Aquilegia, Columbine

Aquilina, Alkaleya, Aquileya, Egilops
Picture Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491

Picture Kreutterbuch, Matthiolus, 1586

Picture Flora von Deutschland (21), Kohler, 1885

Botanical name:

Aquilegia vulgaris
Salmon (Botanologia) said there were many varieties, and listed 7:
  1. Single Columbine
  2. Double Columbine
  3. Double inverted Columbine 
  4. Rose Columbine
  5. Degenerate Columbine
  6. Tufted Columbine
  7. Early Red Virginian Columbine

Parts used:

Herb; Seeds

Temperature & Taste:

accounted Warm (probably Cool), dry. Bitter


1. Clears Heat and Damp, Opens Obstructions, Reduces Swelling:
-Liver pain or tenderness, Jaundice, Cholecystitis
-Restless, Liver Headache
-Hepato-protective effects have been demonstrated
-Scrofula, Lymphatic Swellings, Nodes
-conserve of the flowers strengthens Liver and Spleen (Salmon)
-Insomnia and restlessness

2. Clears Heat and Poison:
-promotes expression of rashes in Small Pox, Measles etc. (Seeds)
-acute Sore Throat, Tonsillitis
-Skin diseases, Eczema

3. Moves the Blood, Clears Stasis:
-Amenorrhea, Dysmenorrhea
-Seed has been used to promote Labor.
-bruising, Trauma and Fractures (Bock, Kreutterbuch, 1565)

4. Clears Heat, Stops Cough:
-Whooping Cough
-Hemoptysis, Lung Ulcers (Bock, Kreutterbuch, 1565)

5. Clears Heat and Damp, Promotes Urine:
-Edema, Stones (root, Paracelsus)
-chewing the root regularly was said to hinder Stone formation (Matthiolus)
-Ulcers of the Kidneys, Bladder or Urethra

6. Externally:
-aches and pains from Cold (herb boiled in Oil)
-applied to Wounds; mouth wash for mouth Ulcers (leaf decoction or juice with Honey
-distilled water or decoction of the leaves is used for Mouth Sores and Ulcers
-Sores and Ulcers of the Genitals
-topically to Wounds
-old foul Ulcers, Running Sores, Fistula (Juice)
-Burns and Scalds (herb boiled in Oil)
-Applied to Fractures (Ointment)


Herb or Seed is given in Powder in doses 1–3 grams (traditionally half–1 dram)

Main Combinations:

1. Jaundice:
i. Columbine Seed is taken with Saffron
ii. Columbine seed (6 drams), Saffron (1 dram), Tartar Vitriolate (half dram). Form 7 doses. (Gazophylacium Medico-Physicum, Woyts, 1746)
2. Gargle for Mouth Sores and Ulcers, as a Wash for Genital Sores and Ulcers, or to irrigate Fistulas, Columbine Wine Decoction (1 pint), Columbine Water Decoction (½ pint), Alum powder (1 dram), Honey (4 oz.). (Salmon)


Avoid overdose.

Main Preparations used:

Distilled Water of the Leaves, Flowers and Roots, Conserve of the Flower, and a Vinegar Tincture