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Wine for Catarrh

Wine for Catarrh Tradition: Western Source / Author: Herb Name Avens rootCalamus rootMarjoramElder flowersRed Wine Latin Geum herbanumAcorus calamusOreganum marjoranaSambucus nigraVinum rubrum Amount 1 oz.3 oz.1 handful 1⁄2 handful 16 lbs. Preparation: Infuse the bruised herbs in the wine, then strain Function: Clears Phlegm, opens Obstructions Use: Catarrh Dose: Take a small wineglassful several times…

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Sponge Stone

Lapis Spongii, Sponge Stone Museum Museorum, Valentini, 1704 Aldrovandi, Musaeum metallicum, 1648 Spongia officinalisMedical Zoology and Mineralogy, Stephendon, 1832 Spongia officinalisPhoto by Liez Botanical name: Lapis Spongii sourced from various Sponge spp. Parts used: Stony core from the center of a sponge Temperature & Taste: Cold, dry. Salty. Classifications: 3F. Lithontriptics Uses: 1. Promotes Urine,…


2J. Rarifying Dispersing Used to make less solid, and to thin out thick and tenacious Humors. They are generally warm, subtle, penetrating and loosening. They open the pores and capillaries. Their opposite is medicines which are cold and thicken, and stop the pores.                        Linseed                       Marshmallow root                       Mallow leaf                       Elder flower                       Figs                       Herb Mercury                       Thyme                      …

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Electuary of Lacca (Andrezeos)

Electuary of Lacca Tradition: Western Source / Author: Andrezeos (Omnia Quae extant in Latinum Sermonem Conversa, 1556) Herb Name LaccaLong PepperBlack PepperCentauryRound BirthwortCostusGalbanumGum AmmoniacumHorehoundAsarabaccaIndian leafOrrisLicorice Latin Laccifer laccaPiper longumPiper nigrumCentaurium erythraeaAristolchia rotundaSaussurea lappaFerula spp. Dorema ammoniacumMarrubium vulgareAsarum europeumCinnamonum tamalaIris germanicaGlycyrrhiza glabra Amount 20 drams 10 drams ea. 4 drams ea. 7 drams ea. Preparation: Powder…

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Powder for Bad Breath from Rotting Teeth

Powder for Bad Breath from Rotting Teeth Tradition: Western, Unani Source / Author: Nicolai Magni, De Medicis Pulveribus, 1545 Herb Name WormwoodRueIvoryBurnt Deer HornCitron burnt*Aloe CamphorMasticSage Latin Artemisia absinthumRuta graveolensEborisCornu Cervii AdustiCitrus medica Aloe spp.CamphoraPistacia lentiscusSalvia officinalis Amount 2 scruples ea.1 scruple5 grains2 drams1 dram * The text lists Mali persici, Persian Apple. This was…

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Wen Dan Tang

Wen Dan Tang  温胆汤Warm the Gall Bladder Decoction Tradition: TCM Source / Author: Golden Mirror of the Medical Tradition (Yi Zong Jin Jian) Herb Name Zhu Ru (Bamboo shavings)Zhi Shi (Immature Orange)Ban Xia (Pinellia)Chen Pi (Tangerine peel)Fu Ling (Poria)Gan Cao (Licorice)Sheng Jiang (fresh Ginger) Latin Bambusa tuldoidesCitrus aurantiumPinellia ternataCitrus reticulataPoria cocosGlycyrrhiza uralensisZingiber officinalis Amount 6…

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Belamcanda chinensis, She Gan PRO

Belamcanda chinensis, She Gan 射干 Blackberry LilyShe Gan (TCM)Surajkanti (Ayurveda) She Gan (Belamcanda) (Bencao yuanshi, 1612) (Welcome) Houtte, L. van, Flore des serres et des jardin de l’Europe, vol. 16 (1845) Belamcanda chinensis(Photo by Brighterorange) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Belamcanda chinensis (syn. B. flabellata, Iris domestica, Ixia chinensis, Moraea chinensis, Pardanthus sinensis) Tibetan Medicine uses the…

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Hemidesmus, Sariva FREE

Hemidesmus, Sariva Indian SarsaparillaSariva, Anantamula (Ayurveda)Sugandhi (Hindi)Ushba (Unani)Nannari (Siddha) Hemidesmus indicusWitsen, N., Jager, H. de, Plantae Javanicae pictae, ex Java transmissae’ (1700) Hemidesmus indicusBurman, J., Thesaurus Zeylanicus, (1737) Hemidesmus indicus(Photo by Rison Thumboor) (Wikimedia) Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Botanical name: Hemidesmus indicus (syn. Periploca indicus)Traditional Ayurvedic texts described 2 varieties of Sariva:…

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Mangifera, Mango PRO

Mangifera, Mango Mango–Amra, Rasaal, Sahakar (Ayurveda)–Aam, Anba, Ambaj (Unani)–Mang Guo (TCM)Mango kernel:–Amra Beej (Ayurveda)–Khasta Aam (Unani)–a bras  ཨ་འབྲས (Tibetan)–Mang Guo He (TCM) Flora Sinensis, Boym, 1653 Flore d’Amérique, Denisse, 1843-1846 Mango kernel for sale at the Chengdu Medicine Market (Adam, 2016) Botanical name: Mangifera indica, M. persiciformis Parts used: Kernel Temperature & Taste: Warm, dry….

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Rhabarbari monachorum, Monk’s Rhubarb

Rhabarbari monachorum, Monk’s Rhubarb Herb Patience, Hippolapathum, Lapanthus hortense, Rhubarbarum Monachorum Kreutterbuch, Matthiolus, 1586 Deutschlands Flora in Abbildungen, Sturm, 1796 Rumex alpinus(Photo by Jerzy Opioła) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Rumex alpinus Parts used: Root; the yellower the better Temperature & Taste: Cool (Neutral according to some) dry. Mildly Bitter Classifications: Aperitive, Abstersive, Astringent, Uses: 1. Purges…

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