Anchusa officinalis, Bugloss
Oshsenzung (German)Ortus sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491
Museum Museorum, Valentini, 1704
Krauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578
Botanical name:
Anchusa officinalis
Parts used:
Root; Herb; Flower
Temperature & Taste:
Neutral, moist. Sweet, Bitter
Use and Dose as for Borage
Main Combinations:
Often combined with Borage
1. Fever, Bugloss water, Plantain water, Syrup of Sorrel juice, Syrup of Pomegranate juice
Major Formulas:
Infusion of Senna and Flower with Spices (Mesue)
Common Decoction
Cordial Decoction (Florentini)
Cordial Decoction (French Pharmacopoeia)
Decoction for Catarrh (Alcalá)
Decoction for Chronic Heat-type Headache (Mesue)
Decoction of Fruit and Flowers
Decoction of Fumitory of Andernacus
Decoction to Expel Bile (Andernacus)
Decoction to Open the Body (Riverius)
Byzantine Syrup-Simple & Compound (Mesue)
Exhilarative Syrup (Laurent)
Syrup of Agrimony Mesue
Syrup of Balm (Fernelius)
Syrup of Dodder of Thyme (Mesue)
Syrup of Fumitory Compound (Augustana)
Syrup of Fumitory Greater
Syrup of Mugwort (Augustana)
Syrup for Asthma (Wirtzung)
Water for Cancer
Confection for Dizziness and Vertigo
Confection for Impregnation (Renodeus)
Confection for Infertility from Cold
Electuary for Melancholy and Fear of Filius Zacharia
Electuary for Sadness and Worry
Electuary to Promote Fertility (Wirtzung)
Letificans Conciliatoris
Cooling Powder of Gems
Powder of Senna with Flowers (Mesue)
Powder to Cool the Heart
Powder to Strengthen the Heart (Wirtzung)
Powder to Strengthen the Memory
Troches for Heart Weakness
Ointment for Congealed Blood
Contains potentially toxic alkaloids.
Main Preparations used:
Conserve of Bugloss
1. Conserve of Bugloss flowers
Bugloss flowers 1 part
Sugar 2 parts
Beat them well together.