Apium, Celery
SmallageAjmoda (Seed, Ayurveda)
Herbarius latinus, Petri, 1485
Della Materia Medicinale, Andrea Valuassori, 1562
Kops, Flora Batava, 1822
Botanical name:
Apium graveolens
Garden, Wild and Mountain types were recognised
Macedonian Smallage is Macedonian Parsley (Italian Parsley)
Parts used:
Root; Seed; Juice
Temperature & Taste:
Warm, dry. Pungent. Juice is Cool and dry
1. Root is one of the 5 Opening roots:
-Cold, Wind, Phlegm and Damp Obstructions
-promotes Urine and Menstruation
2. Seed is one of the Warming Seeds:
-warms the Kidneys; promotes urine and menstruation
3. Clears Wind and Damp, Promotes Urine (seed is stronger):
-Edema, obstructed or dribbling Urine
-Arthritis, Rheumatism, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Sciatica, Neuralgia
-“All of its kinds and parts ‘cleanse’ the Kidneys, Bladder and Uterus.” (Avicenna)
4. Warms and Strengthens the Kidneys (root is stronger):
-Fatigue; weakness associated with chronic illness; convalescence
-Frigidity; Impotence
-Amenorrhea or Dysmenorrhea from Coldness of the Kidneys
5. Resists Poison:
-used in Antidotes
-used against Spider bites and other venomous bites
-“When the decoction of garden celery is taken orally with it roots, it protects (the body) against the ill effects of Lethal medicines, Insect Bites and ingestion of impure Oxide of Lead. It is incorporated as an ingredient in antidotal formulations.” (Avicenna)
-“useful in the Periodic Fevers.” (Avicenna)
6. Moves Qi, Calms the Mind and Nerves:
-Depression, Nervousness, Anxiety
-also sometimes to strengthen the Eyes (Fennel is better for this purpose)
7. Benefits the Stomach, Moves Qi:
-indigestion, poor appetite
Seed and Root are generally used in similar doses.
Decoction: 3–9 grams
In Powder: 1–4 grams
The seed is warmer and stronger to promote urine and for Wind-Damp Joint Pain. The root is stronger as a Kidney tonic.
Celery seeds can cause Nausea and Vomiting, according to Avicenna. This can be ameliorated by roasting or dry frying. This, therefore, can be a good preparation in those with weak or sensitive stomachs.
Main Combinations:
The Five Opening Roots are Celery, Fennel, Parsley, Butchers Broom and Asparagus. They promote Urine, and clear Damp and Phlegm.
1. Edema, to promote Urine:
i. from Phlegm Humor, roots of Celery and Fennel with Fumitory (Arnold de Villa Nova)
ii. Celery seed with Rhubarb, Agrimony, Bitter Almond, Madder (as in Powder for Edema)
iii. Celery seed with Cassia Wood, Lacca, Aniseed (as in Medicament Strong to Promote Urine)
iv. Celery seed with Madder, Parsley seed, Savin, Asarum, Fennel seed, Indian Spikenard, Bitter Almond, Melon seed (as in Pills to Promote Urine)
2. Strangury and retention of Urine:
i. decoct Celery seed, Rue and Betony in wine.
ii. decoct Celery seed, Fennel seed, Parsley seed, Milium Solis (Lithospermum) (Arnold de Villa Nova)
3. Ascites:
i. Celery seed with Rhubarb, Turbith, Wormwood, Mastic, Tragacanth, Aniseed, Fennel seed, Lacca, Asarum, Spurge root (as in Powder for Ascites of Isaac)
ii. Celery seed with Wormwood, Turbith, Opopanax, Fennel seed, Aniseed, Mullein, Spurge root, Mastic (as in Powder to Purge in Ascites of Nicholas)
iii. Celery seed with Endive seed, Chicory seed, Lettuce seed, Fennel seed, Parsley seed, Mezereon, Rhubarb, Agaric, Turbith, Indian Spikenard, Mastic (as in Pills for Ascites of Renodeus)
4. To strengthen the Kidneys, cook Celery and Pork Kidney (TCM)
5. Scoliosis, Pills made of Celery seed, with Aloe and Bdellium (as in Pills for Scoliosis)
6. Rheumatism, Rheumatoid Arthritis:
i. Celery seed with Rue, Nutmeg, Clove
ii. Celery seed with Agrimony, Nettle, Birch leaf, Rosehip (as in Infusion for Rheumatoid Arthritis)
7. Cough and Bronchitis from Phlegm:
i. Celery seed with Long Pepper, Chebula (Ayurveda)
ii. Celery seed with Fennel seed, Licorice juice, Maidenhair, Sweet Almond (as in Troches for Cough)
iii. Celery root with Thyme, Hyssop, Fennel root, Aniseed, Raisin, Licorice (as in Decoction of Thyme of Andernacus)
8. Asthma:
i. Celery root with Fennel root, Aniseed, Licorice, Almond, Hyssop, Mallow seed, Raisin, Fig (as in Decoction for Asthma from Crass Humors)
ii. Celery seed with Fig, Raisin, Fennel seed, Maidenhair, Licorice, Hyssop, Fenugreek (as in Decoction for Asthma of Zacharia)
9. Scrofula, with Horehound, Herb Robert, Dill seed, Agrimony (as in Decoction Against Scrofula)
10. Liver obstruction, Celery seed with Wormwood, Bitter Almond, Aniseed (as in Bitter Troches of Nicholas)
11. To promote Menstruation, with Myrrh, Cinnamon, Savin, Parsley seed, Indian Spikenard, Asarum (as in Powder to Promote Menstruation)
12. Nervous debility:
i. German Nerve tonic, Celery seed with Mint and Camomile
ii. Celery seed, Indian Spikenard, Valerian (wallichi), Centella (Ayurveda)
13. Poisoning: “Oral intake of its decoction alongwith lentil induces vomiing in cases of Poisoning” (Avicenna)
14. Alopecia, decoct Celery with Southernwood in lixivium and use as a wash (Arnold de Villa Nova)
Major Formulas:
Opening Roots – Five & Two
Syrup of Five Opening Roots
Byzantine Syrup-Simple & Compound (Mesue)
Decoction Against Scrofula
Decoction for Back Pain and Kidney Stones (Galen)
Syrup of Horehound
Powder for Edema (Wirtzung)
Bitter Troches of Nicholas
Troches of Rhubarb Lesser (Unani)
Troches of Wormwood Greater
Troches of Wormwood Lesser (Mesue)
Confection for Cold Kidneys
Electuary of Costus (Mesue)
Electuary of Rhubarb (Unani)
Medicament Strong to Promote Urine
Pills of Rhubarb (Mesue)
Pills for Retention of Urine (Wirtzung)
Pills to Promote Urine (Unani)
Pills of Seeds (Unani)
Celery seed Powder (Ajmodadi Churna) (Ayurveda)
Generally safe.
“Its use is harmful in pregnancy. When a pregnant woman takes it as a pessary, it proves to be an ecbolic drug” (Avicenna)
Main Preparations used:
Diuretic Powder, Syrup of Celery (Simple and Compound), Distilled Water
1. Diuretic Powder:
i. Celery root (4 oz.), Fennel root, Linseed (2 oz.), Pellitory of the Wall, Mallow, Persicaria, Camomile (2 handfuls each), (Dispensatorium medico pharmaceuticum Palatinatus, 1764)
2. Compound Syrup of Celery:
i. The Five Opening Roots (4 oz.), Water (14 pounds); decoct to 8 pounds, express, add Sugar (6 pounds). (Pharmacopoeia Hispana, 1798)
ii. Celery seed, Fennel seed, Parsley seed (1 part each), fresh Celery root, Parsley root, Fennel root (4 parts each), Water (40 parts). Infuse in a water bath for 6 or 7 hours, strain, and add Sugar (64 parts). (Pharmacopee Usuelle, Louvain, 1821)
iii. Celery root, Fennel root, Parsley root (5 oz. each), Boiling water (2 ½ pounds). Infuse warm for 24 hours, strain, press; then take Asparagus root, Dyers Broom (5 oz. each), Water (7 pounds), boil to half adding the residual of the infusion towards the end, then strain, filter, mix the 2 liquids, then add Sugar (6 pounds) (Pharmacopoeia Gallica, 1818)