Anisomeles, Bhangra

Bhangra (Ayurveda)
Bhangra (Unani)
Guang Fang Feng, Fang Feng Cao (TCM)
Picture R. Wight, Illustrations of Indian botany, principally of the
southern parts of the peninsula
, Supplement (1850)

Picture Anisomeles indica
(Photo by J.M.Garg) (Wikimedia)

Botanical name:

Anisomeles indica (syn. A. ovata, Epimeredi indica)

Parts used:

Whole herb

Temperature & Taste:

Cool, dry


1. Clears Wind and Damp, Promotes Sweat:
-Common Cold, Fever (TCM)
-Acute Nephritis (TCM)
-Wind-Damp pain; moving type Rheumatic pain, Arthralgia, Myalgia
-as a vapor bath for fevers and rheumatism

2. Clears Heat, Resists Poison: (TCM, Unani)
-Toxic Sores, Abscess, Urticaria (TCM)
-Scabies, Syphilis (Unani)
-Eczema with itching
-Snake or Insect bites
-Mosquito repellent

3. Moves Qi, Stops Spasm:
-Vomiting, Abdominal pain


Infusion or Brief Decoction: 3–9 grams
Essential oil is used for Rheumatism


Note that Bhangra is sometimes used for Eclipta alba in Unani Medicine.

Main Combinations:

1. Toxic Sores, Abscess, Scabies, Syphilis, Anisomeles with Neem leaf and bark, Fumitory, Henna, China root (as in Arq Mussafi)

Major Formulas:

Arq Mussafi (Unani)
Majun Muravvahul Arvah (Unani)
Tiryaq Farooq
Bala Taila (Ayurveda)


None noted

Main Preparations used: