Abies webbiana, Talispatra

Himalayan Silver Fir
Talisa, Talispatra (Ayurveda)
Talispatri (Siddha)
Talispattar (Unani)
Zarnab, Talisfar (Arabic)
Picture Abies webbiana
A.B. Lambert, Description of the genus Pinus and some other remarkable plants (1890)

Picture A manual of the Coniferae, Veitch, 1881

Botanical name:

Abies webbiana (syn. A. spectabilis, Pinus webbiana)

Parts used:

Needles; also bark, oil, resin

Temperature & Taste:

Warm, dry. Pungent, Bitter
According to Galen there is Hotness and Coldness… but some others consider it to be Hot and Dry in the Second degree.” (Avicenna)


1. Clears Phlegm, Stops Cough:
-Hoarseness, Colds
-Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma
-Lung Fever
-powder or fresh juice has been used

2. Benefits Stomach, Clears Damp, Moves the Qi:
-indigestion, poor appetite
-abdominal distention, colic
-gastritis, vomiting, diarrhea
-abdominal tumor
-malabsorption syndrome
-“useful for treating gastric diarrhoea, intestinal Ulcer… as well as Piles” (Avicenna)

3. Clears Wind-Damp:
-catarrh of the bladder
-auxiliary for Rheumatic complaints
-also for Worms

4. Stops Bleeding:
-has been used for Bleeding
-“useful for … excessive Uterine and Anal Bleeding” (Avicenna)

5. Externally:
-resin with oil of Roses is applied to Neuralgia (Ayurveda)


Powder: 1 ½–4 grams (up to 6 grams)
Decoction: 3–9 grams


1. Possibly synonymous in effect to Abies alba, the Silver Fir. We have separated them due to different indications.
2. The Indian, Unani and Arabic names are a little confusing. Zarnab, for example, is equated with Talispattar in National Formulary of Unani Medicine, but is also used for Flacourtia cataphracta.


1. Abies pindrow
2. Rhododendron anthopogon

Main Combinations:

1. Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma:
i. Himalayan Silver Fir with Adhatoda and Honey
ii. Dry Cough, Himalayan Silver Fir, Licorice (equal parts)
iii. Himalayan Silver Fir, Tabasheer, Ginger, Licorice
iv. Himalayan Silver Fir with Chebula, Inula racemosa, Long Pepper, Plumbago, Calamus, Asafetida
v. Himalayan Silver Fir (1 part) with Black Pepper (2 parts), Ginger (3 parts), Long Pepper (4 parts), Tabasheer (5 parts), Greater Cardamon, Cinnamon (half part each), Sugar (32 parts) (Talisadya Churna of Ayurveda)
vi. from Phlegm, Himalayan Silver Fir, Black Pepper, Long Pepper, Ginger, Lesser Cardamon. This is formed into pills which are named Siddharthika, meaning ‘Effective”.
vii. Himalayan Silver Fir, Datura, Adhatoda, Licorice, Long Pepper, Raisins (as in Kanakasava of Ayurveda)
viii. Asthma, Himalayan Silver Fir with Indian Spikenard, Nutmeg, with Mica Bhasma
2. Indigestion, abdominal distention, Himalayan Silver Fir with Rock Salt, Long Pepper, Coriander seed, Cinnamon leaf, Cumin, Cinnamon, Lesser Cardamon, Pomegranate seed (as in Bhaskara Lavana Churna)
3. Stomach Cold, Indigestion, food goes Sour in the Stomach, Himalayan Silver Fir (Talispatra) with Cinnamon, Ginger, Pepper, Amomum, Cumin, Dill seed, (Syrian ‘Book of Medicine‘, Budge, 1913)
4. Severe Cold in the Stomach and Liver, to promote digestion and disperse Wind, Himalayan Silver Fir (Talispatra) with Galangal, Frankincense bark, White Pepper, Amomum, Cinnamon, Ginger, Aniseed, Cumin (Syrian ‘Book of Medicine‘, Budge, 1913)
5. Pain in the Liver or Stomach, and to reduce the belly, Himalayan Silver Fir (Talispatra) with Rue, Cumin, Black and Long Pepper, Amomum, Gourd seed, Colocynth, Scammony (Syrian ‘Book of Medicine‘, Budge, 1913)
6. Diarrhea, Indigestion, Malabsorption, Himalayan Silver Fir with Clove, Nutmeg, Lesser Cardamon, Long Pepper, Black Pepper, Ginger, Sandalwood, Tabasheer (1 part each), Cannabis (equal to the rest), Cane Sugar (equal to all the rest) (as in Jatiphaladi Churna)
7. Loss of Appetite, Indigestion, Diarrhea, Himalayan Silver Fir with Triphala, Ginger, Long Pepper, Cyperus, Cumin, Cinnamon, Cardamon (as in Methi Modaka)

Major Formulas:

Talisadya Churna (Powder of Silver Fir)
Nilavagai Churna (Siddha)
Bhaskara Lavana Churna
Drakshadi Churna
Jatiphaladi Churna
Talisadi Modaka
Methi Modaka
Pranada Gutika
Puga Khanda,


1. Toxic in overdose.
2. The leaves were traditionally considered to have anti-fertility effects.
3. The resin is said to intoxicate if taken internally.

Main Preparations used: