Phytolacca, Poke root PRO

Phytolacca, Poke root P. decandra (American): Poke, Poke rootP. acinosa (Indian, Chinese): Indian Poke, Indian Pokeberry–Shang Lu (TCM)–Dpa bo dkar po  དཔའ་བོ་དཀར་པོ་ (Tibet) P. decandraFlora von Deutschland (20), Kohler, 1885 PHYTOLACCA DECANDRA1. Longitudinal section.  2. A typical cross-section.  3. Concentric woody or fibrous tissue.4. Incompletely annulate surface.  5. Cross-section of small root. Squibb’s Atlas of…

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Pills to Clarify Pilulae Lucis Majores Mesue

Pilulae Lucis Majores,or Pilulae OpticaePills to Clarify Tradition: Western, Unani Source / Author: Mesue Herb Name RoseVioletWormwoodColocynthTurbithCubebCalamusNutmegDodder of ThymeIndian SpikenardBalsam fruit (or Cardamon)Balsam wood (or Aloeswood)Seseli seed (or Hartwort)RueAnnisFennel seedCelery seedSquinanthAsarabaccaMasticCloveCinnamonCassia woodSaffronMace               Chebulia MyrobalanEmblic MyrobalanBelleric MyrobalanYellow MyrobalanBlack MyrobalanRhubarbAgaricSennaEyebrightAloes Latin Rosa gallicaViola odorataArtemisia absinthiumCitrullus colocynthisOperculina turpethumPiper cubebaAcorus calamusMyristica fragransCuscuta europeaNardostachys jatamansiCommiphora opobalsamumCommiphora opobalsamumSiler montanumRuta…

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Magnolia Flos, Xin Yi PRO

Magnolia Flos, Xin Yi 辛夷 Magnolia FlowerXin Yi (TCM) Magnolia denudataKerner, J.S., Hortus sempervirens (1795-1830) Magnolia flower bud(Photo by William (Ned) Friedman) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Magnolia spp. M. biondii M. denudata M. sprengeri Parts used: Flower bud Temperature & Taste: Warm, dry. Pungent Classification: A. Clear Exterior Wind-Cold Uses: 1. Clears Wind, Opens the Nasal…

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Fire Therapy

Fire Therapy by Adam Tate, 2015 MedicineTraditions is a subscription service for students and practitioners of Herbal and Traditional Medicine. A Unique Resource with the most comprehensive Materia Medica ever created, ‘s of Traditional Combinations and Formulas, Treatment of Disease, and ample Resources to help you become a Master.–SUBSCRIBE NOW– IntroductionOne less commonly known traditional…

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Pills of Washed Aloes

Pilulae de Aloe lota Pills of Washed Aloes Tradition: Western Source / Author: Herb Name Aloes washed with Rose juiceTroches of AgaricMasticSweet Powder of Musk Latin Aloe RosataTrochisci AgaricoPistacia lentiscus Diamoschu Dulcer Amount 1 oz.3 drams2 drams 1⁄2 dram Preparation: Powder and with Syrup of Damask Roses, form a pill mass Function: Cleanse and strengthens…

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Staphysacre, Stavesacre

Staphysacre, Stavesacre Staphisagria, Delphinium, Larkspur, Louse-seed; Consolida Regalis, PedicularisMuvizaj (Unani) Gart der Gesundheit, Cuba, 1485 StavesacreKrauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578 Consolida RegalisKrauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578 Hamilton, E., Flora homoeopathica, vol. 2 (1853) STAVESACRE SEED1. Numerous fruit.  2,  3,  Fruit with several seeds.  4. Seeds without the pericarp.  5. Single seed.  6. StemSquibb’s Atlas of the Official Drugs, Mansfield,…

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Electuary for Quotidian, Tertian and Quartan Fever (Galen)

Electuary for Quotidian, Tertian and Quartan Fever Tradition: Western Source / Author: Galen (Omnia Quae extant in Latinum Sermonem Conversa, 1556) Herb Name RoseSugarSweet CostusRhubarbOrpimentCinnamonIndian SpikenardMasticTabasheerWhite SandalwoodYellow SandalwoodBarberryCloveSaffron Latin Rosa gallicaSaccharumSaussurea lappaRheum palmatumAuripigmentumCinnamonum zeylanicumNardostachys jatamansiPistacia lentiscusBambusae silicaeSantalum albumSantalum citrinumBerberis vulgaris Eugenia caryophyllusCrocus sativus Amount 20 drams40 drams 2 drams ea. Preparation: Powder and mix with…

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Commiphora, Myrrh, Mo Yao

Myrrha, Myrrh, Mo Yao 没药 Mo Yao (TCM)Bola (Ayurveda)Mur (Unani)Gu gul nag po  གུ་གུལ་ནག་པོ  (Tibetan) Myrrh tree and gumParkinson, Theatrum Botanicum, 1640 Koehler, Medizinal Pflanzen, 1890 Myrrh (Adam, 2022) Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Botanical name: Commiphora myrrha (syn. C. molmol)Derived from various sources, the Arabian and Ethiopian were most usedThe Arabian Myrrh…


Local / LatinName Tradition: XXX Source / Author: XXX Herb Name XXX Latin XXX Amount XXX Preparation: XXX Function: XXX Use: XXX Dose: XXX Cautions: XXX Modifications: XXX Back To ….Back to FORMULASHow to Modify a FormulaSubstitutesWeights & Measures

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Wine for Incontinence

Wine for Incontinence Tradition: Western Source / Author: Riverius, Opera Medica, 1737 Herb Name Comfrey rootCyperus rotundusGalangalPlantainHorsetailCinquefoil with rootCypress nutsAcorn cupsRue seedAgnus CastusFrankincenseIvoryRoseRed Wine Latin Symphytum officinaleCyperus rotundusAlpina officinarumPlantago majus Equisetum arvense Potentilla reptensCupressus semperviensQuercus spp. Ruta graveolensVitex agnus-castusBoswellia sacraEboris Rosa gallicaVinum rubrum Amount 1⁄2 dram 1 dram ea. 1 handful 4 scruples ea. 1⁄2 scruple…

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Jian Pi Wan

Jian Pi Wan 健脾片 Strengthen the Spleen Pill Tradition: TCM Source / Author: Standards of Patterns and Treatments (Zheng Zhi Zhun Sheng) Herb Name Bai Zhu (Atractylodes) *Fu Ling (Poria)Ren Shen (Ginseng)Shan Yao (Chinese Yam)Rou Dou Kou (Nutmeg) *Shan Zha (Hawthorn)Shen Qu (Leaven) *Mai Ya (Malter Barley) *Chen Pi (Tangerine peel)Sha Ren (Amomum)Mu Xiang (Costus)Huang…

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7 Ancient Planets

MedicineTraditions is a subscription service for students and practitioners of Herbal and Traditional Medicine. A Unique Resource with the most comprehensive Materia Medica ever created, ‘s of Traditional Combinations and Formulas, Treatment of Disease, and ample Resources to help you become a Master.–SUBSCRIBE NOW– Since ancient times there have been 7 Ancient Planets: Saturn, Jupiter,…

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