Acetum, Vinegar
Cu 醋 (TCM)Herbario Nuovo, 1667
Chemical name:
Parts used:
Wine Vinegar was most used in the West Vinegar prepared from Apples and various other fruits can also be used.
In the East, Rice vinegar is most used.
Later, Acetic acid was more often used.
Temperature & Taste:
‘Vinegar is made of hot and cold substances. Both components are tennuous but the coldness is dominant. The vinegar which is pungent is hot while that which is not so pungent, is moist and cold. The coldness of the vinegar is reduced by boiling’. (Avicenna)
‘Authors are of the opinion that Vinegar is both Hot and Cold in substance, of dry and thin parts’ … ‘It is nearest of any thing to the Nature of Vitriol’ (Salmon)
Acetic acid, gallic acid, catechin, ephicatechin, chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid, p-coumaric acid, and ferulic acid
1. Benefits Digestion, Moves Qi, Opens Obstructions:
-abdominal swelling, abdominal obstruction
-food stagnation, or an excessive or rich diet; a little Vinegar can be taken in warm water.
-can stop Hiccups and belching
-useful for obesity
-tension in the ligaments and sinews
2. Clears Phlegm and Damp:
-cuts tough Phlegm, dries Damp, opens obstructions caused by Phlegm and Damp
-expectorant (especially as Vinegar of Squills, Vinegar of Lobelia etc)
-Vinegar and Honey together (Oxymel) is widely used to cut and prepare thick and tough humors for purging.
3. Resists Poison:
-Food Poisoning
-good after eating old or Toxic food, too much food, or poor food combinations
-a wine-glassful of Vinegar is an old remedy to counteract too much Alcohol.
-‘antidote for Opium and Hemlock’. (Avicenna)
-‘The most ready and safe antidote in cases of Poisoning by Alkalis’ (Squires)
-Bites of Bees and Jelly Fish are alleviated when applied externally.
-‘good against the stinging of Serpents’ (Salmon)
-traditionally said to ‘Resist Putrefaction’,
-the fumes are used to sterilise rooms during epidemics
4. Clears Heat, Stops Thirst:
–‘Cools the Heat of Fevers’ (Salmon)
-Vinegar or dilute solutions of Acetic Acid are cooling in Fevers, and also stop Thirst.
5. Moves the Blood, Stops Bleeding:
-vinegar has opposing effects of both moving the blood and easing pain, while stopping bleeding.
-hemoptysis, nosebleed, blood in the stool, and uterine bleeding;
-anemia and weakness following Childbirth, or for fainting due to loss of blood
-vinegar preparing herbs enhances Blood-moving effects (Cumin, Myrrh, Saffron, Corydalis Yan Hu Suo etc.)
6. Stops Sweating:
-Vinegar is given internally to stop excessive Sweating, and the Night Sweating of Consumption
-also used externally as a wash for severe sweating in fevers, or night sweats
7. Kills Worms and Parasites:
-Vermifuge and Parasiticide
-taken internally to help clear various types of worms from the digestive system
-externally for Ringworm
-with herbs topically for Tinea and other fungal infections
8. Used to Prepare Medicines and in Alchemy:
-Vinegar and Acetic Acid is an excellent solvent for many organic compounds (Pearls, Coral, Shells, Bone etc.)
-Vinegar dissolves Sulphur
-Distilled Vinegar has long been important in Alchemy and Medicine for the preparation of various hard bodies.
-Vinegar is used in the preparation of various herbs; it has a number of effects:
a. relieves toxicity; ‘chief corrector of Hot Gums and poisonous juices’ (Salmon) (Hellebore, Euphorbias, Arum, Squill etc.)
b. leads the effect of medicines to the Liver, opens Obstructions (eg. Cyperus rotundus)
c. moves Blood, eases pain (eg. Myrrh, Frankincense)
d. increases astringency to stop diarrhea (eg. Poppy husk)
e. can correct foul smells and make medicines less offensive to the stomach (eg. Myrrh, animal medicines)
f. its penetrating nature carries a medicine deeper and enhances anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects topically
g. quench hot minerals to both facilitate powdering and enhance their effect (Hematite etc.)
h. animal products to facilitate powdering, reduce smell, and increase effectiveness (Pangolian scale, Turtle shell)
g. Distilled Vinegar dissolves metals and minerals in alchemical preparations
9. Externally:
–topically it is rubefacient, astringent, deobstruent, and hemostatic
–Strong solutions, distilled vinegar or steam inhalations have been used as an inhalation in fainting etc. Some have steeped aromatics in strong Vinegar for this purposes.
-a cooling application to sunburn and mild inflammations; often mixed with herbs for application
-helps resolves swellings; it is opening, moves blood, and carries herbs deeper into the tissues
-Vinegar and Dilute Acetic Acid are also antibacterial against various pathogens, for which it has been used externally as an antiseptic dressing.
-Traditionally to ‘heal fretting Ulcers, and the Itch’ (Salmon)
-strong vinegar (distilled vinegar or strong acetic acid solution) is used to destroy Corns, Warts, or excess granulation in old wounds
-topically for Ringworm, Tinea etc
-dropped into the ear for Otitis Media (or 5% acetic acid solution)
5–30 mls.
a teaspoon is a common dose, taken in half a glass of water or a herbal tea.
Dilute (5%) Acetic Acid solution: 1–4 mls., diluted
‘It is various according to what it is made of, whether Beer, Ale, Mead, Cider, Perry, or Wine. That from Wine is best, and yet better if Vitriolated. Vinegar of Metheglin is best for dissolution of Metals, for it has both an Animal and Vegetable Nature, and so has the greater power of dissolution, and is therefore called Philosophic Vinegar’. (Salmon)
1. Water (diluting corrects it)
2. Sugar, Honey
3. Almond oil
KANJI. (Rice Vinegar)
This is a type of Rice Vinegar, used medicinally in the East. Its most important use is in the preparation of herbs, gems, metals and minerals, however. It is made in the following manner:
1 kilo of Rice is boiled in 16 kilos of water. The water is strained after the Rice is cooked, and the Rice is discarded. The strained water is boiled to evaporate off a quarter. The remaining water is kept in a clay or porcelain pot and to it is added 1 tablespoonful of Rock Salt. This is then left to ferment for 3 days. When it begins to smell sour, it is ready for use.
Into this can be added herbs like: the 3 Myrobalans, Asparagus racemosus, Plumbago zeylanica, Boerhaavia diffusa, Bacopa monnieri, Veronica cinerea, Evovulus alsinoides, Sphaeranthus indicus etc. These are added according to their availability and the use of the Kanji. After infusion, it is strained and is called Kanji, and is a special medicinal type of Vinegar, used in various metallic and merucial preparations and processes in India and Tibet.
This is often used as the liquid in the Dola Yantra process of Ayurveda, most commonly used to purify or prepare gems, metals and minerals.
Main Combinations:
1. Vinegar and Honey (Oxymel); Very good for cutting tough Phlegm. It can be taken for Cough, Asthma etc. Also to cut and prepare tough and thick humors for purging.
2. Vinegar with Ginger or Garlic for cold Stomach pain and abdominal distention and pain
3. To aid Weight Loss, Vinegar in warm water after each meal.
4. Worms and Parasites, Vinegar taken in 2 teaspoonful doses, diluted with water, can clear Worms, especially in Children
5. Burns, Apply Ice Cold Vinegar for instant relief and to prevent blisters. Cold Vinegar also relieves sunburn.
6. As a Douche, 50–100mls of Vinegar added to 1 liter of water.
7. Sweating, Vinegar has been given internally, diluted, for excess sweating, including that of Tuberculosis. It is also useful as a wash to stop excess sweating.
8. Swelling of the Breast, Earth mixed with Vinegar and applied.
9. Chapped or Cracked Skin, Apply Vinegar regularly
10. Leukoderma, Onosma applied with Vinegar (Unani)
11. As a Hair Tonic, A teaspoon of Apple Cider Vinegar in a cup of water, used as a rinse after shampooing.
12. Alopecia, decocted Cyclamen in Vinegar and use as a wash.
Major Formulas:
Oxymel (Oxymel Simplex)
Oxymel of Squill
Compound Syrup of Vinegar
Sudorific Vinegar
Electuary of Quince with Spices
Electuary of Quince Compound
Four Thieves Vinegar
A Marseilles remedy against the plague dating from 1722. A highly aromatic antiseptic, and was traditionally designed to prevent the wearer from the plague. It was used to protect thieves who luted the houses of Plague victims.
Calamus, Cinnamon, Lavender,
Mint, Rue, Sage, Wormwood,
Rosemary; powdered Cloves
and Nutmegs 0.25 oz. ea.
Garlic heads 2 (in number)
Place in a container and cover with 1 quart of Cider Vinegar. Cover and keep in a warm place for 5 days. Strain, then add 0.25 oz of powdered Camphor before bottling.
This is said to have been used on sponges worm around the neck to ‘preserve from infected Air’. It has also been taken internally.
2. VINAIGRE DES QUATRE VOLEURS. (a more modern version)
Greater and Lesser Wormwood,
Rosemary, Sage, Peppermint,
Rue, Lavender flowers 15 parts ea.
Calamus, Cinnamon, Cloves,
Nutmeg, and Garlic 2 parts ea.
Camphor 4 parts
Glacial Acetic Acid 15 parts
Strong White Vinegar 1000 parts
Dissolve Camphor in the Glacial Acetic Acid, steep the other ingredients in the Vinegar for 10 days, press, strain, mix the 2 liquids, and keep.
(Acetum Aromaticum)
Oils of Lavender, Peppermint,
Rosemary, Juniper, Cinnamon 1 part ea. (by weight)
Oils of Lemon and Clove 2 parts
Spirit 441 parts
Dilute Acetic Acid 650 parts
Water 1900 parts
Digest together for 8 days, then filter.
This is from the German Pharmacopeia of 1910. Most Pharmacopeias of the time had an equivalent. In older times, the herbs were steeped in Vinegar.
1. Use with care in digestive weakness.
2. Not used in Rheumatism, Arthritis, Gout, Muscular Atrophy; In the treatment of Arthritis and Gout: ‘We must abstain from all things that open and have Vinegar in them, for Vinegar is an enemy to the Sinews’. (Praxis Medicinae, Brevel, 1639)
3. ‘Melancholy is increased by the use of vinegar, and both Hippocrates, Silvius and Avenzoar reject it as injurious for the womb, and therefore not to be used internally in Uterine diseases’. (Aristotle)
4. Distilled Vinegar is highly demineralising; it quickly leeches out various mineral reserves from the body. Vinegar can still have this effect in a more mild way, although ordinary Vinegar contains a good range of its own minerals.
5. Not used at the beginning of a Common Cold or Flu (as it stops sweating).
6. Vinegar and Acetic Acid are incompatible with Lime, Ammonia, fixed Alkalis, and Carbonates.
Large doses can be toxic
Sudden death due to forced ingestion of vinegar.
Main Preparations used:
Oxymel, Syrup of Vinegar, Honey of Vinegar, Crystals of Vinegar, Distilled Vinegar,
Honey 2 lbs.
Fountain water 3.5 lbs.
White Wine Vinegar 1 lb.
Boil the water and honey in an earthen pot, removing the scum, then gradually add the vinegar and boil to a syrup.
Dose: 1–2 oz., suitable for all ages and sexes.
This is a special and ancient medicine to cut through thick phlegm, helping to pass them off through the bowels and urine. It was given before medicines to purge Phlegm to help loosen the thick phlegm, and was likewise given before emetics to help pass off phlegm more easily. It has the same effects as Simple Syrup of Vinegar, although it is more cleansing and better for Phlegm.
It was used for all obstructions caused by phlegm and was much used for obstructions of the Liver, Stomach, Spleen and Lungs, being useful for Jaundice, poor Appetite, and Cough or Asthma associated with thick Phlegm.
For Tonsillitis, Oxymel was taken with Rose water and Vinegar (in the beginning).
(Syrupus Acetosus Simplex)
Sharp Vinegar 3 oz.
Sugar 5 oz.
‘Clarify with the white of an Egg, and let the Vinegar decoct to a Syrup’.
‘This syrup is very good against all corrupted Humours: for it doth attenuate all thick slime, and causes all tough matter to avoid, softens the hard, and expels all bad Humours: it opens all obstructions, and provokes Urine. In fine, it is good for all bad corruptions of the body, and is also very good for all Pestilential Fevers, for it Quenches the Thirst’. (Wirtzung)
Honey 4 lbs.
Cover with Vinegar, enough to cover by 4 inches; distill in sand and there will come a sour water which is to be rectified.
This dissolves Coral, Pearls, and various precious stones. (Salmon)
Evaporate Vinegar to the consistency of honey, and set it to crystallise; it may be purified by dissolving in the Phlegm drawn from the Vinegar, and crystallising again. (Salmon)
(Spiritus Aceti)
Put Vinegar into a glass still in BM or ashes, and with a gentle heat, draw off the phlegm, which has no taste, and is about a quarter part of the Vinegar; change the receiver, and force over the Spirit.
If the Vinegar is for medicinal use, care must be taken that it doesn’t burn. If for the preparation of Metals, distill off the phlegm as before, then distill in sand with a very strong heat until a Red Spirit ascends.