Angelica & Zedoary

Angelica is warm, dry and aromatic. It  promotes sweat and relieves toxicity, and was long used for all types of Toxin. It moves the blood and promotes Menstruation, and was said to comfort and cheer the Heart. It possesses some of the blood tonic effects of Dang Gui, although is far weaker.
Zedoary is warm, dry and aromatic. It clears Cold, Damp and Wind, moves the Blood, and promotes Menstruation. It benefits digestion and relieves food stagnation.
Both medicines have a strong effect on Blood circulation, Angelica being more superficial, and better to enter the capillaries, Zedoary being stronger, more deep, and able to break blood stasis.
This combination was most used, however, as an Alexipharmic, or medicine to resist Poison in epidemic diseases, both these medicines being regularly combined for this purpose. They warm the body, promote circulation, can promote perspiration, clear blood stasis, as well as having a direct action against pathogens.

Key Indications
  • Amenorrhea, Dysmenorrhea, Uterine Pain
  • Blood stagnation
  • Prevent Infection during Epidemics

Compound Decoction of Bistort, Lesser Bitter Electuary, Electuary of Saffron, Electuary of Juniper Berries, Angelica Water Compound, Bezoar Water, Plague Water, Bezoardic Vinegar, Prophylactic Vinegar

1. To strengthen the Heart and Spirit, and Protect from Infection, add Aniseed, Coriander and Caraway seeds.
2. To Resist Poison and Prevent Infection add Gentian, Tormentil, Coriander seed, licorice, Cinnamon as in Troches Resisting Poison.
3. Fevers and Epidemic Diseases, add Butterbur, Rue, Balm, Calendula, Green Walnuts
4. To Resist Poison during Epidemics, add Crabs Claws and Armenian Earth
5. Spotted Fevers, add Bistort and Cinnamon as in Decoction of Bistort.
6. Epilepsy and Apoplexy, add Bistort, Gentian, Balm, Blessed Thistle, Sandalwood, Clove
7. Menstrual disorders, add Peony root and Motherwort
8. For Hysteria, add Butterbur
9. To strengthen and cleanse the Stomach and Head, add Gentian, Calamus, Clove, Nutmeg and Saffron. To purge, add Aloes (as in Lesser Bitter Electuary)