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Tincture for Apoplexy

Tincture for Apoplexy Tradition: Western Source / Author: Mylius (Antidotarium medico chymicum reformatum, 1620) Herb Name Peony seedNutmegCoriander preparedMistletoe GalangalCubebCinnamonLong PepperRosemary flowerTormentil GingerSugar Latin Paeonia officinalis Myristica fragrans Coriandrum sativum Viscum alba Alpina officinarumPiper cubeba Cinnamonum zeylanicum Piper longum Rosmarinus officinalis Potentilla tormentilla Zingiber officinalis Saccharum Amount 2 drams ea. 1 scruple ea. 1⁄2 dram…

Motherwort & Cyperus

Motherwort & Cyperus Motherwort is neutral or slightly warm, dry, pungent and bitter. It moves the Blood, benefits the Womb, regulates Menstruation and promotes Fertility. It benefits the Heart, treats Tachycardia and Palpitations. It also promotes Urine. Cyperus is warm, dry, pungent, slightly bitter and aromatic. It moves Qi and regulates Menstruation. Together, the main…

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Piper nigrum et album, Pepper, Black & White PRO

Piper nigrum, Black Pepper, Hu Jiao 胡椒 Marica (Ayurveda)Milaku (Siddha)Hu Jiao (TCM)Na le sham  ན་ལེ་ཤམ  (Tibetan)Filfil Siyah (Unani) Piper album, White Pepper, Bai Hu Jiao 白胡椒 Bai Hu Jiao (TCM)Filfil Safaid (Unani) Black Pepper, Parkinson, Theatrum Botanicum, 1640 Piper nigrumKoehler, Medizinal Pflanzen, vol. 2: 1890 Green Piper fruits(Calcutta Unani College, Adam, 2019) Black and White…

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Powder to Strengthen the Stomach of Andernacus

Powder to Strengthen the Stomach of Andernacus Tradition: Western Source / Author: Andernacus Herb Name Coriander preparedAniseedFennel seedCaraway MaceCinnamonGingerClove Latin Coriandrum sativumPimpinella anisumFoeniculum vulgareCarum carviMyristica fragransCinnamonum zeylanicumZingiber officinalisEugenia caryophyllus Amount 2 1⁄2 drams ea.1 1⁄2 drams1 dram2 scruples Preparation: Powder Function: Clears Cold and Damp, Warms the Stomach Use: 1. Indigestion2. Poor Appetite3. Stomach Weakness4….

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Species Nere

Pastilli NereSpecies Nere Tradition: Western Source / Author: Herb Name AmbergrisAloeswoodMuskCamphor Latin Ambre gris Aquillaria agallocha Moschus Camphora Amount 1 ounce3 drams1⁄2 scruple5 grains Preparation: Powder Function: Aromatically opens Obstructions, opens the Orifices of the Brain Use: Usually added to larger formulas, it is a potent aromatic to open obstructions, open the orifices of the…

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Ulmus, Elm

Ulmus, Elm tree Dirdar (Unani) New Kreuterbuch, Matthiolus, 1563 Krauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578 UlmusKreutterbuch, Matthiolus, 1586 Ulmus laevisFlora von Deutschland (4), Kohler, 1884 Botanical name: Ulmus spp.;Traditional varieties include U. procera (English Elm), U. campestris (Wild Elm), U. laevis (syn. U. effusa, the White Elm) and U. montanus (Mountain Elm) Parts used: Bark; Leaf“The Bark and…


2N. Repellents Repercussives, Repulsives They are opposed to Attractive medicines. They prevent the flux of humors into a part, or drive them back to their source. They are primarily used to ‘repel Vapors’, and stop the beginning and increase of Inflammations, Discussive medicines being used after. Salmon noted: ‘But if the Matter be venomous or…

Abutilon indicum, Country Mallow PRO

Abutilon, Indian Mallow Abutilon Semen, Qing Ma Zi 青麻子 Indian MallowAtibala (Ayurveda)Kanghi (Unani)Mao Zi Dun Tou (Herb, TCM)Qing Ma Zi (Seed TCM) Abutilon avicennae, under the section on MarshmallowA Niewe Herball, or Historie of Plantes (Dodoens, 1578) Abutilon avicennaeKreutterbuch, Matthiolus, 1586 Abutilon avicennaeFlora von Deutschland (21), Kohler, 1885 Botanical name: Abutilon spp. A. indicum (syn….

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Electuarium Acharistum (Nicholas)

Electuarium Acharistum Tradition: Western Source / Author: Nicholas Myrepsus Herb Name CostusGalbanumCelery seedImmature DateHyssopLinseedCinnamonIndian SpikenardRed CoralSaffron Balsam woodCassia pulpCassia WoodCalamusRhaponticumMyrrh StoraxOpopanaxBdelliumGum AmmoniacGall Celtic SpikenardSouthernwoodAcorusSyrian SumacSquill Bay leafAniseedPsylliumBasil seedCarrot seedLovage seedFennel seedWhite Poppy seedBlack PepperWhite PepperLong PepperElecampaneBlack Hellebore, preparedGinger Latin Saussurea lappaFerula spp.Apium graveolensDiospyros lotusHyssopus officinaleLinium usitatissimumCinnamonum zeylanicum Nardostachys jatamansiCorallum rubrum Crocus sativusCommiphora opobalsamumCassia fistulaCinnamonum cassiaAcorus…


Ostracites – Fossilized Oyster shell Museum Wormianum, Olao Worm, 1655 Metallotheca Vaticana, Mercati, 1719 ‘Ostracites stone is like a shell, crusty and easy to break. Women use it instead of pumice stone for taking off hair. A teaspoonful (taken as a drink with wine) stops the menstrual flow. If anyone drinks two teaspoonfuls after the…

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