Materia Medica of Animal Medicines
Materia Medica of Animal Medicines
Medicine Traditions does not support or condone the use of endangered animal products and does not believe in animal cruelty to supply human medicine. Animal Medicines have been an important part of all Traditions and a number of medicines in modern medicine continue to be derived from Animals. Many of the most important animal medicines are by-products of animals that do not require killing the animal, while others may be procured from animals farmed for domestic consumption. Some animal medicine information is supplied purely for historical interest and for thorough training of Traditional Medicine. Some of the most useful Animal Medicines are derived from Insects which don’t have the risk of becoming endangered and can be farmed and harvested ethically. The most controversial animal medicines (Bear Bile, Rhinoceros horn, Tiger bone etc.) all have modern substitutes which are widely applied in modern traditional formulas.
Most Animal Medicines are only available with Subscription
See also Miscellaneous Insect Medicines