
Western Anti-Cancer Materia Medica

The following is a list of the primary Traditional Western Anti-Cancer Herbal Medicines. Some have been taken from Traditional texts, some from modern research and some from modern clinical use.

Further research, verification and updated information can be found in the Individual Herb Monographs, and on PubMed.


The following is of Chinese Agrimony, A. pilosa and others. It is very similar to the European Agrimony and both contain agrimoniin as a primary active ingredient.

120 grams of Chinese Agrimony herb is decocted in water for 1.5 hours and the filtered liquid is steamed dry. The powder is taken with boiled water 6 times in 24 hours, and 45 days make one course of treatment. This formula is said to be very effective, especially for cancers of the Bone, Liver and Pancreas with severe pain. (Anti-Cancer Medicinal Herbs, Chang Minyi, Hunan Science & Technology Press, 1992)

ANTI-CANCER: the decoction and alcohol extract inhibit the growth of certain Cancer cells; nearly 10 substances in the root of A. pilosa have shown anti-cancer activity. Agrimonin is cytotoxic. (Miyamoto et. al., Cancer Immunol. Immunother., 1988)

Agrimoniin has been shown to be a potent ANTI-
TUMOR agent. This is believed to be partly due to an ability to enhance the immune response, and the activity of some immunocytes. The extract of the whole root has also shown anti-tumor activity. (Miyamoto et. al., Japanese Journal of Pharmacology, Feb. 1987)

Significant ANALGESIC in larger doses.
Aloe purges Heat and toxin from the blood and opens obstructions. It was far more highly valued in the Wetsern tradition (Greek and Arab physicians) than in the others systems.

Traditional Unani texts regard it useful for Cancer. It may be used in forms such as Swedish Bitters, both internally and topically.

Anti-tumor, Anti-cancer, Anti-angiogenic (gel), and Immunostimulant effects have been noted. Epidemilogical research has shown Aloe to have a protective effect against Lung Cancer in smokers.

It has other effects which can be beneficial in Cancer therapy including Anti-inflammatory, Anti-fungal, Anti-viral and Anti-parasitic.
Animal studies have shown ANTI-CANCER effects in Radix Angelica; the main ingredient being alpha-angelica lactone. The coumarins have also shown anti-cancer action (Planta Medica, 1987)

ANTI-MUTAGENIC. (Salikhova & Poroshenko, Vestn Ross Akad Med Nauk, 1995)

ANTI-PROLITERATIVE effects have been noted in the seed tincture. A significant dose-related activity was observed. The furanocoumarins imperatorin and xanthotoxin were the main active constituents with this effect (Sigurdsson et al., Z Naturforsch, Jul-Aug, 2004). The leaf extract has also demonstrated Antiproliferative effects (Sigurdsson et al., In Vivo, Jan-Feb, 2005)

HEPATOPROTECTIVE. (Yeh et al., Pharmacology, Jun, 2003)
Arum Several species of Arum are used in the different traditions, these being synonyms and/or closely related to, the Ariseama.

Arum is hot, dry and toxic, and excels in clearing Phlegm, drying Damp and resolving Masses. There are about 26 species and many if not most have found medicinal application. Arum maculatum (Cuckoopint or Jack-in-the-Pulpit) is perhaps the medicinal flagship of the species, at least from the western perspective.
Asparagus BREAST CANCER. The fresh root is boiled in Millet wine for 30 minutes; the wine is taken orally. The raw root may
also be eaten with Millet wine. The juice in doses of 50 grams taken with Millet wine may be used, gradually increasing to 150 grams if needed; 0.1% of Benzoic acid may be added. (Anti-Cancer Medicinal Herbs, Chang Minyi, Hunan Science & Technology Press, 1992)

ASPARAGUS SPEARS IN THE TREATMENT of CANCER. This has reportedly been used for lymphatic cancers, Bladder, Lung, and Skin cancers, along with other forms of Cancer. The shoots are used, and must be cooked before use. Therefore, canned Asparagus may be used as long as there are no preservatives or impurities added. Blend the Cut Spears of Asparagus in a blender to a puree, and store in the refrigerator.
Dose: 2-4 tablespoons or more are taken twice daily, morning and night. It may be added to warm water; it is said that patients begin to show improvements in 2-4 weeks. (By Karl B. Lutz; taken from an early edition of IACVF Cancer News Journal, USA)

The crude saponins from Asparagus shoots (edible parts) were found to have ANTI-TUMOR activity. In relatively low concentrations, it inhibited human Leukemia HL-60 cells. (Shao et. al., Cancer Letters, June 1996)

Radix Asparagi contains a good supply of proteins called HISTONES which are believed to influence cell growth; this is believed to play a role in Cancer treatment.

ANTI-TUMOR and ANTI-CANCER effects have been noted. A number of the alkaloids may contribute to this effect. (see effects of Berberine below)

ANTI-CANCER of BERBERINE have shown effects against more than 10 experimental Cancer models. One researcher (Zhang, 1990) had an average 91% cell kill in 6 different types of Cancer when used in high concentrations. Brain and Liver Cancers as well as Lymphoma were all inhibited, Human HepG2 Hepatoma having particularly strong inhibition in relatively low concentrations. Berberine has also been shown to inhibit oxygen uptake by Cancer cells.

Berberine INDUCES DIFFERENTIATION of stem cells. Under neoplastic conditions, stem cells do not fully differentiate allowing them to produce more cancer cells. It was more potent than Vitamin A, although doses needed were high. However, Vitamin A probably enhances Berberines effect on differentiation.

ANTI-CANCER effects against transplanted Melanoma cells has been demonstrated; this is due to betulinic acid. (Pezzuto., Cancer Biotech Weekly, 1995)

After studying the use of Cortex Betulae as a folk remedy for BREAST CYSTS, TUMORS, AND CANCER, Russian researchers tried the infusion of the bark in the treatment of a number of women with these conditions. In those women who continued the use of the infusion for up to 5 months, 97% of the women with cysts had virtually no cysts, while 67% of those with Breast Cancer were said to have showed a gradual reduction of tumor size over the same period (Heinerman’s Encyclopedia of Juices, Teas & Tonics, John Heinerman, 1996).

Betulin appears to work on tumor cells in a highly selective manner. Tumor cells typically have a lower pH than normal tissues, and Betulin is most active at these levels. Once inside tumor cells, Betulin induces apoptosis (programmed cell death).
Black Nightshade

See our article Solanum nigrum in Cancer Treatment.

Black Nighshade has been one of the most used anti-cancer medicines for over 2000 years and is still regarded as most useful in this diseases today. It has abundant research demsontrating anti-cancer effects as well as other qualities aiding in cancer tehrapy including anti-inflammatory, immune-stimulating and detoxicant effects.

‘In the year 1757, Mr. Gataker, surgeon to the Westminster Hospital, called the attention of the Faculty to this plant, by a publication recommending its internal use in old sores, srophulous and cancerous ulcers, cutaneous eruptions, and even dropsies; all of which were much relieved or completely cured of it’. (The Botanists Companion, Salisbury, 1816)

CANCER of the WOMB. Culpeper gives two topical uses of Nightshade for Cancer of the Womb:

Juices of Plantain
  of Nightshade
  of Purslane                           2 oz. ea.
Mucilage of Fleabane          1 oz.
Oil of Roses                            3 oz.

Mix in a leaden mortar.

Nightshade juice                 6 oz.
Tutty, burnt Lead                 2 drams ea.
Camphor                              ½ dram

Mix them in a leaden mortar, and add powder of (River) Crayfish. These were used as topical medicines, the former as a Douche; the latter is to be applied topically as a paste. (Culpeper’s Directory for Midwives, 1662)

Black Nightshade (30-60 grams dry, or 90-150 grams of the fresh) is decocted twice with a gentle fire in 800 mls of water. The 2 decoctions (about 300 mls) are mixed for oral intake. One course of treatment being 15 days. (Anti-Cancer Medicinal Herbs, Chang Minyi, Hunan Science & Technology Press, 1992)

Black Nightshade has been much used for Cancer in various parts of the World, and is still realised as a very important Anti-Cancer medicine in Russia and China, amongst other places. There are many medicines and formulas used for Cancer which contain Black Nightshade, either as the primary medicine, or as a useful adjunctive medicine. An example of a general Cancer formula from China:

      Black Nightshade, Agrimony, Burnet

This combination enhances the anti-cancer effects of the herbs, and the Nightshade reduces the astringency of the others due to its lubricating effects. It is antioxidant and hepatoprotective, and has demonstrated strong Anti-cancer activity. (Anti-Cancer Medicinal Herbs, Chang Minyi, Hunan Science & Technology Press, 1992)

Chinese researchers (among others) have shown Herba Solani Nigri to have anti-cancer activity; it inhibits Sarcoma-180, WA (carcinosarcoma), Cervical Cancer, Ascites Cancer, and Stomach Cancer cells in animals. It has inhibited transplanted animal tumors at a rate of 40-50%. It has proven to be clinically useful for cancers of Cervix, Ovary, Esophagus, Breast, Lung, Liver, as well as Chorioepithelioma and Sarcoma in humans helping to reduce signs and symptoms, prolong life, and to promote tumor regression and total remission in some cases. (Anti-Cancer Medicinal Herbs, Chang Minyi, Hunan Science & Technology Press, 1992)

ANTI-TUMOR, ANTI-CANCER, APOPTOSIS-INDUCING and ANTIOXIDANT effect: ethanol extracts of the ripe fruit of Solanum Nigrum were tested against U266 and MCF-7 human breast cancer cell lines. Cell proliferation was greatly suppressed by the extract in a dose-related manner. This effect was found to be due to apoptosis-promoting factor which was demonstrated to be due to a glycoprotein which was also proven effective against HT-29 cell lines. In addition, the extract was found to be a potent free radical scavenger (hydroxyl radicals and DPPH radicals). (Wang & Lu, Beijing Da Xue Xue Bao, Jun 2005; Lim, J Med Food, Summer 2005; Son et. al., Food Chem. Toxicol., Oct. 2003)

Solasonine has CORTISONE-LIKE effects. It decreases permeability of the blood vessels and hinders the activity of hyaluronidase, so is protective against allergies, burns and histamine shock in animals. It also increased the survival rate of insulin shocked Mice.

Burdock Root & Seed

Arctiin and Arctigenin INHIBIT TUMOR GROWTH. A strong anti-cancer activity has also been shown. Arctigenin has shown potent cytotoxic effects against HL–60 human Lymphocytic Leukemia. The cytotoxic doses were very low, being within the same range of several conventional chemotherapeutic drugs. In addition, it was non-toxic to healthy lymphocytes at these doses. (Takasaki et al., Cancer Letters., Sep., 2000)

ANTI-CANCER: A component of the Oil (a-Asarone) has been shown to kill various human cancer cells, and inhibit their multiplication (Hela cells, Human Metastasis of Lung Cancer, and Human Gastric Carcinoma strains); the 20% decoction of the herb kills ascites carcinoma. The volatile oil had a remarkable inhibition of Sarcoma and Hepatoma in Mice when given orally or injected intraperitoneally. As is often the case, Asarone is also potentially carcinogenic (Boyuan, J. Integ. Trad. West. Med., 1986; others).
ANTI-CANCER: Water extracts have been shown to inhibit Sarcoma 180 in mice.

CYTOTOXIC and ANTI-TUMOR effects have also been noted. (Boucaud-Maitre, 1988)

Calenduloside B has marked ANTI-ULCER and sedative activity.

IMMUNOSTIMULANT activity has been noted from the Polysaccharides.

Calendula was a favorite Anti-cancer herb of Folk Herbalist Maria Treben. On of her basic anti-cancer combinations is composed of Calendula, Yarrow, and Nettle.


Denissenko directs that from 22-75 grains of the extract shall be taken internally, dissolved in distilled water or Peppermint water, every day throughout the treatment. Into the substance of the Tumor, as close as possible to the boundary between it and the healthy tissue, he throws a number of injections of from two to four drops of a mixture of equal weights of the Extract, Glycerine and Distilled Water, not exceeding a syringeful in all. If the Tumor is ulcerated, he paints its surface twice a day with a mixture of of one or 2 parts of the extract and one part glycerine. The painting of the ulcerated surfaces gives rise to a light and transient burning. In all instances, after the injections, especially after the first one, there was a burning pain at the site of the operation, the patient felt weak, there was a more or less severe chill, and then the temperature rose to between 100 and 102 degrees (F). These symptoms disappeared on the following day.
As a result of the treatment the sallow hue of the skin disappeared and softening of the tumor set in. After from 3 to 5 days there formed at the points of injection, fistulous tracts about which the softening process went on with special rapidity’. (Ellingwood)

‘A POULTICE AGAINST CANCEROUS SORES OF WOMEN’S BREASTS’. ‘Take of the juice of Celandine, and Goose dung, of each a like quantity, mix them together and apply it’. (Pemell, Tractus de Facultatibus simplicium, 1653)

Extracts of Herba Chelidonii potently inhibited glandular stomach cancer in rat experiments. (Kim et. al., Cancer Letters, Jan. 1997)

A chemotherapy drug known as Ukrain has been developed from Herba Chelidonii and Thiophosphoric acid, and has had extensive research and trials made of it in Eastern Europe. It is a high dosage water soluble derivative of the Chelidonii alkaloids, and is given by injection. Ukrain has demonstrated cytostatic effects in malignant cells at concentrations less than that which is cytostatic in healthy cells. It also inhibits TNF-alpha (a pleiotropic, aiding to induce cachexia), which is secreted by PEM (Peritoneal Exudate Macrophages, which is found to produce more TNF- alpha in tumor carriers). It has the following additional effects:
1. It has immunoregulating properties.
2. It has been used for AIDS patients with Kaposi’s Sarcoma.
3. It improves the general condition in the Cancer patient.
4. It has also been shown to increase the survival rate after irradiation, and ease effects of prolonged exposure to irradiation.
5. In addition, it has shown anti-viral effects. Dose: often around 10mg is injected IV, or topically, for 10-30 injections, given every second day. This makes one course of treatment.

