Abbots Confect of Rose
Diarrhodon Abbatis
Western, Unani
Nicholas Praepositus
Powder, keeping the 4 Cold seeds and Poppy seed separate and grinding freshly when prescribed. In this case, to 1 oz. of the rest in powder, 2 scruples of the seed powder can be added.
It can also be made into an Electuary with Sugar dissolved in Rose water.
Clears Heat and strengthens the Stomach, Liver, Heart, benefits Digestion, calms the Nerves and eases Pain
1. Palpitations, Fainting, Irritability, Restlessness, Nightmares, Insomnia coming from Heat of the Heart
2. Useful as an adjunct in many diseases coming from Heat
3. Benefits Digestion when obstructed by Heat and Damp, used for Indigestion, Poor Appetite
4. Used for Excess Urination and Diabetes associated with Heat
5. Used for Threatened Miscarriage, Edema during Pregnancy, and by some for Infertility
6. Liver heat
7. Jaundice
8. Often used as an adjunct in chronic diseases associated with Heat such as Phthisic, Chronic Fevers and Cachexia.
1⁄2–1 1⁄2 drams in Rose decoction, or some other suitable vehicle.
None noted
1. With Aromaticum Rosatum for Palpitations and Heart weakness
2. With Diatrisantalum for excess Menstruation and Uterine Bleeding, and for Liver Heat
3. With Diacinnamonum to strengthen the Liver
4. Dysentery and Diarrhea from Heat, take with Rhubarb powder
5. Chronic Cough, take with Electuary Sanum et Expertum
6. Infertility: Spec. Diarrhodon, Hares Uterus 2 drams ea., Mercury seed, Ivory 2 scruples, Cotton seed, Tragacanth, Gum Arabic 1⁄2 dram ea.; form a confect with Conserve of Borage and Bugloss
Powder of Three Sandalwoods (Diatriasantalum)
It ‘Fortifies the Stomach, creates an Appetite, and expels Wind. It is particularly appointed for Maladies of the Liver and Spleen, Jaundice, Pthisics, difficultness of the Intestines, Weakness and Failings of the Heart. It also consumes superfluous moisture of the Stomach’. (Charras, French Pharmacopoeia)
‘It cools the violent heat of the Heart and stomach, as also of the Liver, Lungs, and Spleen, eases pains in the Body, and most infirmities coming to the body by reason of heat’. (Culpeper)
How to Modify a Formula
Weights & Measures
Diarrhodon Abbatis
Western, Unani
Source / Author:
Nicholas Praepositus
Herb NameRed RoseSugar Candy White Sandalwood Red Sandalwood Gum Arabic Tragacanth Ivory Asarabacca roots Mastic Indian Spikenard Cardamon Licorice juice Saffron Aloeswood Clove Galls Cinnamon Rhubarb Melon seed Gourd seed Pumpkin seed Cucumber seed Aniseed Fennel seed Basil seed Barberry seed Chicory seed Purslane seed White Poppy seed Pearl Bone of a Stag’s Heart Camphor Musk |
Powder, keeping the 4 Cold seeds and Poppy seed separate and grinding freshly when prescribed. In this case, to 1 oz. of the rest in powder, 2 scruples of the seed powder can be added.
It can also be made into an Electuary with Sugar dissolved in Rose water.
Clears Heat and strengthens the Stomach, Liver, Heart, benefits Digestion, calms the Nerves and eases Pain
1. Palpitations, Fainting, Irritability, Restlessness, Nightmares, Insomnia coming from Heat of the Heart
2. Useful as an adjunct in many diseases coming from Heat
3. Benefits Digestion when obstructed by Heat and Damp, used for Indigestion, Poor Appetite
4. Used for Excess Urination and Diabetes associated with Heat
5. Used for Threatened Miscarriage, Edema during Pregnancy, and by some for Infertility
6. Liver heat
7. Jaundice
8. Often used as an adjunct in chronic diseases associated with Heat such as Phthisic, Chronic Fevers and Cachexia.
1⁄2–1 1⁄2 drams in Rose decoction, or some other suitable vehicle.
None noted
1. With Aromaticum Rosatum for Palpitations and Heart weakness
2. With Diatrisantalum for excess Menstruation and Uterine Bleeding, and for Liver Heat
3. With Diacinnamonum to strengthen the Liver
4. Dysentery and Diarrhea from Heat, take with Rhubarb powder
5. Chronic Cough, take with Electuary Sanum et Expertum
6. Infertility: Spec. Diarrhodon, Hares Uterus 2 drams ea., Mercury seed, Ivory 2 scruples, Cotton seed, Tragacanth, Gum Arabic 1⁄2 dram ea.; form a confect with Conserve of Borage and Bugloss
Similar Formulas:
Powder of Three Sandalwoods (Diatriasantalum)
It ‘Fortifies the Stomach, creates an Appetite, and expels Wind. It is particularly appointed for Maladies of the Liver and Spleen, Jaundice, Pthisics, difficultness of the Intestines, Weakness and Failings of the Heart. It also consumes superfluous moisture of the Stomach’. (Charras, French Pharmacopoeia)
‘It cools the violent heat of the Heart and stomach, as also of the Liver, Lungs, and Spleen, eases pains in the Body, and most infirmities coming to the body by reason of heat’. (Culpeper)
How to Modify a Formula
Weights & Measures