Artemisia pontici, Pontic Wormwood

Roman Wormwood, Roman Mugwort
Picture Krauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578

Picture Picture
Vietz, F.B., Icones plantarum medico-oeconomico-technologicarum, vol. 1 (1800)

Fuchs, L., New Kreüterbuch, (1543)

Botanical name:

Artemisia ponticum

Parts used:


Temperature & Taste:

Warm, dry. Bitter
cuts, binds, discusses, resists putrefaction, purges Bile (Choler)


-Generally used the same as Wormwood, but was regarded as better for the Liver, but was less commonly used.
-good for diseases of the Liver and Bladder coming from Bile (
-used for bellyache and pain of the Womb.
-mildly astringent
-externally for Stomachache, Abdominal pain, pain after Birth, and to stop vomiting in Children (applied to the Stomach).

Main Combinations:

See Wormwood


Generally same as for Wormwood.

Main Preparations used:

Can be made into the same preparations as Wormwood