Allium, Garlic, Da Suan 大蒜Da Suan (TCM)Lashuna (Ayurveda) Lehsun (Unani) Sgog skya, སྒོག་སྐྱ (Tibetan) |
Herbarius latinus, Petri, 1485 |
Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 |
New Kreuterbuch, Matthiolus, 1563 |
Krauterbuch, Rihel, 1565 |
Botanical name:
Allium sativum
Parts used:
Temperature & Taste:
Hot, dry. Pungent. Ayurveda says Garlic has all tastes except Sour.
Heat, dries, opens discusses, thins
S. Worms and Parasites T. External Medicines
1. Resists all types of Poisons;
-Plague, Infection, Epidemic diseases (with vinegar)
-used to prevent infection during Epidemics.
-Cold, Flu; Cholera, Typhoid
-internally and topically for venomous Bites
-“Garlic taken with wine, is useful in Insect sting and Snake-bite cases; we have personally tested it.” (Avicenna)
-Poison of Aconite and Henbane (Pliny)
-acute Gastroenteritis; Dysentery
-Cancer; Garlic juice or Garlic oil; IV injections have been used in China
2. Stops Wind, Clears Damp;
-Apoplexy; Epilepsy
3. Warms the Stomach:
-internally and externally for Wind and Colic
4. Warms the Lungs, clears Cold Phlegm:
-Coughs, Chronic Bronchitis (BHP) (juice can be applied to the Navel and soles of the Feet)
-Asthma, Consumption
-“The decoction of Garlic clears the Throat and is also useful in Chronic Cough”. (Avicenna)
5. Clears Cold and Damp, Promotes Urine:
-promotes Urine, for Stones
-Rheumatism, Arthritis, Lumbago, Sciatica
6. Benefits the Heart and Circulation:
-Heart disease; Coldness from Heart weakness
-Hypertension, Arteriosclerosis (WHO Monograph; Commission E)
7. Warms the Kidneys, Increases Yang
-Impotence; Aphrodisiac
-Tonic in Ayurveda: increases Intellect; benefits Memory; Rejuvenates; promotes Longevity
8. Kills Worms
-Roundworm, Pinworm, Tapeworm, Threadworm, Hookworm
-a peeled clove of Garlic has been inserted as a suppository
-also taken orally for Lice
9. Externally:
-strong infusion or tincture applied to Baldness
-Herpes, Eczema, Dandruff, Acne, Boils
-“Ash of garlic, if applied with honey, is useful in Pityriasis and ecchymosis”. (Avicenna)
-Retention of Urine, apply a poultice over the bladder
-Pneumonia in infants, apply a poultice over the chest and upper back
-Hoarseness, crush garlic and apply to the soles
-childhood Convulsions, crush and apply to the soles
-Genital Itching, make a strong decoction and use as a wash
-Bites and Stings, cut a thin slice of garlic and apply
-Nasal Polyps, sniff the juice or paint it on
-Earache, drop the juice in, or cut a clove of Garlic to form a plug and place in the ear
-Rheumatism, the juice is applied or a cut clove of Garlic is rubbed vigorously to relieve pain
-Facial Paralysis, apply Garlic topically
1. One clove of Garlic can be peeled and swallowed, 2–3 times daily; 2 cloves every 2 hours at the beginning of acute infection of Cold or Flu, or gastroenteritis until 4 or 5 doses have been given often cures. Not suitable in people with excess Heat or Yin deficiency.
2. “If it is boiled in water till its intensity is dissolved, the remaining part would be less in hotness and, therefore, it would not desiccate but instead, may promote the formation of semen.
Garlic Powder: 200–500mg
Garlic in Decoction: 3–5 cloves fresh, or 2–5 grams dry.
Tincture of Garlic (1 in 10): 5–20mls
Used in washes and fomentations topically. A fresh clove of Garlic can be crushed for topical application.
1. Garlic can be fried in Oil to correct it
2. Prepare with Coriander seed water or Salt Water
1. White Onion (Unani)
2. Asafetida is used as a substitute for Garlic by some Hindus as Garlic is believed to be too heating to the mind.
Main Combinations:
1. Arteriosclerosis, hypertension:
i. Garlic with Hawthorn and Mistletoe (German Patent medicine)
ii. Garlic with Hawthorn, Mistletoe, Horsetail (Meyer)
iii. Garlic with Rosemary
iv. Garlic with Turmeric, Cumin
2. Coldness of the Body:
i. Garlic with Chili and Ginger, cooked with meat or vegetables
ii. Garlic with Cinnamon, Ginger, Clove, Fennel seed, Aniseed
3. To protect from Plague and Infectious diseases:
i. swallow a clove of Garlic every morning during epidemics.
ii. Garlic with Calamus, Cinnamon, Lavender, Mint, Rue, Sage, Wormwood, Rosemary; Clove, Nutmeg (as in Four Thieves Vinegar)
iii. Garlic with Theriac
4. for Tuberculosis and Consumption, decoct Garlic in Milk (Ayurveda)
5. Cough and Cold, take Garlic with Oxymel of Squill
6. Poor digestion, colic, decoct Garlic with Black Pepper, Cumin seed, Coriander seed (Ayurveda)
7. Obesity:
i. Garlic with Fennel seed
ii. Garlic with Tartar, Cumin, Fennel seed, Cumin, Zedoary, Mastic (as in Powder Against Obesity)
8. Lumbago, fry Ginger in Ghee, add beaten Garlic; this is taken daily.
9. Worms:
i. swollow 2 cloves of Garlic twice daily for 3 or 5 days
ii. “Administration of two drachms (7 gm) of Garlic pounded with Honey water, expels Phlegm and Worms”. (Avicenna)
10. Lice: “Oral intake of Garlic with the decoction of Calamint, destroys Lice”. (Avicenna)
11. Toothache, use a mouthwash of Garlic and Frankinccense. (Avicenna)
Major Formulas:
Syrup of Garlic Compound
Four Thieves Vinegar
Powder Against Obesity
Bi Ma La (Tibetan Medicine)
Garlic Milk (Lasuna Kshira) (Ayurveda)
Garlic Pills (Lasunadi Vati) (Ayurveda)
1. Not suitable for Hot (Choleric) bodies.
2. Not used in Yin deficiency
3. Culpeper warns that it ‘breeds corrupt blood’; Langham, 1579 said ‘Garlic causes thirst, dryeth up the whole body, especially in hot seasons; causeth frenzie and doth more harm raw’. This is likewise realised in the East. In rejuvenation, it is usually only used during Winter.
4. Hippocrates warned Garlic was bad for the eyes. Avicenna said “Garlic weakens Eyesight and produces styes in the Eyes”.
Main Preparations used:
Electuary with Honey, Garlic Syrup, Elixir of Garlic, Garlic Milk
i. Express juice of 1 pound of garlic bulbs, adding 1 pint of water while you are expressing. Add a pint of Wine Vinegar to the pressed root, and steep for an hour, and press out as the other. Then add 3 lbs of refined sugar, and make a syrup. Skim off impurities.
Used for cold type asthma, hysteria, dropsy etc. Dose: 1 Tablespoon.
ii. Another:
Garlic, bruised 6 oz.
Vinegar, 1 pint
Refined Sugar 2 lbs.
Steep the Garlic in 10 fluid ounces of the Vinegar in a glass Vessel for 4 days, then express the liquor. Then steep the remainder with the rest of the vinegar, express again firmly. Then pour the filtered liquor on the Sugar in a bottle, and shake until dissolved.
This is excellent for bronchial conditions in children. Dose: 1 teaspoonful for a 1 year old child.
iii. Another:
fresh Garlic 200 grams, cut and crushed,
Stand for 4 days in 300 ml of 6% vinegar, press. Add another 200 ml of vinegar, strain, press. Combine the pressed liquids, filter. Dissolve in 800 g of sugar and bring to 1000 ml with vinegar. (Fischer and Hartwich 1903)
2. ELIXIR of GARLIC. (Horstius)
Bruise 20 Garlic Cloves, put into an Alembic, and cover them with S.V. by 4 inches; distil in B.M. with several cohobations, adding fresh Spirit in the last distillation, with 1 dram of Camphor tied up and put into the neck of the still.
It is a Preservative and Antidote to the Plague.
Dose: 1–1.5 oz., taken alone, or in Angelica or Balm Water. (Salmon)
3. GARLIC MILK. (Lasuna Kshira)
Garlic 1 gram (6 oz.)
Milk 250 mls (2 lbs.)
Water 1 liter (16 lbs.)
Boil them together down to a quarter, or if the larger quantities are used, boil to the consumption of the water (down to 2 lbs.). (Two versions of the quantities are given for greater or lesser amounts to be made).
This is used in Ayurveda; accounted a wonderful medicine for Tuberculosis, taken 3 times daily. It is also useful in Pnuemonia, Asthma, and related conditions. It has also been used for other conditions including Malarial and Intermittent Fevers, especially when there is shivering.