A Synopsis of the Primary Formulas of the Western Tradition

Tradition Western Medicine has a number of classical formulas that were is use for many centuries, some for over 2000 years. Many of these were of Arab origin, particularly Mesue, but also Nicholas, Rhasis and Avicenna.

From all the formulas in use, there was a core number that were widely used and widely applicable, and here we will review some of the most important of these formulas.

In the naming of the formulas, the prefix ‘Dia’ effectively means compound or formula. Thus, Diatrion Santalum is the Formula of Three Sandalwoods (‘Dia’=formula, ‘Tri’= Three, ‘Santalum’=Sandalwood).
Some formulas go by 2 or more names. For example Diatrion Santalum and Triasantalum are the same formula. Common Pills, Pills of Ruffus and Pestilential Pills can all refer to the same formula too.

Often, the name of the author would appear in the name, for example Trisantalum Nicolai, as many of the formulas had versions penned by other authors, and indeed Mesue often had a number of variations of a formula that went be the same name.

This brings another important point: the name Triasantalum, means Sandalwood Compound or Sandalwood Formula. This, therefore, represents a formula which exemplifies the medicinal effects of Sandalwood, and therefore, in general, other authors who penned their own version were likewise striving for a similar outcome. Thus, in most cases, where Triasantalum is listed, one of a number of formulas and variations may be used, all intended to a similar purpose.

Another important factor that is alien to many modern practitioners is the concept that a formula, once made, is no longer viewed as a compound of many simples, but rather is seen as a single, unified medicine. So when all of these classical medicines were stocked by an Apothecary, it was not uncommon for a prescription to ask for 2, 3 or more separate compounds to be mixed together and administered. Even though there may be 30 or more individual medicines being used and the dosage of individual medicines may be so small as to seem ineffectual by modern standards.

Principle Warm Compounds

Aromaticum Caryophyllatum (Mesue)
Diamargariton Calidii (Mesue)
Diamba (Mesue)
Diacinnamonum (Mesue)
Dianthos (Nicholas)
Diagalanga (Mesue)
Diahyssopum (Nicholas)
Diaireos (Nicholas)
Diatrionpipereon (Mesue)
Diacyminum (Mesue)
Diaxyloaloes (Mesue)
Rosata Nouvelle (Nicholas)

Principle Cold Compounds

Diamargariton Frigidum (Nicholas)
Diatragacanthum Frigidum
Diapenidium Frigidum

Principle Temperate Compounds

Aromatic Rosatum (some said warm)
Diarrhodon Abbatis
Dialacca Major

An overview of Some of the Principle Formulas

Aromaticum Rosatum – Aromatic Rose Formula

Strengthens the Stomach, clears Damp and benefits Digestion; strengthening, good for weakness including that after chronic Illness; strengthens Heart, Brain and Liver. Widely used in conditions of deficiency including during Pregnancy (without Musk). It was regarded as increasing reproductive fluids.

Diarrhodon Abbatis – Abbot’s Confection of Roses

Clears Heat from the Heart, Stomach, Liver and Lungs; strengthens the Stomach and benefits Appetite; Heart weakness with Palpitations, Fainting, Restlessness, Insomnia; Lung Heat, Cough, Consumption; Jaundice, Excessive Urination (‘Diabetes’) coming from Heat. Good for Pain and Restlessness from excess Heat. Also threatened Miscarriage and Infertility.

Diatrion Santalum, or Triasantalum – Powder of Three Sandalwoods

Clears Liver Heat and moves the Qi; used for Liver obstruction with Heat, Jaundice; it clears Heat while supporting Yin and Qi and is therefore useful for a range of Heat conditions including Heat of the Stomach (excess Appetite), Bowels (Diarrhea), Heart (Palpitations) or Lungs (Consumption) etc. Often combined with Diarrhodon Abbatis.

Diatrion Piperion – Powder of Three Peppers

Warms the Stomach, clears Cold, Damp, Phlegm and settles Wind; used for Colic, Indigestion, Bloating, Poor Appetite, Nausea; also Cold Phlegm of the Lungs with Cough; Diarrhea; Menstruation obstructed by Cold; also for Impotence and to Increase Sperm in Cold bodies.

Diacydonium – Electuary of Quince

There were a number of variations, ranging from simple Quince juice formed into an Electuary with Sugar and Vinegar, through to the Compound Version which added spices. All are very good for a weak Stomach, being effective for Indigestion, Nausea and Vomiting, as well as Diarrhea and Dysentery; it strengthens the Spleen and Stomach.

Diacorum – Electuary of Calamus

Kidney Yang tonic, promotes Lust (aphrodisiac); also used for other conditions associated with Kidney Yang deficiency such as mental dullness and Epilepsy.

Antidotus Analeptica, or Electuarium Resumptivum – Restorative Electuary

Used for Weakness, especially after Chronic Fever or in convalescence. It increases both Yin and Qi.

Confectio Alkermes – Confection of Kermes

A potent tonic and restorative, benefiting the Heart and increasing Qi. It relieves Melancholy, is useful for Heart weakness and Palpitations and ‘preserve both body and mind in good estate’ (Charras). Good for the nervous and weak.

Letificans – Powder of Happiness

This important and useful formula is primarily used for Stress and mild Depression. It moves Qi, strengthens, and calms the Mind and Spirit. It promotes a feeling of well-being, joyfulness and gladness. There were several versions of Letificans penned by different authors which were usually similar, and used for the same purpose.

Diatragacanth Frigidum – Cooling Tragacanth Powder

Clears Heat and Nourishes the Yin; used for Hot conditions of the Lungs; also Yin deficiency in general. It can be used for chronic Heat conditions where the Yin has been damaged.

There was also a Warming Tragacanth Powder, used similarly, but for Cold conditions.

Diamargariton Frigidum – Cooling Pearl Powder

Yin tonic; used for Heat and Dryness; good for Weakness, Wasting, Consumption; used for difficulty Breathing, Cough, Asthma and for Hectic (Yin-deficient) Fever. Good after Chronic disease to increase strength. Also cools excess of Blood and Bile.

There is also a Diamargariton Calidum which was especially used for Shaking and Tremors that come form Cold, Phlegm and Damp.

Syrup of Mugwort

One of the most important and useful gynecological formulas, it moves Qi and Blood, promotes Menstruation, relieves pain, and harmonises the Hormones by regulating the Liver and Spleen. Very useful for Amenorrhea, Dysmenorrhea and PMS.

Primary Purgatives

Hiera Picra – ‘Holy Bitters’

This ancient formula predates the Christian era. It is the beginning of a whole class of formulas called Hiera, and many authors penned there own versions or variations. It is primarily used to cleanse the Stomach, open Obstructions, and promote Menstruation. There were many different uses, and often it was used as a basis to which other medicines were added depending on need. For example, there was Hiera Picra with Agaric, stronger to cleanse Phlegm and Damp.

Arabian Pills

Used to purge Melancholy and strengthen the Stomach; it cleanse the Stomach and Brain and is therefore used for Headache, Vertigo, poor Memory, and pain of the Eyes or Teeth. It cleanses the Womb after childbirth.

Confectio Hamech – Arabian Confect Purging Melancholy

Principally to purge Melancholy; clears both Yellow and Black Bile, and Salt Phlegm. Used for Melancholy diseases, especially diseases of the Skin such as Eczema, Psoriasis and Leprosy. Also Fibroid Tumors, Cancer, Mental Illness and Melancholy of the mind.

Benedicta Laxativa – The Blessed Laxative

Purges phlegm and damp, especially from the Joints, Kidneys and Bladder. It is also a useful purge in chronic diseases associated with Damp and obstinate humors. It is strong, relying primarily on Turbith, as well as Scammony, Esula and Colchicum to purge Damp, Phlegm and Watery humors. It is well corrected and well written by Nicholas, so tended to be well tolerated even in full doses.

Diacatholicum, or Catholicum – Universal Purging Electuary

A useful purge for all compound or mixed Humors. It was used for Fevers and all acute diseases, and was regarded as safe for widespread use. It also opens obstructions of the Liver and Spleen.
When compared with many of the other great formulas for purging, this is relatively safe and simple, containing no harsh cathartic medicine saving a small dose of Colocynth seeds, it relying on Polypody, Senna and Rhubarb as the key purgatives of Phlegm, Damp, Melancholy and Bile, the remaining serving as adjuncts except for Sugar Penids and Licorice which support the Spleen and increase Qi while harmonising the formula.
The concept of a Catholicum, or Universal Purgative medicine took hold and there became a number of versions penned by various authors, and indeed, any Physician of the 17th century of any note tended to have their own Catholicum, sometimes held as a great secret.

Electuary of Senna

Useful for Melancholy, Dementia and Insanity, as well as chronic skin diseases.

Formulas with Similar Uses

Diamoschu and Diambra are similar, both highly aromatic cordials

Diacinnamonum, Dianthos and Diagalanga, for all cold affections of the Head, Stomach and Nutritive parts and for Heart weakness; they promote Menstruation and Urine

Diahyssopum, Diatragacanth Calidii and Diaireos Salomonis for all cold conditions of the Lungs, cold and viscous Phlegm, Asthma and inveterate Cough

Diazingiber and Diatrionpipereon both Warm the Stomach and Digestion, used for crude (undigested) Humors and Wind of the Stomach, and to cut crass (thick) Humors

Diacuminum and Dianisum for Cold, Wind and Crass (thick) Humors of the Stomach, Colic, Bloating etc.

Diapenidium & Diatragacanthum Frigidum for Hot and Dry Lungs, Cough, Pleurisy, Peri-pneumonia

Diatriasantalum & Diarrhodon Abbatis for Heat of the Nutritive organs, obstruction of the Liver and Spleen

Dialacca major & Diacurcuma for coldness of the Nutritive (digestive) organs, strengthens Liver and Spleen, moves the Blood, opens obstructions, Tumors, Cachexia and Dropsy.

Pills of Colchicum Major (Mesue) has similar effects to Foetid Pils, Pills of Sagapen, Pills of Opopanax and Arthritic Pills, and was generally preferred.

Diaturbith of Mesue has similar effects to Confectio of Alfesara (Alfescera), the Confection of Bryony.