Alchemilla arvensis, Parsley Piert

Knawell, Parsley Breakstone, German Knotgrass, Polygonum germanicum
Picture Salmon, Botanologia, 1710

Picture Oeder, Flora Danica, (1761-1883)

Botanical name:

Alchemilla arvensis (syn. Aphanes arvensis, Alchemilla occidentalis)

Parts used:

Herb, fresh or dried (fresh was considered best)

Temperature & Taste:

Cool, dry


Diuretic, Lithontriptic, Abstersive, Vulnerary, Nephritic


1. Clears Heat and Damp, Promotes Urine, Clears Stones:
-obstructed or painful urine, Cystitis, Strangury
-obstructed Urine, cloudy urine
-Gravel, Stones (considered specific)
-back pain associated with the Kidneys
-Jaundice (auxiliary)

2. Externally:
-applied to fresh wounds
-foul and running ulcers


Infusion: 1 oz. to 1 pint, taken in wineglassful doses; or 1–3 teaspoonfuls per cup of boiling water.
Brief Decoction: 5–15 grams (10–30 grams fresh)
Powder: 2–4 grams; 3 grams is taken with wine for Gravel and Stones.
Juice: 2–4 spoonfuls in wine

Main Combinations:

1. Promote Urine in Edema:
i. Parsley Piert with Juniper, Wild Carrot seed
ii. Parsley Piert with Couch grass, Parsley seed
iii. Parsley Piert with Parsley, Broom tops, Uva Ursi, Hawthorn berry (equal parts). Steep 1 oz. in 1 pint of boiling water until cold. Take a wineglassful 3 times daily.
2. Cystitis, Parsley Piert, Juniper berry, Bearberry, Broom, Gum Arabic
3. Dysuria, Strangury, Chronic Urinary diseases, Parsley Piert with Wild Carrot, Motherwort, Juniper berry, Wormwood, Ginger (The Medical Herbalist)
4. Scanty urine but with frequent desire to urinate, back pain, Parsley Piert with Couch Grass, Pellitory of the Wall, Cleavers, Juniper berry (half oz. each), decoct in 1 quart (approx 1 liter) of water for 5 minutes. Take a wineglassful 3–4 times per day.
5. Chronic Urinary diseases:
i. Parsley Piert with Bearberry, Buchu
ii. Parsley Piert with Juniper, Marshmallow root
6. Gravel, Stones:
i. Parsley Piert, Broom, Cleavers, Yarrow
ii. Parsley Piert, Pellitory of the Wall, Juniper berries, Carrot seed
iii. Parsley Piert, Wild Carrot, Pellitory of the Wall, Parsley root, Woodruff
iv. Parsley Piert, Horsetail, Gravel root, Couch grass, Cornsilk
v. Parsley Piert, Agrimony, Dandelion, Couch Grass, Madder, Horsetail, Pellitory of the Wall
7. Lumbago:
i. Parsley Piert with Juniper (equal parts) (Wonders in Weeds, W. Smith)
ii. Parsley Piert, Bearberry, Broom

Major Formulas:


None noted. Traditionally eaten as a salad herb.

Main Preparations used: