
Almond & Licorice

Almonds nourish the Yin and Blood, strengthen the Lungs, and stop Cough and Wheezing. Licorice strengthens the Spleen and Lungs, nourishes the Qi, and stops Cough. Together, they strengthen the Lungs, nourish Lung Yin and Qi, and stop Cough and Wheezing. They can be combined for most types of Cough and Wheezing depending on the medicines they are combined with.

They also soothe mucus membranes and so are used for conditions such as Urinary Ulcers.
It should be realised that in this combination, there are some variations. Both Bitter and Sweet Almonds may be used. Sweet Almonds are more tonifying and strengthen the Lungs, as well as being more nourishing. Bitter Almonds are more draining, cleansing and opening, good for Obstructions, and better for Cough and Wheezing. When Bitter Almonds and Licorice are combined, they are also used for Obstructions.
Likewise, Licorice root or Licorice juice may be used. While both have similar functions, the juice is more concentrated and more strengthening. It is mainly used for the Lungs.

This combination is used in TCM for Cough and Wheezing also.

Key Indications
  • Cough, Wheezing, Lung deficiency
  • Urinary Ulcers

Some use Sweet Almond, other Bitter Almond
Official Compounds:
Restorative Electuary, Electuary of Orris, Electuary of Pine kernels, A Sound and Experienced Electuary, Lohoch of Poppy, Sugar Penids Compound, Tragacanth Warming Powder, Troches of Winter Cherries, Black Troches for Coughs, Troches of Gordon, 
Troches of Gum Lacca (Trochisci de Lacca) (Mesue), Troches Against Urinary Ulcers, Antidotum Asthmaticus

Other formulas:

Troches for Cough (Wirtzung), Electuary for Asthma (1) (De Morbis internis curandis, 1551), Electuary for Asthma (2) (De morbis internis curandis, 1551), Electuary for the Lungs (Lemery), Confection for Cold Cough, Pills for Hot Cough (Zacharia), Pills for Cold and Moist Cough of Paulus, Powder of Optimal Nutrition (Nicholas),

TCM Formulas:
Ma Huang Tang, Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang, Da Huang Zhe Chong Wan, Ding Chuan Tang

1. For Cough and Wheezing, add Coltsfoot
2. For Cold-type Cough, add Fenugreek, Cinnamon, Hyssop, Figs, Aniseed
3. For exterior Cold-type Cough, with Cinnamon twig Gui zhi and Ephedra (as in Ma Huang Tang)
4. For Heat-type Cough, add the 4 Cold Seeds and Tabasheer
5. Also for Heat-type Cough, decoct with Gypsum and Ephedra (as in Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang)
6. As Lozenges to suck for Cough, add Sugar and Tragacanth (as in Black Troches for Coughs of Mesue)
7. Asthma, add Hyssop, Orris, Pennyroyal, Raisins
8. Another for or Asthma, add Elecampane, Coltsfoot and Hyssop
9. A stronger for Asthma, to the preceding add Squill, Orris, Ginger and Figs
10. Asthma from Phlegm-heat, with Coltsfoot, Pinella Ban Xia, Mulberry root-bark Sang Bai Pi, Scutellaria Huang Qin (as in Ding Chuan Tang)
11. To Cool, Nourish, Moisten and Strengthen the Lungs, add Pine kernels and Rose
12. For Ulcers of the Kidney or Bladder, add Winter Cherries, Tragacanth, Poppy seed, Dragons Blood and the 4 Cold seeds. In this case, Bitter Almond is used (as in Troches of Winter Cherries)
13. To Open Obstructions and clear Blood stasis, use Bitter Almonds, and add Agrimony, Wormwood, Rhubarb, Costus, Madder and Aniseed (as in Troches of Gum Lacca of Mesue)
14. Also to Open Obstructions and clear Blood Stasis, with Rhubarb, Peach kernel, Peony root, Rehmannia Sheng Di, Lacquer Gan Qi (Toxicondrendrum), as well as insect medicines Gad fly Tabanus, Leech Hirudo, and Eupolyphaga (as in Da Huang Zhe Chong Wan)