References for Ukrain include:
-Voltchek et. al., Journal of Chemotherapy, April 1996
-Voltchek et. al., Drugs Under Experimental and Clinical Research, 1996
-Liepins et. al., Drugs Under Experimental and Clinical Research, 1996
-Sotomayor, International Congree of Chemotherapy, 1993, Sweden
-Lohninger et. al., Drugs Under Experimental and Clinical Research, 1992
-Staniszewski et. al., Drugs Under Experimental and Clinical Research, 1992
-Nowisky et. al., Drugs Under Experimental and Clinical Research, 1992
-Bruller, Drugs Under Experimental and Clinical Research, 1992
-Kleinrok et. al., Polish Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacy, May-June 1992

Cleavers in Cancer
i. 30 grams of the herb is decocted, then strained, and sweetened with brown sugar, and taken as a dose, 3-6 times daily for an extended period. Alternatively, 250 grams of the fresh herb can be pressed to obtain its juice which may also be sweetened with brown sugar and taken.
Used for Breast, Thyroid and Cervical Cancer, Submandibular Adenocancer among others. (Anti-Cancer Medicinal Herbs, Chang Minyi, Hunan Science & Technology Press, 1992)
ii. Scudder in Specific Medications and Specific Medicines relays a ‘case of hard nodulated tumor of the tongue, apparently cancerous, is reported in the British Medical Journal, as having been cured with it’.
iii. ‘The juice in combination with the juice (or infusion) of Violet leaves taken in large and frequent doses at least three times daily has dispersed long-standing growths’. (Wonders in Weeds, W. Smith)
iv. ‘This herb has a special curative reputation with reference to cancerous growths and allied tumors. For open cancers an ointment is made from the leaves and stems wherewith to dress the ulcerated parts, and at the same time the expressed juice of the plant is given internally. Dr. Tuthill Massy avers that it often produces a cure in from six to twelve months, and advises that the decoction shall be drank regularly afterwards in the Springtime’ … ‘Dr. Thornton, in his excellent Herbal (1810), says: “After some eminent surgeons had failed, he ordered the juice of Cleavers, mixed with linseed, to be applied to the breast, in cases of supposed cancer of that part, with a teaspoonful of the juice to be taken every night and morning whilst fasting; by which plan, after a short time, he dispersed very frightful tumours in the breast.” … “In cancer,” says Dr. Boyce, “five fluid ounces of the fresh juice of the plant are to be taken twice a day, whilst constantly applying the bruised leaves, or their ointment, to the sore.” (Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure, W. T. Fernie, M.D., 1897)

It has demonstrated an ANTI-CANCER effect against Leukemia, Sarcoma-180 and the growth of various other cancer cells; G. aparine var. ternata (a variety) has shown inhibition of acute lymphocytic and chronic granulocytic leukemias. (Anti-Cancer Medicinal Herbs, Chang Minyi, Hunan Science & Technology Press, 1992)

CANCER. ‘The President of the Irish College of Surgeons has reported the gradual disappearance of a growth
(“malignant, sarcomatous, twice recurrent, and of a bad type”), since steadily applying poultices of this root to the tumour. “I know nothing,” says Professor Thomson, “of the effects of Comfrey root: but the fact that this growth has simply disappeared is one of the greatest surprises and puzzles I have met with”.’ (Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure, W.T. Fernie, 1897)

‘Numerous uncontrolled reports of LUNG CANCER cured when all other means have failed and in which the sole treatment considered of infusion made from the whole green plant and even in some instances, of infusion made from the powder of the entire plant’ (Hutchens).

Radix Symphytii contains beta-sitosterol which has shown anti-cancer activity. It is probable the alkaloids may also show anti-tumor and/or anti-cancer activity. No doubt, the soothing and healing qualities of the mucilage and allantoin would also be of prime importance in any overall effect.

Methanol extracts of Radix Costus showed potent INHIBITORY EFFECT ON THE PRODUCTION OF TUMOUR NECROSIS FACTOR-ALPHA (TNF-alpha), a pro-inflammatory cytokine. Fractional testing showed a sequiterpene lactone to be responsible. (Cho et. al., Planta Med., Oct. 1998)

Three CYTOTOXIC principles have been isolated. They have been proven to be moderately cytotoxic against various human tumor cell lines. (Jung et al., Arch. Pharm. Res, Apr. 1998)

A Sesquiterpene Lactone (Costunolide) has shown an ANTI-ANGIOGENIC effect. This could be relevant in the treatment of Cancer. It is believed to block the angiogenic factor signaling pathway. (Jeond et al., Cancer Letters., Dec., 2002)

Costunolide has been shown to be a potent trigger of APOPTOSIS in human Leukemia cells. This is also relevant in the treatment of Cancer. (Choi et al., Japan J Cancer Res., Dec., 2002; Lee et al., Biol Pharm Bull., Mar, 2001)Answer to question

ANTI-MUTAGENIC effects have been noted.

Out of nine plants investigated by Indian researchers for ANTI-CANCER activity, Cumin seeds and Sacred Basil leaves were the most potent (Aruna & Sivaramakrishnan, Food Chem Toxicol, 1992).

ANTI-TUMOR and ANTICANCER: water extracts of the Chinese Dandelion inhibit S-180 in mice; it also inhibits transplanted human lung cancer cells; a polyose-type substance has been found to promote immunity against cancer (Baba et. al., Yakugaku Zasshi, 1981).

The polysaccharides and water extracts displayed Anti-tumor activity in animals.
Dodder herb

Dodder has long been used for Cancer in the Western Tradition. The Decoction of Dodder of Rhazes was regarded as useful in extending life when cure was not possible.

Dodder has demonstrated anti-cancer activity. (Evaluation of in vitro anticancer activity of … Cuscuta campestris; In vitro anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer activities of Cuscuta reflexa)
Picture Fenugreek

Chinese research has shown one of the active ingredients, Trigonelline, to have an ANTI- CANCER effect on the Uterus, supporting the old Western uses listed by Culpeper and others for ‘hardness, swelling and tumors’ of that organ. It also has a positive effect on Liver Cancer.
Figs Ficus

STOMACH and BOWEL CANCER. 5 pieces of the fresh fruit are eaten, or 20 grams of the dried fruit are decocted, after each meal every day. (Anti-Cancer Medicinal Herbs, Chang Minyi, Hunan Science & Technology Press, 1992)

ESOPHAGEAL CANCER. 500 grams of Fresh Figs is stewed with 100 grams of lean meat for half an hour and the broth and the meat are taken together. (Anti-Cancer Medicinal Herbs, Chang Minyi, Hunan Science & Technology Press, 1992)

ANTI-TUMOR and ANTI-CANCER effects have been shown: the processed, aqueous extract of the fruit inhibited Ehrlich’s tumor, and the juice of the immature fruit inhibited transplanted tumors in rats and breast cancer in Mice. The juice of the whole plant has an anti-cancer effect. It has been used for Cancers of the Stomach and Bowels, Esophageal, Lung and Cervical Cancers, Cancer of the Urinary Bladder, Myeloid leukemia, pharyngolaryngeal and adeno-carcinomas. Japanese researchers identified an anti-cancer compound in the distillate as being Benzaldehyde which was capable of reducing tumors by 39%. A subsequent study treated 57 cancer patients with Benzaldehyde from Figs and there was a 50% reduction in tumors (Hong-Yen Hsu, Ph.D., Oriental Materia Medica-A Concise Guide, 1986; Anti-Cancer Medicinal Herbs, Chang Minyi, Hunan Science & Technology Press, 1992).

A report in ‘Medical Reference Data’ (Vol. 2, 1972) said 5 advanced cases of GASTRIC CANCER were treated with IV administration of an extract of the fruit. After 30-50 days, the tumors disappeared.

Mix a cup of red wine, 3 or 4 spoonfuls of honey and as much Frankincense as a large Hazel nut; mix and boil to reduce one-third. Strain and keep in a bottle. Wash the part frequently and ‘it will cure it’.

‘Powder white Frankincense, and apply thereon’. (The Physicians of Myddvai, translated by John Pughe esq., 1861)

Olibanum has demonstrated an ANTI-CANCER action. The Boswellic acids from B. serrata have shown inhibition of human Leukemia HL-60 cells (Qi et al., Hunan Yi Ke Da Xue Xue Bao, 1999; Shao et. al., Planta Medica, 1998).

Boswellic acid acetate induces Apoptosis in Myeloid Leukemia cells: more than 50% of the cells underwent Apoptosis with treatment with 20mug/ml Boswellic acid solution in 24 hours (Xia et al., Mol Cancer Ther, Mar, 2005).

Boswellic acid acetate also induces differentiation and Apoptosis in highly metastatic Melanoma and Fibrosarcoma cells. If declared well tolerated at required doses, this is being developed in China into a possible medicine as a cancer preventative, and to prevent tumor invasion and metastasis (Zhao et al., Cancer Detect Prev, 2003).

Antiproliferative effects against a variety of Malignant cells has been demonstrated including five types of Leukemia and two brain Tumor cell lines (Hostanska et al., Anticancer Res, Sep-Oct, 2002). Hepatoma cells have also been inhibited. The hot water extract at a dose of approx. 500ug/ml was required.

Fumaric acid has shown anti-tumor effects. Sanguinarine has shown anti-cancer effects.

It has a long history if use in formulas for Melancholy diseases including Leprosy and Cancer.


From Anti-Cancer Medicinal Herbs, Chang Minyi, Hunan Science & Technology Press, 1992:
i) Lung Cancer: take 10-30 mls of the juice twice daily.
ii) Leukemia: the sublingual vein of the tongue is cut and then rubbed with fresh Garlic; this is also good for Lung Cancer.
iii) General for Cancer: Garlic, Peppermint Oil and Beer yeast are combined with intravenous injections of Vitamin F, K, E and chlorophyll.
iv) Long term internal use of Garlic oil can prevent the occurrence of cancer.
v) Various preparations of Garlic are used intramuscularly for Cancer in China.

Bulbus Allii Sativi extracts have shown anti-cancer action: female Rats fed Bulbus Allii Sativi are immune to breast Cancer; it has an effect against Ehrlich’s ascites Cancer; there is a 70-90% inhibition of JTC-26 cells. Another study concluded that those who ate an average of 7 cloves of Bulbus Allii Sativi daily had incidences of gastric cancer 10 times lower than people who did not. Part of this effect is attributed to disallowing dietary Nitrates to form into carcinogenic Nitrosamines. Animals have also shown a 75% reduction in the incidence of Cancer when treated with Bulbus Allii Sativi. One compound, Dailyl Sulphide, showed complete inhibition of Esophageal Cancer in Mice. Over 230 studies have been conducted on the anticancer effect of Garlic, 10 of these being epidemilogical studies, and 2 being clinical studies. The anti-cancer effects are due only partly to the allicin content. (Unnikrishnan & Kuttan, Cancer Letters, 1990; You et. al., J. Nat. Cancer Inst., 1989; Mei et. al., Acta Nutr. Sin., 1982; others)
‘Some have affirmed that a diet drink of Lignum Vitae wood or bark has cured a Cancer, but it has been by changing the nature of the humour and converting a Salt humour into a sweet humour’. (Admiral Secrets of Physic and Chiurgury)

Kelp INCREASES IMMUNITY. (Taylor et. al., Immunology, 1981)

ANTI-CANCER: hot water extracts inhibited Sarcoma-180, with Laminaria angustata showing the highest rate of inhibition (94.8%); the hot water extract primarily contains polysaccharides. However in vitro experiments did not show anticancer activity, hence it has been suggested that the immunity of the host is indirectly enhanced by the extract, especially the polysaccharides. It may reduce cancer by regulating metabolism of bile acids, sterols and steroid hormones (Bokkenhause et. al., American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1978).

ANTI-TUMOR. (Yamamoto et. al., Japanese Journal of Experimental Medicine, 1974; Jolles et. al., British Journal of Cancer, 1963)

Kelp has been shown to significantly REDUCE LEVELS OF BREAST CANCER; it has also been very effective against Mastitis in animals, both as a treatment, and as a preventative. (Wynder, Cancer, 1979; Fujimoto et. al., National Cancer Institute Monographs, 1979; Hirayama, Preventative Medicine, 1978; Kagawa, Preventative Medicine, 1978; Nomura et. al., American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1978)

Licorice has been stated to be very useful in alleviating symptoms of Lung Cancer, and, in some cases, helping reduce tumors. It is a useful adjunct in other Cancers too.

IMMUNO-REGULATORY: Radix Glycyrrhizae has been shown to regulate immune activity; it potentiates or suppresses, according to need.

STIMULATES IMMUNITY: Radix Glycyrrhizae potentiates the reticuloendothelial system, which probably relates to its antimicrobial effects. The polysaccharides are responsible. (Tomoda et. al., Chemical and Pharmaceutiocal Bulletin, June 1990; Yang & Yu, Proceedings of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and the Peking Union Medical College, 1990)

ANTI-TUMOR: Anti-tumour activity has been demonstrated. (Shvarev et. al., Voprosy Izuch Ispol’z Solodki SSR, Akad. Nauk SSR, 1966)

ANTI-CANCER: An anti-cancer action has been demonstrated by several components; a prophylactic effect against cancer has also been noticed in animals exposed to carcinogens. Glycyrrhizin and liquiritin inhibited HepA, Yoshida’s Sarcoma and Ehrlich’s ascites carcinoma in rodents. Glycyrrhizin inhibited Hepatocarinoma and inhibited JTC-26 cells at a rate of over 90%, while Glycyrrhic acid and its derivitives inhibited transplanted myeloma.

CYTOTOXIC: Cytotoxic effects have been seen in petroleum extracts of Radix Glycyrrhizae. (Trovato et. al., Bollettino Chimico Farmaceutico, Apr. 1996)

ANTI-MUTAGENIC: Radix Glycyrrhizae has shown anti-mutagenic effects against various mutagenic chemicals. Out of over 100 Chinese herbs tested for antimutagenicity, 17 were shown to have remarkable effects, out of which, Radix Glycyrrhizae was one. It has been found to prevent mutagenicity caused by aflatoxin and cyclophosphamide. (Liu et al., Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi, Oct 1990)

R. cordifolia has demonstrated anti-cancer effects. Seven different compounds have shown anti-cancer activity against Leukemia, Ascitic Cancer, Intestine and Lung Murine Cancers. Two acetylated cyclic hexapeptides of the herb demonstrated remarkable inhibition against strains of Lymphatic, Melanoma and Lung Cancer. One of the peptides extracted from the plant showed marked inhibition of tumor growth in vivo in a number of experimental anti-cancer models. In a group of C8-bearing mice it produced a 100% cure rate compared to 12% in a control group treated with mitomycin. In addition, the methanol extract of the herb had an 80% inhibition against Ascitic Murine Tumour. In vitro, the water extracts had 100% inhibition of Cervical Cancer. (Shoemaker et al., Phytother Res., Jul, 2005; others)

IMMUNO-MODULATORY effects have been noted in R. cordifolia.

1. ‘Iscador’ is a naturally fermented product of the juice of Ramulus Viscii, and is used in Europe as a Cancer therapy. It was originally introduced into Cancer therapy by Rudolf Steiner in the 1920’s as a less toxic cancer treatment than raw Ramulus Viscii. It has shown to inhibit cancer cells in vitro and to inhibit the growth of animal tumours. ‘Helixor’ is an aqueous cold extract, and ‘Isorel’ is another Ramulus Viscii extract.
2. One study showed ‘Iscador’ to promote regeneration of cells damaged by radiation.
3. ‘Iscador’ also has immunomodulating effects: five specific immune responses are improved with its use: i) increase in number and activity of Neutrophils; ii) increase in Natural Killer cells; iii) greater antibody dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC); iv) an increase of immune cell multiplication; v) increase in number of T4 Helper cells. Helixor was also shown to stimulate Immunity. (Gorter et. al., International Conference on AIDS, Jun. 1993; Klett & Anderer, Arzneimittelforschung, Dec. 1989; Hajto, Oncology, 1986)
4. The size of the Thymus gland is markedly increased in dogs after just 6 injections; the researchers concluded that the increase in the level of Thymic cells experienced after Iscador was far greater than any other known substance.
5. Several Mistle extracts (including ‘Iscador’) were tested for their antiproliferative effects on various melanoma lines. One extract in particular showed strong antiproliferative effects against 11 different lines at low concentrations. The most potent extract contained viscotoxin alkaloids and 3 lectins. (Gawlik et. al., Anticancer Research, 1992)
6. ‘Iscador’ inhibited sarcoma formation in mice, and inhibited sarcoma-induced death completely at a dose of 1mg. Lung metastasis was also inhibited, and life span was increased by 71%. (Kuttan et. al., Anticancer Drugs, 1997)

ANTI-TUMOR. (Bocci, Journal of Biological Regulators and Homeostatic Agents, Jan 1993; Kuttan et. al., Journal of Ethnopharmacology, Apr. 1990)

European research has shown CANCER-INHIBITING properties in the Polypeptides; small amounts prolong the lives of mice with leukemia. Cancer cells have been unable to form new colonies in laboratory cultures when treated with an Extract of Ramulus Viscii. The tumor inhibiting factor is due to a basic protein complex; several of these fractions have marked anti-cancer functions in extremely low levels. But its clinical effect is related to more than just the anti-cancer principle, for it also has immuno-stimulant, vasoconstrictive, and blood-moving qualities, thus showing a true complimentary and ‘multipronged’ approach in the treatment of tumours and cancers. In Europe, 3 Chemotherapeutic agents derived from Ramulus Viscii have been used with much success in Lung and Ovarian tumors. This anti-cancer action is seen in the Viscum and Loranthus species, both having immunostimulant qualities. (Bruseth & Enge, Tidsskrift for den Norske Laegeforening, Mar. 1993; others)

Extracts of Ramulus Viscii and Crategus showed CYTOTOXIC effects effects against Larynx Cancer Cells. (Saenz, Z. Naturforsch, 1997)

TUMOR NECROSIS FACTOR (TNF) is promoted by one of the lectins of Ramulus Viscii. (Mannel et. al., Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy, 1991)

Ramulus Viscii has been shown to induce APOPTOSIS, as well as being Cytotoxic. Necrosis has until recently been the main aim of modern anti-cancer therapy, however, the newer concept of Apoptosis is now been further studied by researchers as a more desirable and less invasive aim. Apoptosis is a cellular self-destruction similar to Necrosis, but without producing inflammation and therefore resists negative effects on surrounding healthy cells. It can also occur in single, isolated cells (Brussing et. al., Cancer Letters, Jan. 1996).

Extracts of Ramulus Viscii, as well as the lectins are IMMUNOMODULATORY. (Stein & Berg, European Journal of Medical Research, 1998; Beuth, Anticancer Drugs, 1997; Schink, Anticancer Drugs, 1997; Fischer et. al., Anticancer Drugs, 1997; Coeugniet & Elek, Onkologie, 1987)

LEUKOPENIA was reduced in mice during chemotherapy and radiotherapy when Viscum was administered simultaneously. (Kuttan & Kuttan, Tumori, Feb. 1993)

Resina Myrrhae has shown ANTI-CANCER effects. The journal Chemotherapy reported anti-carcinogenic effects in Ehrlich-solid-tumor-bearing mice in doses from 250mg/kg/day. The research also confirmed cytotoxic effects. In another study, Resina Myrrhae was found to be effective against several different cancer cell lines. (Shoemaker et al., Phytother Res., Jul, 2005; al-Harbi et. al., Sep-Oct 1994)

Nux Vomica


Nux Vomica is extremely toxic, but undergoes detoxification in Traditional Medicine. It has been used in a number of formulas which have been applied in Cancer Therapy in TCM, Ayurveda and Tibetan Medicine.

While it has its own Anti-cancer effects, its other effects are very important in Cancer therapy. Eli Jones in his book Cancer said ‘In cancer, as I have said before, there is a weak discouraged feeling to the pulse; this is especially well marked in advanced cancer and where the patient has had X-Ray treatment, or one or more surgical operations. These are all a shock to the system and enfeeble the nerve power. This condition of the pulse calls for sulphate strychnine and it should be given in doses of one-thirtieth grain before meals and at bedtime’.

While he advises the Sulphate of Strychnine, whole Nux Vomica has the same effects.

In TCM, Nux Vomica is regarded as potently opening obstructions, unblocking the collaterals (capillaries), resisting Poison, dispersing masses and tumors, and easing Pain. It stimulates the nervous, circulation and digestion, increases energy and helps negate negative effects of chemotherapy.

Nux Vomica has demonstrated apoptosis-inducing, anti- proliferative and cytotoxic effects. (Rao et al., Food Chem Toxicol, Feb, 2009; Yin et al., Food Chem Toxicol, Mar 2007, Deng et al., J Ethnopharmacol, Jun 2006; Deng et al., Toxicol Sci., May, 2006)

There are a number of Eastern formulas which use Nux Vomica in Cancer therapy. However, one of the main formulas is Ping Xiao capsules (Canelin).
Peony root (Bai Shao)

ANTI-MUTAGENIC and CYTOTOXIC effects have been noted in Semen Paeonia lactifolia.

ANTI-CANCER effects have been demonstrated by Radix Paeonia lactifolia. In addition, a number of different compounds from the seeds, mostly stilbenes, have shown Anti-Cancer activity.

ANTI-HEPATOMA effect: water extracts of P. lactifolia had anti-cancer effects against 2 strains of Human Hepatoma cells. This was found to be due to induction of Apoptosis. (Lee et al., Life Sci., Sep 2002)


INDUCES APOPTOSIS (Lee et al., Life Sci., Sep 2002; others)

Tree Peony Root-bark (Mu Dan Pi)
Paeonia mutan

ANTI LIVER CANCER effect: A major component of P. suffriticosa, 1,2,3,4,6-penta-O-galloyl- beta-D-glucose, was found to have inhibiting effects on a Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma cell line. This was found to be due to phase arrest, and suppression of nuclear factor-kappa B, but was not, however, associated with either Necrosis or Apoptosis. (Oh et al., Cancer Letters, Dec 2001)
Pepper, Black
Piper nigrum

Indian researchers looked for ANTI-CARCINOGENIC activity of various spices. Fructus Piper Nigrii had the highest inhibition with 64% inhibition against Ehrlich Ascites Tumour in Mice, compared to 52% for Asafetida and 41% for Garlic (Unnikrishnan & Kuttan, Cancer Letters, 1990).

Red Clover

Red Clover Blossoms 1 oz. Simmer in 2 pints of distilled Water for 1 hour. Strain, add another oz. of Red Clover, and slowly boil another hour. Strain again and simmer until liquid is drawn off. Avoid burning. When it has reached a thick consistency, remove from the heat and jar. It will harden as it cools. Apply to the part, and cover with a cloth or dressing.

‘Take of red clover blossoms any desirable quantity, and water sufficient to cover them; boil gently until the strength of the blossoms is extracted, which will be in about an hour; strain through a coarse cloth, and use pressure sufficient to force out all the liquid; pour this into some convenient vessel, and place it in a kettle of water over the fire; boil until the liquid is of the consistence of tar. Spread this on a piece of linen, or soft leather. It is one of the best applications for open or running cancers and ill-conditioned sores or ulcers of every description, deep, ragged-edged and other wise badly conditioned burns’. (Guide to Health, B. Colby, 1846)

HARD TUMORS: ‘The Flowers infused in Oil, make a Warm Vulnerary Balsam, discussing Hard Tumours’. (Floyer,
1687, The Touchstone of Medicines)

INTERNAL USES for CANCER: ‘The flower, stem, seed and root all can be use to prepare ointment, plaster, paste, decoction or tea against tumor, hard mass and cancer, with indications for cancerous ulcer, stomach cancer, breast cancer, intestinal cancer and so on’. This source also states the White Clover to be an effective anti- cancer remedy. (Anti-Cancer Medicinal Herbs, Chang Minyi, Hunan Science & Technology Press, 1992)

‘Out of 15 cases of Cancer that my brother Physicians have abandoned as incurable, I have cured with this Wonderful remedy, Red Clover tops’ (Golden Remedies: Knowledge is Power, 19th Century).

BREAST CANCER. ‘The New York Tribune of September, 1884, related a case of indisputable cancer of the breast of
six years’ standing, with an open fetid sore, which had penetrated the chest-wall between the ribs, and which was radically healed by a prolonged internal use of the extract of red clover. Four years afterwards, in September, 1888, “the breast was found to be restored to its normal condition, all but a small place the size of half a dollar, which will in every probability become absorbed like the rest, so that the patient is considered by her physicians to be absolutely cured.” (Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure, W. T. Fernie, M.D., 1897)

ANTI-TUMOR: Flos Trifolium Pratense contains at least four known Anti-tumour compounds including genistein and daidzein, as well as carotene and Vit. E. The extract is most potent after being sterilised and stored below 4 degrees C. for at least 100 days: this suggests that some of its anti-cancer activity is due to some denatured product, and not only the alkaloidal content.


ANTI-TUMOR, ANTI-CANCER: Rhizoma Rhei inhibits ascitic carcinoma, melanoma, breast cancer and lymphosarcoma. (Shoemaker et al., Phytother Res., Jul, 2005; others)

ANTI-CANCER effect of Rhein: Rhein inhibits protein synthesis in Cancer cells by decreasing glycolysis and cellular oxygen uptake. Rhein and Emodin inhibit malignant tumours in Mice (including Ehrlich Ascites, Sarcoma, Yoshida Ascites and Hepatoma). Doses of 5mg/kg inhibited Melanoma in mice at around 76%. Research has shown that prolonged exposure to Rhein gives the best inhibition of various Cancer cells, effective levels dropping dramatically with increased length of exposure. The most effective form of Rhein is believed to be Rhein anthraquinone, being readily absorbed and the least purgative. The daily anti-tumor dose of Rhein in mice (intrperitoneal) is 40mg/kg.

