sarcandra, Zhong Jie Feng 肿节风 Glabrous SarcandraZhong Jie Feng, Jiu Jie Cha (TCM) Sarcandra glabraNakai, T., Trees and shrubs indigenous in Japan proper [Dai Nihon jumokushi] (1935-1951) Sarcandra glabra(Photo by KENPEI) (Wikimedia) Specimen of Sarcandra glabra at the Guangzhou TCM Museum (Adam, 2024) Botanical name: Sarcandra glabra (syn. Chloranthus glaber, Ardisia japonica) Parts used: Herb…

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