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Cool Elixir 9 (Bsil bcud dgu pa)

Bsil bcud dgu pa  བསིལ་བཅུད་དགུ་པ་Cool Elixir 9 Tradition: Tibetan Source / Author: Herb Name Tsan dkar (White Sandalwood)Cu gang (Tabasheer)Gur gum (Safflower)Li shi (Clove)Sle tres (Tinospora)Se bru (Pomegranate)Pi pi ling (Long Pepper)Sgog thal (Garlic ashes)Bur dkar (Rock Sugar) Latin Santalum albumBambusa textilesCarthamus tinctoriusEugenia caryophyllusTinospora cordifoliaPunica granatumPiper longumAllium sativumSaccharum Amount 200 grams ea. 100 grams ea….

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Talcum, Hua Shi

Talcum, Hua Shi 滑石 Hua Shi (TCM)Talq (Unani)Ha shig ཧ་ཤིག  (Tibetan) Green TalcPhoto by Rob Lavinsky iRocks.com Minerological name: Hydrated Magnesium Silicate  Mg3 (Si4Oio) (0H)2 Several varieties are known: Talc Soapstone; composed primarily of Talc Substitutions in the basic formula often occur: Al or Ti can substitute Si; Fe, Mn, and Al can substitute Mg; very…

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Confection to Increase Seed of Augusta

Confection to Increase Seed of Augusta Tradition: Western Source / Author: Augusta (Wirtzung) Herb Name GingerAlmondPine nutPistachioKernels of Indian NutsSisarum Deer PizzleCinquefoilPalma ChristiGalangalCloveCinnamonWhite Mustard seedLong Pepper Wild Yellow Turnip seedWhite BehenOnion seedRadish seed Turnip seedAsh Tree keysSkinks TailsBorage Latin Zingiber officinalisPrunus amygdalus dulcisNux PineaPistachio verumCocos nuciferaPastinaca sativaGenitalis CerviiPotentilla reptensRicinus communisAlpina officinarumEugenia caryophyllusCinnamonum zeylanicumSinapis albaPiper longumBrassica…

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Restoring Powder 6 (Gso byed drug pa)

Gso byed drug paRestoring 6 Powder Tradition: Tibetan Source / Author: Herb Name Ra mnye (Solomans Seal)Dbyar rtsa dgun bu (Cordyceps)Dbang lag (Orchis spp.)Lca ba (Withania)Nye shing (Asparagus root)Dva li me tog Latin Polygonatum verticillatumCordyceps sinensisDactylorhiza hatagireaWithania somniferaAsparagus racemosusRhododendron anthopogon Amount 40 grams ea.20 grams 30 grams 40 grams ea. Preparation: Powder, pills or capsules…

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Arsenolite, Pi Shi

Arsenolite, Pi Shi 砒石 ArsenicumPi Shi, Pi Shuang (TCM)Sammul Far (Unani) ArsenolitePhoto by Rob Lavinsky, iRocks.com Minerological name: Arsenic trioxide, As2O3Two types are use:  1. Natural Arsenolite ores  2. or from the oxidation of arsenic sulphides, including arsenopyrite, realgar or orpiment Parts used: Prepared MineralRed and White varieties are known. the white being preferred medicinally….

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Cinnamon leaf, Indian leaf, Tejapatra

Cinnamon leaf, Indian leaf, Tejapatra Folium Indicum, MalabathrumTejapatra, Tamalapatra (Ayurveda)San Tiao Jin (TCM) Dioscorides Materia Medica, Ruellio, 1549 Parkinson, Theatrum Botanicum, 1640 Dried Cinnamomum tamala leaf, Tejapatra(Photo by Stanhopea) (Wikimedia) Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Botanical name: Cinnamomum tamalaCinnamomum zeylanica and C. malabathrum have been listed as alternate sources. Parts used: Leaf Temperature…

H. Nourish the Heart

H. Medicines that Nourish the Heart Cardiotonic, Sedative Whereas the previous group of medicines is used for strong Wind and Heat which irritates or overstimulates the Spirit, the present remedies are used for Palpitation and Anxiety caused by deficiency. This is either deficiency of the Heart Blood or Yin, but the symptoms are similar: Deficient…

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The Goa Stone

Goa Stone with Gold casePhoto: Metopolitan Museum (Wikimedia) Lapis de Goa The Goa Stone Tradition: Western Source / Author: Gasper Antonio (Florentine Jesuit missionary in Goa) Herb Name TopazJacinthSapphireRubyPearlEmeraldBezoarRed CoralWhite CoralMuskAmbergrisGold leaf Latin ChrysolithosHyacinthusSapphirusRubinusMargaritaSmaragdusBezoarCorallum rubrumCorallum albumMoschus Ambre grisAurum Amount 1 oz. ea.1⁄2 oz. 2 oz. ea. 1⁄2 oz. ea.40 Preparation: The stones must all be…

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Troches for Pleurisy (Mesue)

Troches for Pleurisy Tradition: Western / Unani Source / Author: De morbus internis curandis, Mesue, 1551 Herb Name VioletLicorice juiceTragacanthStarchMarshmallowFennel seed Latin Viola odorataSuccus GlycyrrhizaAstragalus tragacanthAmylumAlthea officinalisFoeniculum vulgare Amount 10 drams ea. 3 drams ea. Preparation: Powder and form Troches with Linseed mucilage Function: Clears Phlegm and Heat, stops Cough, strengthen the Lungs Use: 1….

Spasms & Cramps

Spasms & Cramps Western Tradition Antispasmodic InfusionSyrup of Stoechas (Fernelius)Tincture of CamomileTincture of Juniper BerryTincture of Lemon ThymeTincture of SageTincture of ValerianPowder for Cold Diseases of the Head (Renodeus)Troches of Myrrh (Rhasis)Pills of OpopanaxPills of SagapenOintment of BdelliumOil of SaffronOil of Pepper Pearl 25 (Mu tig nyer lnga) (Tibetan Medicine) To Purge in SpasmsDiaturbith cum…

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Chrysanthemum indicum, Ye Ju Hua

Chrysanthemum indicum, Ye Ju Hua 野菊花 Gundandi, Sevanti (Ayurveda)Ye Ju Hua (TCM) Chrysanthemum indicumCurtis’s Botanical Magazine, 1903 Chrysanthemum indicum(Photo by KENPEI) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Chrysanthemum indicum Parts used: Flower Temperature & Taste: Cool, dry. Bitter, Sweet Classification: B. Clear Heat and Toxin Uses: 1. Clears Heat and Toxin:-acute Wind-Heat Fever; Influenza; acute sore Throat-acute upper…

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Illicium, Star Anise

Illicium, Star Anise, Da Hui Xiang 大茴香 Anisum StellatumDa Hui Xiang (TCM)Badyan Khatai (Unani) Star AniseIcones Plantarum Medcio-oeconomico, Vietz, 1800–1806 Museum Museorum, Valentini, 1704 Star Anise fruit(Photo by Sanjay Acharya) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Illicium spp.: I. verum I. anisatum (Japanese Star Anise) Parts used: Fruit Temperature & Taste: Very Warm, dry. Pungent Classification: M. Warm…

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