Agrimony & Camomile

Agrimony is Neutral, Dry, clears Heat and Damp from the Liver, regulates and benefits the Liver and Bowels, and has an Astringent effect. It was traditionally said to be able to separate good flesh from the bad.
Camomile is Cooling, mildly Bitter and clears Heat and Inflammation. It has a beneficial effect on the Liver, Gall Bladder, Stomach and Bowels.
This combination is used to clear Heat from the Stomach and Liver, and to help clear Heat from the Blood; used for Colitis, Ulcerative Colitis, Irritable Bowel, Appendicitis, for which they are used both orally and in enemas.
Also much used for Liver disorders including Liver Heat, Swellings and Tumors of the Liver.
It is also a useful combination for acute inflammations, including acute Sore Throat and Acne.
In addition, it is a useful combination for Urinary Infections, Stones, and Gout.

Key Indications
  • Liver heat, Liver swelling, Liver Tumors
  • Bowel diseases including colitis, irritable bowel
  • Urinary Infections

Syrup Against Cachexia, Purging Bitter Decoction, Decoction for Stones, Comp Oil of Earthworms

1. Acute Sore Throat, add Cleavers and Sage
2. Acne, add Sage and Thyme
3. Colitis including Ulcerative Colitis, add Bayberry and Comfrey
4. Diverticulitis, Irritable Bowel etc, add Linseed and Figs
5. Appendicitis, add Dandelion and Rhubarb
6. Pelvic Infection or Inflammation, add Sage and Yarrow
7. Gout, add Centaury, Calendula and Rhubarb
8. Stronger for Gout to the preceding add Carduus, Gentian and Senna
9. Gravel and Stones, add Knotgrass, Horsetail and Shepherd’s Purse
10. Urinary Tract Infection, add St. John’s wort
11. Worms in children, add Centaury, Calendula
12. A bath or wash for Pain and Cramp of the Sinews, add Mugwort
13. A wash for Paralysis, Sciatica, Gout and ‘Knots and Kernels in the flesh’ following Bruising, add Daisy
14. An external paste for Tumors and Swellings, add Wormwood, Calamus, Barley Meal and mix with Vinegar