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Citrus reticulata, Tangerine peel, Chen Pi PRO

Citrus reticulata, Tangerine peel, Chen Pi 陈皮 Ju Pi (Peel) Chen Pi (aged Peel)Qing Pi (Unripe Peel) Guillot, Revue horticole, serié 4, (1852-1974) Whole dried Tangerine peel (Ju Pi) Sliced Tangerine Peel (Ju Pi) Bundles of Aged (20 year old) Tangerine Peel (Chen Pi) Botanical name: Citrus reticulata Parts used: 1. Ripe Peel (Ju Pi)2….

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Celosia, Qing Xiang Zi PRO

Celosia, Qing Xiang Zi 青箱子 Wild Cockscomb, Feather CockscombSEED:–Qing Xiang Zi  青箱子 (TCM)–Sitivaraka (Ayurveda)–Pannaikeerai (Siddha)–Tukhm-e-Sarwali (Unani)FLOWER:–Ji Guan Hua  鸡冠花 (TCM)–Jatadhari (Ayurveda) C. argentea (as C. cristata)Basilius Bessler, Hortus Eystettensis, vol. 3: Secundus ordo collectarum plantarum autumnalium (1620) Celosia argentea E. Step, D. Bois, Favourite flowers of garden and greenhouse, vol. 3 (1896-1897) Celosia argentea var. cristata(Photo…

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Confection of Stoechas

Confectio de Stoeches,Or, Triphera de StoechasConfection of Stoechas,Or, Triphala Confection of Stoechas Tradition: Western, Unani Source / Author: De morbis internis curandis, Mesue, 1551 Herb Name Hiera PicraAgaricDodderChebulic MyrobalanBelleric MyrobalanEmblic MyrobalanBlack MyrobalanStoechas Indian Salt Latin Hiera Picra (a compound)Fomitopsis officinalisCuscuta europeaTerminalia chebulaTerminalia bellericaEmblica officinalisTerminalia chebula (black)Lavendula stoechas Sal Indi Amount 10 drams 4 drams ea….

Pimpinella, Saxifrage

Pimpinella, Saxifrage Burnet Saxifrage, Tragoselinum, Saxifraga major, Pimpinella alba Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 Krauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578 Kreutterbuch, Matthiolus, 1586 Atlas der officinellen pflanzen (2), Felix, 1899 PIMPINELLA ROOT1. Nodulated surface of the root.  2. Crown with many stembases.  3. Stem scar.  4. Dark cambium zone.  5. WoodSquibb’s Atlas of the Official Drugs, Mansfield, 1919 Botanical…

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Saxifraga umbellata, Sum cu tig PRO

Saxifraga umbellata, Sum cu tig སུམ་ཅུ་ཏིག Sum cu tig (Tibetan) Saxifraga umbellataH.G.A. Engler, Das Pflanzenreich, Saxifragaceae – Saxifraga I, vol. 117  (1916) Botanical name: Saxifraga spp.Several species have been given: S. umbellata S. przewalskii S. tanguitica Parts used: Whole plant Temperature & Taste: Cool, dry. Bitter Uses: 1. Clears Liver Heat:-heat of the Liver and…

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Rhododendron molle, Nao Yang Hua PRO

Rhododendron molle, Nao Yang Hua 闹羊花 Chinese Azalea, Yellow Azalea flowerNao Yang Hua, Yang Zhi Zhu Hua (TCM) Rhododendron molleHoutte, L. van, Flore des serres et des jardin de l’Europe, vol. 19 (1845) Rhododendron chrysanthumWoodville, W., Hooker, W.J., Spratt, G., Medical Botany, 3th edition, vol. 2 (1832) Botanical name: Rhododendron molle (syn. R. sinensis, Azalea molle)The…

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Decoction of Myrobalan (Mesue)

Decoctum MyrobalaniDecoction of Myrobalan Tradition: Western, Unani Source / Author: Mesue Herb Name Yellow Myrobalan Chebulic MyrobalanBlack MyrobalanTamarindFumitoryWormwood PruneRaisins stoned Latin Terminalia chebula (yellow)Terminalia chebulaTerminalia chebula (black) Tamarindus indicaFumaria officinalisArtemisia absinthumPrunus domesticaVitis vinifera Amount 1 oz. ea. 1 1⁄2 oz. 1 oz.2 drams 30 1 oz. Preparation: Decoct in 3 lbs. of water down to…

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Great Precious Iron Pill (Rin chen lchags ril cheng mo)

Rin chen lcags ril chen mo  རིན་ཆེན་ ལྕགས་རིལ་ཆེན་མོ་Rin chen Chakril ChenmoGreat Precious Iron Pill Tradition: Tibetan Source / Author: O rgyan pa Kinchen dpal (1229-1309) Herb Name A ru gser mdog (Yellow Myrobalan) Sngo rtag ngu (flower)Rtsa a waBrag zhun (Shilajit)Ba ru (Belleric)Skyu ru (Emblic)lcags phye (Iron)Gur gum (Safflower)Kha che sha skam (Saffron)Li shi (Clove)…

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Electuary of Black Hellebore (Zenon)

Electuary of Black Hellebore Tradition: Western Source / Author: Zenon of Athens (Omnia Quae extant in Latinum Sermonem Conversa, 1556) Herb Name Black Hellebore, preparedAloeswoodSaffronAniseed MasticMarjoramAgaricOrrisStoechasTurbith Latin Helleborus nigerAquillaria agallochaCrocus sativusPimpinella anisum Pistacia lentiscusOreganum marjoranaFomitopsis officinalisIris germanicaLavendula stoechasOperculina turpethum Amount 20 aur *1 1⁄2 aur1 aur2 aur4 aur1 aur6 aur 8 aur ea.4 aur *…

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Wu Hu San

Wu Hu San 五虎散 Five Tiger Powder Tradition: TCM Source / Author: Herb Name Dang Gui (Chinese angelica)Hong Hua (Safflower)Fang Feng (Saposhnikovia)Dan Nan Xing (Arisaema)Bai Zhi (Angelica dahurica) Latin Angelica sinensis Carthamus tinctorius Saposhnikovia divaricata Arisaema spp., bile prepared Angelica dahurica Amount 350 grams ea.240 grams Preparation: Powder or Pills.Arisaema Tian Nan Xing is prepared…

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Amomum, Greater Cardamon, Sha Ren

Amomum, Greater Cardamon, Sha Ren 砂仁 Greater Cardamon, Nepal CardamonSha Ren (TCM)Sthoolaila (Ayurveda)Heel Kalan (Unani)Ka Ko La  ཀ་ཀོ་ལ (Tibetan) Amomum subulatumRoxburgh, Plants of the coast of Coromandel, vol. 3, 1819 Lesser, Medium and Greater CardamonsNew Kreuterbuch, Matthiolus, 1563 Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Botanical name: Amomum spp: A. villosum A. villosum var. xanthioides…

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Camphor 14 (Tibetan Medicine)

Ga bur bcu bzhi   ག་བུར་བཅུ་བཞི་Camphor 14 Tradition: Tibetan Medicine Source / Author: Herb Name Ga bur (Camphor)Dza ti (Nutmeg)Li shi (Clove)Cu gang (Tabasheer)Gur gum (Safflower)Sug smel (Green Cardamon)Ka ko la (Black Cardamon)Tsan dan dkar po (White Sandal)Bse ru (Rhinoceros horn) *ut pal (Himalayan Poppy) A ga ru (Aloeswood)Tig ta (Swertia)Gla rtsi (Musk) **Li ga dur…

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