Aloe & Myrrh
Aloes is Cold, dry, and Bitter, and purges Heat, Bile and Melancholy. It opens obstructions of the Stomach, Liver, Spleen, Bowels and Uterus.
Myrrh is Warm, Dry, Bitter and Pungent. It moves the Blood, eases Pain, promotes Healing and prevents Infection.
This combination formed the classic prescription Tincture of Myrrh and Aloes.
This was used internally and externally, but was most often used topically. It is an ‘admirable vulnerary, cleanses, astringes, strengthens, consolidates, and hinders Putrefaction, and prevents Gangrenes’.
It was applied to fresh and old Wounds and Ulcers, to protect, prevent infection, and promote Healing. It is also a good application to Boils, Abscesses and other Toxic Sores. The most common topical use was in Gangrenes, for which it was said to be very good.
Internally, it moves the Blood and promotes Menstruation when obstructed.
It was also used to prevent Infections during Epidemic diseases, usually with Saffron added (as in Common Pills). The trio with the addition of Saffron was used as the basis for numerous compounds to prevent and treat Infection of Epidemic diseases including the Plague.
Key Indications
- Wounds and Trauma, both internally and topically
- Blood stagnation with obstruction
- Gangrene
Hiera Logadii, Compound Hiera Picra of Galen, Diaphoretic Tincture, Tincture of Myrrh and Aloes, Pills to Cleanse the Chest, Aromatic Pills of Aloes, Foetid Pills, Hysteric Pills, Pestilential Pills, Common Pills, Plaster of Ram’s Skin, Greater Plaster of the Surgeons, Plaster for Hernias, Troches Polyidae
1. Often with Saffron to cleanse the Body, clear obstruction, and prevent Infection during Epidemics (as in Common Pills, Pestilential Pills and numerous others).
2. More compound to prevent Infection, add Rhubarb, Saffron, Zedoary and Gentian (as in Pestilential Pills)
3. To promote Sweat, add Angelica, Zedoary, Ginger, Cinnamon, Pepper, Camphor (as in Diaphoretic Tincture of Paracelsus)
4. To Purge Phlegm, add Rue, Gum Ammoniac, Turbith, Ginger, Spikenard, Cinnamon (as in Foetid Pills)
5. For Madness, Melancholy, Mental Illness, severe Dizziness, Paralysis and Shaking, add Thyme, Squill, St. Johns wort, Black Hellebore root prepared, Dodder, Polypody, Cinnamon, Saffron (as in Hiera Logadii)
6. For Vertigo, Migraine, Lethargy associated with excess Humors and poor digestion, add Cinnamon, Clove, Mace, Calamus, Juniper berries, Sandalwood, Mastic, Rose, Saffron (as in Aromatic Pills of Aloes)
7. To Promote Menstruation and cleanse th Womb, add Mugwort and Rue (as in Hysteric Pills)
8. For Hernias, Aneurisms and other Ruptures, add Mistletoe, Frankincense, Galls, Comfrey, Bugle, Turpentine made into a plaster with Wax, Oil and broth of a Ram’s skin (as in Plaster for Hernias)
9. As a topical powder for Wounds and Ulcers, add Pomegranate flower, Alum, Frankincense, Bile (as in Troches Polyidae)