Adonis, False Hellebore

Bohemian Orchid, Devil’s Eye, Goat Flower, Yellow Pheasant’s Eye
Picture Picture
Picture Picture
Adonis vernalis
(Source: Bilder ur Nordens Flora, Stockholm) (Wikimedia)

Adonis vernalis
(Köhler’s Medizinal-Pflanzen, 1812)

Picture Adonis vernalis
(Photo by Marco Schmidt) (Wikimedia)

Picture Adonis amurensis
(Photo by たね) (Wikimedia)
Picture Adonis vernalis root, leaf, flower and seed.
Squibb’s Atlas of the Official Drugs, Mansfield, 1919

Botanical name:

Adonis vernalis
The Chinese A. amurensis (Fu Shao Cao) is used similarly.

Parts used:

Aerial parts collected when in flower; sometimes the whole herb, which is used in TCM.

Temperature & Taste:

Warm, dry. Pungent


Discussive, Digestive, Aperitive, Carminative
Cardiac, Stomatic, Hepatic, Nephritic


Cardioactive Gylcosides (cardenolids): adonitoxin, k-strophanthoside, k-strophanthoside-{3, cymarin
Flavonoids: vitexin, luteolin


1. Settles Wind, Strengthens and Regulates the Heart:
Arrhythmia and Nervous heart complaints (Commission E)
-calms and regulates the Heart

Cardiac insufficiency, atrial fibrillation, congestive cardiac failure, cardiac edema (West, TCM)
-Low Blood Pressure
-similar effect to Foxglove (Digitalis) but more sedative

-also for Epilepsy; Vertigo (Salmon)

2. Clears Damp, Promotes Urine:
-Edema, especially with Heart insufficiency
-Gravel, Stones (Salmon recommended the Saline tincture)

3. Stops Wheezing:
-slows respiration
-Wheezing, Breathlessness

4. Moves the Blood:
-promotes Menstruation: Amenorrhea, Dysmenorrhea
-also for throbbing Headaches

5. Externally:
-topically as a vesicant
-as a bath for Joint pain and Rheumatism (Salmon)


1. The powder is often standardized in Europe, or pills are made from standardized extracts.
Of the Leaf Powder: 125–250mg (2–4 grains)
Of the (Standardized) Powder: 500–1000mg; maximum single dose: 1 gram; maximum daily dose: 3 grams
Infusion (1 dram in 12 ounces): 1 tablespoonful every 2 hours in severe cases; every 4 hours in chronic disease (King’s)
Tincture (1 in 8): 10–30 drops
Fluid Extract: 1–2 drops
Salmon listed the seed in doses of up to 1 dram (3 grams)


The Chinese Adonis amurensis (Fu Shao Cao) strengthens and regulates the Heart and promotes Urine. Used for Heart disease, Congestive Heart Failure, Edema from Heart failure, Palpitation, and for Epilepsy. Its indications are similar enough to Adonis vernalis to be considered synonymous, however their strength may vary.


1. Adonis has been recommended where Digitalis is indicated, but not tolerated.
2. Strophanthus

Main Combinations:

1. Strengthen and regulate the Heart:
i. Adonis with Hawthorn
ii. Adonis with Calendula, Cinnamon, Licorice
2. Promote Urine:
i. Adonis with Parsley seed
ii. Adonis with Juniper berry

Major Formulas:


1. Avoid overdose
2. Not used during Pregnancy, Breastfeeding, or children under 12 year olds.
3. Caution in gastrointestinal aggravation.

Drug Interactions:

1. Should not be used in conjunction with Digitalis, Digoxin, or other Cardioactive glycosides.
2. May Enhance efficacy of quinidine, calcium, laxatives and long-term use of glucocorticoids

Main Preparations used:

Tincture, Fluid Extract