Confectio Hamech
Arabian Confect Purging Melancholy
Western, Unani
Mesue, Fernelius
Bruise and digest in 6 lbs. of Whey for 24 hours, then boil to half. Press, strain and add:
With 1 lb. each of Sugar and clarified Honey, boil to the thickness of Honey, adding towards the end the following in fine powder:
Follow the above direction to form an Electuary.
Purges Melancholy
1. Chronic Skin diseases: Eczema, Leprosy
2. Leprosy
3. Syphilis, Gonorrhea
4. Fibroids
5. Cancer
6. Ravings, Frenzy, Madness, Mental Illness
7. Melancholy
8. Chronic Headache, Migraine
9. Vertigo
10. Lethargy
11. Hypochondriac Melancholy
12. Forgetfulness, Amnesia
13. Sciatica, Gout, Rheumatism associated with Damp
3–6 drams in Wine, once or twice weekly in long-term use or chronic disease, or daily for 5–7 days
None noted
1. For Fibroids or Cancer, take with Decoction of Dodder of Thyme
2. For Fibroids, decoct half handful Agrimony, Veronica, Scabious, Fumitory, Dodder with 2 drams each of Senna and Aniseed down to 6 oz.; add 3 drams Confectio Hamech
3. For Melancholy diseases or Leprosy, take with Diasenna
4. Virulent Gonorrhea: Confectio Hamech 6 drams, Sarsaparilla 1 dram, Turpentine 2 drams, Calomel 1⁄2 scruple; form a bolus. (Cooke)
5. To strengthen it in more obstinate cases, to 3 drams of Confectio Hamech, add Extract of Black Hellebore 6 grains.
It “is very common at all Apothecaries: wherewith the Humors of the Gall, especially the Salt Humors which cause Scabbiness, the Leprosy, the Cancer, and all other diseases which excoriate and inflame the skin by their sharpness, are helped”. (Wirtzung)
“This confection purges both Biles, and salt Phlegm; and thence conduces to the Cancer, Leprosy, Raving, Melancholy, Tetter, Itch, Scab, and such cutaneous affections”. (Renodeus)
Renodeus said “Barber-Chirurgeons use this, to purge all such as are infected with the French disease [Syphilis]; as though all had one temper, and but one Humor peccant in all men. But such of them as boast more gloriously, and are by conference with Medicks something more prudent, acknowledge the matter peccant in this disease, to be various, according to the various natures of the diseased”.
The original was larger, and was first invented by Mesue. Fernelius modified and simplified it to its above form as the original was more complicated and less well prepared. For example Mesue decocted Myrobalans twice, decocted Rhubarb (which destroys its purgative virtues but keeps its alterative nature); decocted Tamarind, Manna and Cassia pulp (which corrupt if decocted); and also decocted Diagrydium whose virtues are likewise lost by decoction. This modified version of Fernelius was fairly closely adhered to by most Apothecaries, and so it bears his name.
How to Modify a Formula
Weights & Measures
Arabian Confect Purging Melancholy
Western, Unani
Source / Author:
Mesue, Fernelius
Herb NameYellow MyrobalanChebulic Myrobalan Black Myrobalan Violet Colocynth pulp Polypody Wormwood Thyme Senna Aniseed Fennel seed Rose |
Bruise and digest in 6 lbs. of Whey for 24 hours, then boil to half. Press, strain and add:
Herb NameFumitory juicePrune pulp Raisin pulp |
With 1 lb. each of Sugar and clarified Honey, boil to the thickness of Honey, adding towards the end the following in fine powder:
Herb NameTroches of AgaricRhubarb Scammony prepared Cinnamon Ginger Indian Spikenard Fumitory seed Aniseed |
Follow the above direction to form an Electuary.
Purges Melancholy
1. Chronic Skin diseases: Eczema, Leprosy
2. Leprosy
3. Syphilis, Gonorrhea
4. Fibroids
5. Cancer
6. Ravings, Frenzy, Madness, Mental Illness
7. Melancholy
8. Chronic Headache, Migraine
9. Vertigo
10. Lethargy
11. Hypochondriac Melancholy
12. Forgetfulness, Amnesia
13. Sciatica, Gout, Rheumatism associated with Damp
3–6 drams in Wine, once or twice weekly in long-term use or chronic disease, or daily for 5–7 days
None noted
1. For Fibroids or Cancer, take with Decoction of Dodder of Thyme
2. For Fibroids, decoct half handful Agrimony, Veronica, Scabious, Fumitory, Dodder with 2 drams each of Senna and Aniseed down to 6 oz.; add 3 drams Confectio Hamech
3. For Melancholy diseases or Leprosy, take with Diasenna
4. Virulent Gonorrhea: Confectio Hamech 6 drams, Sarsaparilla 1 dram, Turpentine 2 drams, Calomel 1⁄2 scruple; form a bolus. (Cooke)
5. To strengthen it in more obstinate cases, to 3 drams of Confectio Hamech, add Extract of Black Hellebore 6 grains.
It “is very common at all Apothecaries: wherewith the Humors of the Gall, especially the Salt Humors which cause Scabbiness, the Leprosy, the Cancer, and all other diseases which excoriate and inflame the skin by their sharpness, are helped”. (Wirtzung)
“This confection purges both Biles, and salt Phlegm; and thence conduces to the Cancer, Leprosy, Raving, Melancholy, Tetter, Itch, Scab, and such cutaneous affections”. (Renodeus)
Renodeus said “Barber-Chirurgeons use this, to purge all such as are infected with the French disease [Syphilis]; as though all had one temper, and but one Humor peccant in all men. But such of them as boast more gloriously, and are by conference with Medicks something more prudent, acknowledge the matter peccant in this disease, to be various, according to the various natures of the diseased”.
The original was larger, and was first invented by Mesue. Fernelius modified and simplified it to its above form as the original was more complicated and less well prepared. For example Mesue decocted Myrobalans twice, decocted Rhubarb (which destroys its purgative virtues but keeps its alterative nature); decocted Tamarind, Manna and Cassia pulp (which corrupt if decocted); and also decocted Diagrydium whose virtues are likewise lost by decoction. This modified version of Fernelius was fairly closely adhered to by most Apothecaries, and so it bears his name.
How to Modify a Formula
Weights & Measures