CANCER, GANGRENE, FISTULA. ‘Arnoldus de Villa nova affirms, that he has often seen Cancers, Gangrenes, and Fistulas dried up and perfectly cured, though they would yield to no other medicines, by frequently washing them with an infusion of Rosemary in Spirit of Wine’. (Pharmacopoeia Universalis, R. James, M.D., London, 1743)

ANTI-CANCER: a number of anti-cancer compounds have been isolated from Herba Rosmarinii. These include carnosol, carnosic acid, ursolic acid, befulinic acid, rosmaridiphenol and rosemanol (Jones, Health and Nutrition Breakthrough, 2002). An extract of Folia et Flos Rosmarinus has been found to increase intracellular accumulation of several common chemotherapeutic drugs in drug-resistent human Breast Cancer cells (MCF–7) which express Pgp. Doxorubicin, for example, showed increased effectiveness due to greater sensitivity of the targeted cells (Plouzek et. al., Eur. J. Cancer, Oct., 1999). The whole plant extract prevented a potent carcinogen (DMBA) from binding to breast cell DNA in rats more strongly than carnosol or ursolic acid alone (Singletary et al., Cancer Letters, 1996).

ANTI-MUTAGENIC: Folia et Flos Rosmarini essential oil prevented the mutagenic effects of cyclophosphamide in mice. (Fahim et al., Int J Food Sci Nutr, Nov 1999)

CANCER. Safflower flower 5 grams; Decoct 3 times in 200 mls of water and divide into 3 portions to be taken in 3 doses, morning, noon, and night. This is a Japanese folk remedy. For masses and tumors the Chinese nearly always combine Safflower with Peach kernel. (Anti-Cancer Medicinal Herbs, Chang Minyi, Hunan Science & Technology Press, 1992)

Flos Carthamii has shown a direct ANTI-CANCER action; there is strong inhibition of JTC-26 and S-180 in animals; also inhibits Leukemia cells.


The extract is cytotoxic to various experimental Cancers working mainly by inhibiting DNA synthesis. Oral intake of the crude extract prolonged the life of Mice with various experimental Cancers by up to 212% compared to control groups; all blood counts and biochemistry were normal in the treated group showing no toxic reactions. Other research showed human tumor cells were more sensitive than normal cells to its cytotoxic effect. Crocins, the water-soluble carotenoids of Saffron, have shown the greatest effect against Cancer cells out of the compounds which have been investigated. (Abdullaev-Jafarova & Espinosa-Aguirre, Cancer Detection and Prevention, 2004; Garcia-Olmo, Nutrition and Cancer, 1999; Escribano et al., Cancer Letters, 1996; Tarantilis et al., Anticancer Research, 1994).
ST. John’s Wort

A number of Hypericum speicies have demonstrated ANTI-TUMOUR effects including H. japonicum, H. perforatum, H. chinense, H. revolutum and H. erectum.

Hypericin has recently shown potent antitumour effects in vitro against several different tumour cells. However, even much higher doses did not produce toxic reactions in healthy cells. This effect is believed to be caused by Hypericins inhibition of Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF), and Protein Tyrosine Kinase (PTK). This research did not consider the relevance of light exposure in these effects (as seen in the preceding).

Indian researchers likewise demonstrated cytotoxic and antitumor effects in their local varieties H. patulum and H. mysorense, with the extract of the stem of the former showing the strongest effects. The CTC50 of this effect ranged from 1.5mcgm/ml to 2.23mcgm/ml against the cell lines tested. (Vijayan et al., Phytother. Res., Sep., 2003)

Herba Hypericii was compared to Photofrin II in the PHOTODYNAMIC TREATMENT OF CANCER: Mammary cancer cells exposed to Hypericin, then light, showed 6 times greater cell death than Hypericin. An anti-cancer effect has been suggested by inhibiting mitochondrial function.

    tops of St. John’s Wort 4 oz.
Steep 3 days in 1 pound of Olive Oil, and 10 oz. of wine keeping warm (ie. in the Sun). Then press them out, and repeat the infusion a second time with fresh St. John’s Wort. Then boil until the wine is consumed, press again, add Turpentine, 3 oz., and Saffron 1 scruple. Boil a little and Keep. This Oil was traditionally made by just steeping the herb several times in Olive Oil.
  Good for Wounds, Sores, Bruises, and skin disorders including Eczema and Psoriasis. Also used for Gangrene and skin Cancers, especially Basal Cell Carcinoma. It is also a good application to chronic Leg Ulcers.
Scarlet Pimpernel

FOUL and RUNNING ULCERS. The Decoction or distilled water was commended for ‘old filthy fretting and running Ulcers, which it very effectually cureth in short spaces’ (Culpeper). ‘Running Ulcers’ refer to skin cancers.

Self Heal

ANTI-CANCER; Spica Prunellae inhibits Sarcoma-180, Uterine cancer-14 tumors and Ehrlich ascites in animal experiments. Ursolic acid is at least partly responsible. Water extracts have proven effectiveness against experimental cancer lines (including JTC–26, with an effective inhibitory rate of 50–70%), and was Cytotoxic to He-La 60 cells. It has also demonstrated other anti-cancer effects in animal research.

Prunelline (a polysaccharide) has IMMUNO-MODULATING effects.

Moderate ANTI-MUTAGENIC activity has been shown. (Lee & Lin, Mutation Research, 1988)
Shepherd’s Purse

ANTI-CANCER and ANTI-TUMOR: Animal experiments showed Herba Bursae pastoris inhibits hepato-carcinogenesis when exposed to potent liver toxins. Fumaric acid has antitumor activity. In addition, extracts of Herba Bursae pastoris was shown to inhibit Ehrlich solid tumors in mice (Kuroda et. al., Cancer Research, June 1976).

‘An old Indian doctor living in Oregon has been very successful in treating Cancer by bruising Sheep Sorrel upon brass and applying as a poultice as long as the patient can bear it. He alternates this with a bread and milk poultice but always leaves the Sorrel on as long as possible. This treatment is continued until the Cancer is drawn out by the roots. The writer knows of 2 persons who were cured in this manner after their physicians had pronounced a cure impossible. It is also well to drink a tea made of Sheep Sorrel’. (Barnum: The Peoples Home Library, 1910)

‘Take the common Sheep Sorrel when in bloom, bruise well in a mortar, and add a small quantity of water; then press the weed so as to obtain all the juice, strain it and place in the sunshine in a pewter dish, and let it evaporate to the consistence of honey. It is then ready for use, and should be put up in sealed boxes or closely stopped bottles, in order to prevent evaporation.’ (Scudder, Specific Medicine, 1870)

See Essiac below under formulas.

Alcohol extracts of Rhizoma Curcumae have a potent HEPATO-PROTECTIVE effect against various Liver toxins including carbon tetrachloride.

