Anthocephalus, Kadamba
Wild CinchonaKadamba (Ayurveda)
Venkadambu (Siddha)
Anthocephalus cadamba
P.W. Korthals, Kruidkunde [Verhandelingen over de natuurlijke geschiedenis
der Nederlandsche overzeesche bezittingen; deel Botanie], (1839-1842)
Botanical name:
Anthocephalus cadamba (syn. A. indicus, A. chinensis, A. morindaefolius, Neolamarckia cadamba, Nauclea cadamba, Sarcocephalus cadamba)
Parts used:
Stem-bark; also fruits and flowers
Temperature & Taste:
Cool. Sweet, Salty, Pungent
1. Clears Heat, Resists Poison:
-Fever; Fever with Thirst
-Burning syndrome
-poisonous Insect bites
2. Clears Heat, Stops Bleeding:
-Bleeding from Heat
-Diarrhea and Dysentery with Bleeding
3. Clears Damp, Settles Wind:
-Numbness and Tingling
4. Astringes the Essence:
-Leukorrhea, Spermatorrhea
-Premature ejaculation (semen retentive)
-female diseases
-Diabetes (hypoglycemic)
5. Promotes Milk:
-used to nourish and promote Milk
6. Externally:
-leaf paste is applied to Tumors
-topically to Ulcers
-leaves are used as a gargle for sore throat
Stem-bark Powder: 500–1500 mg (API); other sources have given much larger doses (up to 12 grams).
Decoction (1 in 10): 1–2 fluid ounces
1. Mitragyna parvifolia
Main Combinations:
1. Diabetes: Anthocephalus, Shorea robusta, Terminalia arjuna, Carium copticum
Major Formulas:
Nyagrodhadi Kwath Churna
Nyagrodhradi Churna
Grahnimihira Taila
None noted