AmbergrisAmbra greceAmber Ash-hab (Unani) |
Ortus sanitatis, Cube, Johann von, 1491
Sperm Whale
Medical Zoology and Mineralogy, Stephendon, 1832
Ambergris, Skagway Museum
Photo by Wmpearl, edited) (Wikimedia)
Zoological name:
waxy secretion from the Sperm Whale, Physeter spp.
Parts used:
Waxy secretion of the Sperm Whale
“Grey coloured variety is considered best. Next in order of qulity are the blue and yellow varieties. Black coloured variety is of inferior quality”. (Avicenna)
Temperature & Taste:
Warm, dry. Aromatic, Sweet
1. Clears Cold, Moves the Blood, Benefits the Heart:
–‘Ambergris is very useful for the Heart’. (Avicenna)
-Tachycardia, Palpitations and for Heart Debility;
-exhilarant and stimulant.
2. Warms and Strengthens the Kidneys:
-Aphrodisiac to the male: promote the growth of marrow and semen;
-impotency, spermatorrhea; Frigidity in women
-general weakness, nervous debility;
-‘useful for the old people because of its mild warming property’. (Avicenna)
-promotes urine; used also for gravel, and stoppage of the bowels.
3. Clears Phlegm, Stops Wind, Moves the Qi:
-Paralysis, Hemiplegia, Numbness, Tetanus, Epilepsy, Spasms.
-Benefits Memory and Brain function
-“beneficial for the Brain and Senses”. (Avicenna)
4. Clears Phlegm and Heat, Open the Orifices:
-‘beneficial for the Brain and Senses’. (Avicenna)
-High Fever with delirium and loss of senses.
-Cholera, Plague and other infectious diseases when at the weak stage.
5. Clears Cold Phlegm, Stops Wheezing:
-Cough, Asthma. (TCM)
Used mostly in Pills, Powders and Electuaries
5-15 grains (or 125–375mg)
1. Gum Arabic
2. Tabasheer
3. Coriander (Unani)
1. Musk
2. Saffron (Unani)
3. Musk and Saffron in equal parts (Unani)
4. Pyrethrum;. Aloeswood; or Storax
5. Labdanum (gum from Cistus spp.) is an accepted substitute for Ambergris in perfumery
Main Combinations:
1. To Warm and strengthen the Brain and Heart:
i. Ambergris with Pint nut, Sweet Almond, Rose water, Cinnamon, Clove, Yellow Sandalwood, Aloeswood (as in Royal Electuary of Mesue)
ii. Ambergris with Cinnamon, Angelica, Clove, Nutmeg, both Cardamons, Ginger, Aloeswood, Sandalwood (as in Powder of Ambergris of Mesue)
2. Stomach weakness:
i. Ambergris with Rose, Aloeswood, Sandalwood, Cinnamon, Mastic
ii. Ambergris with Cardamon, Ginger, Cinnamon, Saffron, Sweet Basil, Cyperus, Clove, Aloeswood, Turbith (as in Electuary of Aloeswood of Avicenna)
3. Palpitation, Arrhythmia, Chest Pain, Mental Dullness, Lethargy:
i. Ambergis with Aloeswood and Musk (Gallia Muscata)
ii. Ambergris with Aloeswood, Rose, Mastic, Cinnamon, Clove, Indian Spikenard, Nutmeg, Cardamon, Citron peel, Mace (as in Troches of Aloeswood)
4. Strengthen the Memory, Ambergris with Calamus, Nutmeg, Clove, Frankincense, Myrrh (as in Pills to Increase Memory)
5. Apoplexy., Ambergris with Amber, Pearl, Emerald, Aloeswood, Deer horn, Peony, Citron peel and seed (as in Powder Against Apoplexy)
6. Melancholy:
i. Ambergris with Borage, Bugloss, Balm, Kermes, Saffron (as in Exhilarative Syrup)
ii. Ambergris with Clove Basil seed, Saffron, Zedoary, Galangal, Sandalwood, Clove, Citron, Nutmeg, Storax, Aniseed, Thyme, Dodder, Pearl (as in Powder of Happiness)
7. Infertility, and To promote Conception:
i. Ambergris with Siseleos, Peony, Pomegranate root bark, Cinnamon, Cyperus, Calamus, Mugwort, Spikenard, Clove, Olibanum, Mastic (as in Electuary Against Sterility)
ii. Ambergris with Peony seed and Mandrake (as in Powder to Promote Pregnancy)
iii. Ambergris with Parsnip seed, Turnip seed, Ivory, Siler, Red Behen, White Behen, Ash tree key, Cinnamon, Doronicum, Rosemary, Blatta Byzantina, Marjoram, Pennyroyal, Balm, Citron peel, Spikenard, Pearl (as in Confection for Impregnation)
8. Postpartum pain, Ambergris with Comfrey, Peach kernel, Nutmeg, Amber (as in Powder for After-pains)
Major Formulas:
Powder of Ambergris (Diambra) (Mesue)
Powder Against Apoplexy
Species Nere
Aromatic Musk Compound (Aromaticum Moschatum) (Mesue)
Powder to Promote Pregnancy (Renodeus)
Powder for After-pains (Midwife to the Queen of France)
Powder of Happiness (Letificans)
Troches of Musk (Gallia Muscata) (Mesue)
Troches of Gallia Sebellinae (Mesue)
Troches of Aloeswood (Trochisci Aquilaria) (Mesue)
Confection for Impregnation (Renodeus)
Electuary Against Sterility (Nicholas)
Electuary of Aloeswood (Avicenna)
Electuary of Aloeswood (Diaxyloaloes) (Mesue)
Electuary of Gems (Mesue)
Medicine to Defend the Base from all Danger
Pills to Increase Memory
Exhilarative Syrup (Laurent)
Letificans Conciliatoris
Royal Electuary (Mesue)
Not used during Pregnancy
Main Preparations used:
Species Diambra