The Curcuminoids have recently been termed BIOPROTECTANT, ie. able to protect body homeostasis; it both prevents formation of free radicals, and acts as a free radical scavenger once they are formed. (Ruby et. al., Cancer Letters, 1995; others)

ANTI-CANCER: Rhizoma Curcumae has demonstrated strong anti-cancer and cancer-inhibiting activity. It has been shown to inhibit tumor growth, and inhibit the growth of lymphomas. Curcumin has shown a number of anti-cancer effects: it can help prevent carcinogens from causing cancer. It also inhibits Lung and Mouth cancer associated with Tobacco smoking; development of chemical-induced mouth and tongue cancers has been reduced by up to 90%. It can prevent colorectal cancer by suppressing genes needed for the start and spread of cancer. It also reduces PAF which is needed by Cancers to develop their own blood supply. It increases Melanoma survival time by inhibiting the protein production by Melanoma cells, and by halting its spread to the Lungs. In addition, it has inhibited various cancer cell cultures in laboratory tests. Its effects are enhanced by its immune-stimulating and blood-moving effects. (Ruby et. al., Cancer Letters, 1995; Verma et. al., Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 1997)

CYTOTOXIC. (Ruby et. al., Cancer Letters, 1995)

IMMUNO-STIMULANT: increases production of IgG antibodies. In chronic Leukemia, Ovarian Cancer, and Myeloma, it stimulates B-cell production. In Hodgkin’s disease and other Cancers, it stimulates T-cell production.

i. ‘It has been recommended and used with benefit to allay pain in cancerous growths: some even say to cure cancer. In 1902 Lady Margaret Marshham, of Maidstone, cured from cancer of the throat by infusion of Violet leaves, published the recipe. The relief was almost immediate. In a week the external hard swelling had gone, and in a fortnight the cancer on the tonsil had disappeared. Pour a pint of boiling water on to a handful of fresh Violet leaves and stand for twelve hours. Strain when required. Apply to the affected part and cover with a piece of oilskin. Change the lint when dry or cold. Another report states that a gentleman aged 45 was cured of cancer by drinking 1 pt. of the infusion of Violet leaves prepared from the dry leaves, and also by fomentation with the hot liquor. Or a poultice may be made and used in a similar manner’. (Potters)

ii. ‘Fresh Violet leaves have been used both internally and externally in the treatment of malignant growths and many reputed cures have been recorded. The fresh leaves are also used as a compress applied locally. For internal use take from 2 to 3 ounces of the fresh Violet leaves; first wash them clean in cold water, place in a stone jar and pour over them one pint of boiling water. Cover and seal the jar tightly and allow it to stand for at least 12 hours. Strain off the liquid into a well-stoppered bottle and the tea is ready for drinking in wineglassful doses at intervals of every two hours until the whole is consumed. It is most essential that this tea be made fresh each day and always kept in a cool place to prevent it turning sour. A much stronger infusion say from one ounce to half a pint of water, may be applied either hot or cold as a compress, soaked in linen or lint, covered with oilskin (excepting in the case of open wounds)’. (Wonder in Weeds, W. Smith)

Green Walnuts are sliced, and add equal parts of alcohol and water, enough to cover them. They are steeped for 10 days, shaking daily; then strain.

This has a number of uses: it is used similarly to the Distilled Water for Fevers and infectious diseases. It has been used for swellings, tumors and Cancer; and it is used for Worms. It is also used as a wash for sores and skin conditions including Eczema.

From Anti-Cancer Medicinal Herbs, Chang Minyi, Hunan Science & Technology Press, 1992:
Fresh fruit of the green Walnut is immersed in Alcohol (60%) for 20 days, stirring or shaking twice daily. Then filter, and remove 80% of the alcohol by evaporation. Add enough water to keep the concentration of the crude to 60%. Then add 20% of an extract of Acanthopanax. Dose: 10-15 mls is taken 3 times daily.
2. ESOPHAGEAL CANCER. 10 fresh twigs, each 30 cm in length and finger thick are boiled together with 3 eggs for 4 hours. Only the eggs are taken. A similar recipe for gastrolymphosarcoma: 3 eggs are boiled with 120-150 grams of fresh or dried Walnut twig. The eggs are simmered for 4 hours and taken with some of the decoction. The remaining decoction is finished later.
3. LEUKEMIA. Kernels of J. nigra are blended with Milk and apple for oral intake, and is reported to be very effective.
Codonopsis, Dang Gui, Peony, Astragalus. Decoct and take once daily.

Several constituents from the Walnut tree including Ellagic acid, Juglone, and several other constituents have shown ANTI-CANCER action. The nuts themselves are anti-cancer against ascites cancer and Sarcoma; they also inhibit solid tumors. Juglone has shown tumor inhibition. (Boik, Cancer & Natural Medicine, 1996; Harbourne & Baxter, Phytochemical Dictionary, 1993; Trease & Evans, Trease and Evans’ Pharmacognosy, 1989; Okada et. al., Proc Soc Exp Biol Med, 1967)
Water Lily

UTERINE CANCER. Grieves mentions a case of a complete cure being recorded by a patient who drank the decoction
freely, as well as using a vaginal douche of Water Lily.
Yellow Dock

ACUTE LEUKEMIA. A dose of 30-60 grams of Yellow Dock root is decocted and taken daily. (Anti-Cancer Medicinal Herbs, Chang Minyi, Hunan Science & Technology Press, 1992)

ANTI-CANCER action: this is recognised as an important medicine for certain kinds of Cancers in TCM. Many cases have received significant help when used with appropriate other medicines. It is best for tumors and cancers of the ‘Blood’ organs including the Liver, Ovaries and Uterus, but may also be used for those of the Lungs, Stomach, Intestines etc. Clinical observations have repeatedly confirmed this. When injected into Mice, it effectively inhibited the growth of Cancer cells: hot water extracts celiacally injected into mice had an 80% inhibitory rate against Sarcoma-180. Local injections of the essential oil caused tissue necrosis of tumor tissue without evidently affecting the surrounding tissue. The Sesquiterpenes Curcumol and Curcumenol both inhibit cervical Cancer and several other experimental Cancers. Zedoary was traditionally used in the West for toxic swellings and cancers. (Bensky, Chinese Herbal Medicne Materia Medica; Anti-Cancer Medicinal Herbs, Chang Minyi, Hunan Science & Technology Press, 1992)

Local applications of Zedoary in the form of injections (douche) was used for 80 cases of CERVICAL CANCER; 30 of these cases were clinically cured (disappearance of tumor, 3 negative Pap smears, no neoplastic cells found, and resolution of all symptoms); others had marked relief. Most effective in early stages (grade 2 and lower). Research has shown inhibition of Cervical Cancer at a rate of 70-71%. (Bensky)

In 1976, Zedoary was used for 173 CANCER cases which included 29 different types of cancer (excluding cervical cancer), most of which were in an advanced stage; 11 cases were cured, and it was effective for 56 others.

ANTIMUTAGENIC effects have been demonstrated: (Lee & Lin, Mutation Research, Feb. 1988)

It increases the total number of lymphocytes and INCREASES IMMUNITY. The Sesquiterpenes Curcumol, Curcumenol and Curdione stimulate immunity, increase Fibroblasts around tumor sites, increases Lymphocytes within tumors and Macrophage destruction of tumor cells.

See also
Herbs used for various Cancers
Some Anti-Cancer Formulas
Medicinal Fungi in Cancer Therapy