Aster atticus, Star-wort
Asteriscos, Asterion, Bubonium, Bubo Grass, InguinalisAstaratiqus (Unani)

Botanical name:
Aster atticus (syn. A amellus)
Many Aster species were recognised. Purple-flowered variety was preferred.
Salmon listed a number of varieties:
1. True or Yellow Starwort
2. Purple Italian Starwort
3. Fleabane-like Starwort
4. Lesser Purple Starwort, or French Purple Starwort
5. Several types of Virginian Starwort
Parts used:
Flower; whole herb is used externally
Temperature & Taste:
Neutral, Pungent, Bitter
1. Clears Heat, Resists Poison, Resolves Swellings:
-abscess of the Throat (Dioscorides)
-Scrofula, swollen Lymph nodes (especially of the Groin); Plague Buboes (Pliny, Galen)
-Bites of Rabid Dogs (Dioscorides); Snake Bite (Pliny)
-Burning Pain of the Stomach (Salmon)
2. Settles Wind:
-Epilepsy in children (Dioscorides)
-Sciatica (was used as an amulet, Pliny)
3. Externally:
-applied to Plague Buboes (Dioscorides)
-applied to swollen Lymph nodes, Scrofula (Ointment, Cataplasm etc)
-as a wash for Inflammation and Pain of the Eyes
-applied fresh for inflammation of the Thighs
-inflammation of the Ureter (apply plaster)
-Hemorrhoids, Inflammation of the Anus (apply juice)
Powder: 1–3 grams
Decoction: 3–6 grams
This is closely related to the Chinese Aster tartaricus Zi Wan which is also a Purple Aster (the Purple variety of the Western Aster also being preferred). However, TCM uses the Root, the Flower or whole herb being used in the Western Tradition. The Chinese Aster is primarily used for Cough, and, being fairly Neutral in character, may be used for Cough from Heat, Cold or Deficiency, depending on the herbs its used with. Interestingly, the Chinese Aster was also noted as being useful for Childhood Convulsions in Traditional texts, this being an indication for the Western Aster too.
Main Combinations:
1. Inflammation of the Lymph nodes, Scrofula, Starwort with Figwort
Major Formulas:
None noted