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Oxymel of Squill

Oxymel Scilliticum SimplexOxymel of Squill Simple Tradition: Western Source / Author: Herb Name Vinegar of SquillClarified Honey Latin Acetum ScillitumMel depurata Amount 2 lbs.3 lbs. Preparation: Boil gently until the thickness of a Syrup.To make it without Vinegar of Squill, boil 1 lb. dried Squill in 3 lbs. water down to 1 1⁄2 pints; strain…

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Powder to Stimulate Venery (Wecker)

Powder to Stimulate Venery Tradition: Western Source / Author: Wecker Herb Name CinnamonMaceCloveLong PepperRocket seedTurnip seedParsnip seedWhite SugarDeer or Bull PizzleDeer MushroomCantharides prepared Latin Cinnamonum zeylanicumMyristica fragransEugenia caryophyllusPiper longum Eruca sativaBrassica rapaPastinaca sativaSaccharum albumGenitalis CerviiBoletorum CerviCanatharis Amount 2 drams 1⁄2 scruple ea.5 scruples1 1⁄2 drams1 dram1 scruple5 oz. 1 dram1 1⁄2 drams6 grains Preparation: Powder…

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Chamepitys, Ground Pine

Chamepitys, Ground pine Yellow Bugle, CamaepitiumKamafius (Unani) New Kreuterbuch, Matthiolus, 1563 Two types of Ground Pine traditionally used (left is the primary)Krauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578 Two types of Ground Pine traditionally used (left is the primary)Dioscorides Materia Medica, Mathias, 1563 Botanical name: Ajuga chamaepitys (syn. Teucrium chamaepitys)Other varieties were listed by Galen and Dioscorides including A….

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Gundelia PRO

Gundelia Crown of Thornsal-Kankarzad, Akoob, Akkoub (Arabic) Gundelia tournefortiiP. Miller, Figures of the most beautiful, useful and uncommonplants, described in the gardeners’ dictionary, vol. 2 (1755-1760) Gundelia tournefortii(Photo by Mattan nahum) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Gundelia tournefortii Parts used: Whole Herb / leaf and stemJuice / gumThe wild plant is harvested and eaten as a vegetable…

Carthamus Semen, Safflower Seed

Carthamus Semen, Safflower Seed Bastard, Wild, False or Dyer’s Saffron, Cnicus, Crocus Saracenicus, CartamusHong Hua Zi  紅花子 (TCM)Kafesheh (Persian) Ortus Sanitatis, Cube, Johann von, 1501 New Kreuterbuch, Matthiolus, 1563 Krauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578 Botanical name: Carthamus tinctorius Parts used: Seed kernel Temperature & Taste: Warm, dry.Wild Carthamus seed is “Hot in the Second and dry in…

Diseases of the Head

Diseases of the Head Crooke, Mikrokosmographia, 1618 ‘Diseases of the Head’ are diseases affecting the Head, Brain or Senses. Because the pathology and formulas associated with diseases of the Head and Brain are so closely connected, this was used as a general way of saying for all diseases of the head and brain. So, a…

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Mimusops, Bakula

Mimusops, Bakula Indian Medlar, West Indian Medlar, Spanish Cherry, BulletwoodBakula (Ayurveda)Magilam (Siddha)Molsari (Unani) Mimusops elengiRoxburgh, W., Plants of the coast of Coromandel (1795-1819) Botanical name: Mimusops elengi Parts used: Bark, Fruit; also the Seed Temperature & Taste: Cool, dry. Pungent. Ripe fruit is SweetFlower: Warm, dry. Pungent, Sweet Classification: Uses: BARK1. Moves the Blood:–Tonic for…

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Assafoetida, Asafetida, A Wei FREE

Assafoetida, Asafetida, A Wei 阿魏 AsafoetidaHing, Hingu  (Ayurveda)A Wei 阿魏 (TCM)Hilteet (Unani)Shing kun  ཤིང་ཀུན  (Tibetan) Ortus sanitatis, Cube, Johann von, 1501 Atlas der officinellen pflanzen (2), Felix, 1899 Lump of raw Asafetida gum(Adam, 2022) Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Botanical name: Ferula asafetidaOther related sources include F. sinkiangensis Parts used: Gum‘The root has…

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Pills of Sarah (Habb e Sarah)

Habb e SarahPills of Sarah Tradition: Unani Source / Author: Herb Name Kundur (Frankincense)Sibr (Aloe)Jundbedastar (Castoreum) Latin Boswellia sacra Aloe spp. Castoreum Amount 50 grams ea.25 grams Preparation: Powder, add water and form pills of size 3. Function: Purges excess, settles Wind, moves Blood and Qi Use: 1. Convulsions2. Epilepsy3. Apoplexy4. Regarded as strengthening the…

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Wine for Edema

Wine for Edema Tradition: Western Source / Author: Riverius (Opera Medica, 1737) Herb Name ElecampaneCelery rootFennel rootOrris rootValerianGentianAsarumSquill Elder root barkSassafras woodWormwoodAgrimonyGermanderMaidenhairCentauryBroom flowersParsley seedDill seedAmeos seedCinnamonIndian Spikenard Latin Inula heleniumApium graveolensFoeniculum vulgareIris germanicaValeriana officinalisGentiana luteaAsarum europeumScilla maritimaSambucus nigraLaurus sassafrasArtemisia absinthumAgrimonia eupatoriaTeucrium chamaedrysAdiantum capillus-venerisCentaurium erythraeaCytisus scopariusPetroselinum crispumAnethum graveolensAmmi majusCinnamonum zeylanicumNardostachys jatamansi Amount 1 1⁄2 oz. ea….

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Sisymbrium, Sgong thug pa PRO

Sisymbrium, Sgong thog pa སྒོང་ཐོག་པ Sgong thug pa (Tibet)Tang Jie (E. diffusum) (TCM) Erysimum canescensKops et al., J., Flora Batava, vol. 19 (1895) Erysimum altaicumColla, L.A., Icones plantarum rariorumherbarium pedemontanum, (1835-1837) Botanical name: Sisybrium spp and Erysimum spp.2 main varieties are recognised: Sisymbrium heteromallum Erysimum canescens (syn. E diffusum), E. altaicum Parts used: Seeds Temperature…

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