Asphodelus, Asphodel
White Asphodel, Royal Staff, King’s Spear, AffodillusAsras, Hunta (Unani)
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Kreutterbuch, Matthiolus, 1586

Botanical name:
Asphodelus ramosus
In Unani, A. fistulosus and A. tenuifolius are used.
Parts used:
Temperature & Taste:
Warm, dry. Pungent, Bitter
“Hot in the First degree” (Avicenna)
1. Clears Damp, Promotes Urine:
-diuretic in edema and fluid swelling
-the root ash of related species are also taken as a diuretic (Unani)
-“beneficial in cases of Jaundice”. (Avicenna)
2. Moves the Blood, Promotes Menstruation:
-also Hemorrhoids
3. Stops Cough:
-juice in wine and sugar for Cough
-“It cures Pleurisy and Cough”. (Avicenna)
4. Stops Spasms:
-Spasms, Convulsions, Epilepsy
-‘brings happiness’ (Botanicon Continens Herbarum, Theodore Dorsten, 1540); first listed by Dioscorides.
5. Resists Poison:
–fruit and flowers are antidotes to Scorpion and Centipede bites.
-“Three mithqiil (13.5 gm) is taken orally in cases of Insect Bite. Plaster of its leaf is also useful in Insect Bite. In case of Scorpion Bite oral intake of its nuts and flowers proves to be very useful”. (Avicenna)
6. Externally:
-topically to Fractures
-bruised root is applied to Scrofula and Lymphatic swellings
-inflammation of the Breast or Testicles (Dioscorides)
-“Its roots, decocted with the dregs of wine and applied as a plaster are very useful for Mastitis” (Avicenna)
-root ashes are mixed with oil and applied to Baldness (Dioscorides)
-“Asphodel, specially its ash, is useful in Alopecia”. (Avicenna)
-mixed with vinegar and applied to Ringworm, Scabies, Leprosy
-“Its plaster is useful in filthy Ulcers. Wounds, ulcerated Carbuncles and Burns”. (Avicenna)
-“Application of roots, mixed with Tartar of wine, are useful in malignant and dirty Ulcers”. (Avicenna)
-“Smearing with Asphodel root and vinegar after similar rubbing with a piece of cloth in the sun, cures Pityriasis alba”. (Avicenna)
Decocted in wine to promote urine, open obstructions, ease pain and resolve tumors.
The acrid principle is destroyed by boiling.
1–3 grams; 9 grams (3 drams) was given for snake bite.
1. White Asphodel root was eaten as a food, prepared into bread, or roasted in ashes and eaten in ancient times. It was used as cattle and pig fodder and was also used to prepare alcohol.
2. In Unani, A. fistulosus and A. tenuifolius are used. Seeds are hot, dry and are used as a diuretic and to open obstructions
1. “Its potency is similar to that of cuckoo-pint (Arun maculatum Linn.)”.
1. Scorched Asphodel
“In burnt form, it becomes warming, desiccant and dis- solvent but its root is more effective”. (Avicenna)
Main Combinations:
1. Epilepsy:
i. Asphodel with Pellitory, Stoechas, Agaric, Asafetida, Peony, Chebulic, Yellow and Black Myrobalans, and with Squill juice and Honey form an Electuary. (Dispensatory of Ibn at Timid)
ii. Asphodel with Pellitory, Siler montane, Stoechas, Agaric, Cardamon, Hyssop, Licorice, Peony (Mesue)
2. Fractures:
i. Asphodel with Comfrey topically
ii. Asphodel with Gum Senegal, Aloe, Red Earth, Marshmallow as a cataplasm (Dispensatory of Ibn at Timid)
iii. Asphodel, Glossostemon root, Red Earth, Marshmallow, Myrtle berry, Mung bean, Aloe (Dispensatory of Ibn at Timid)
3. Scabies, Leprosy, Asphodel root with Burnt Alum, mixed with honey and applied.
4. Abscesses, Asphodel root topically with Barley meal
5. Mastitis: “Oral intake of its roots with Tartar of wine, is recommended in Mastitis”. (Avicenna)
6. Inflammation of the Breast or Testicles, Asphodel root decocted with feces of wine and made into a plaster. (Botanicon Continens Herbarum, Theodore Dorsten, 1540)
7. Earache, juice of Asphodel and Ivy dropped into the opposite ear (Botanicon Continens Herbarum, Theodore Dorsten, 1540)
8. “If the extract of asphodel alone or mixed with frankin- cense, honey, wine or myrrh is instilled in the ear, it prevents pus formation”. (Avicenna)
9. Promote hair growth, Asphodel root with Sothernwood in lixivium and apply. (Botanicon Continens Herbarum, Theodore Dorsten, 1540)
None noted