The following is a compilation of general Health guidelines as promoted in Traditional Medicine. While not all is verified by modern research, some of it is. Nevertheless, it represents good general information for Health in most people.

Drink Warm Drinks

All Medicine Traditions state that warm drinks are healthier. Some traditional texts go as far as to state that drinking water is unhealthy! Drinking warm water infused with tea, fresh ginger, various flowers, Lemon juice or some dried fruit is much better than drinking cold water. Warm enhances digestion and circulation, activates the skin, thins mucus and stimulates bladder and bowels.

Healthy body metabolism and digestion require warmth, and while drinking warm beverages supplies warmth to the body, Cold drinks cost the body warmth as the body must expend heat before it can absorb the liquid. Of course doing this occasionally is no problem, but doing it every day for years eventually has a detrimental effect on the body.

It’s also important to note that room-termperature water is still cold relative to the heat of the body which is around 37 degrees C. Room temperature water maybe 15 degrees C., meaning the body still has to expend energy to warm the fluid.

Cook Your Food

All cultures have traditionally cooked the large proportion of their Food. Cooking food warms the food, makes it more pleasing to the Stomach, and enhances digestion. Eating fresh, seasonal fruit is OK, but should be away from other food.

Cook with Herbs

The use of herbs and spices in cooking was traditionally done to enhance digestion and assimilation. It just happens that the herbs and spices that are used for this function tend to be pleasant tasting. Basically all culinary herbs have an effect of enhancing digestion. They also have other beneficial effects such as being rich in antioxidants, being carminative and expelling wind and relieving spasms, as well as supplying good nutrition. Some like Garlic, Turmeric and Ginger enhance circulation and thin the blood, others have shown useful anti-cancer activity.

Chew Your Food Well

Food should be chewed until it is well broken down. Chewing reduces the size of food particles and mixes with enzymes from the saliva. This allows for quicker and easier digestion once food reaches the Stomach. Chewing Food well also abates the appetite, so we tend to eat less. So you get more nutrition from less food, quicker and easier, without a build-up of undigested food and unhealthy fermentation. Chewing each mouthful of food 20 times greatly helps digestion.

Furthermore, when you chew well, you also don’t need to drink while eating.

Learn to Undereat

Most people in modern western society tend to eat too much compared to the energy they expend. By under-eating, we will digest and assimilate nutrition easier, taking excess burden off the digestive system, and reducing risks of Cancer, Heart disease, Diabetes and Stroke. Undereating is greatly helped by chewing food well.

One way of undereating that has become popular recently is Intermittent Fasting. Some people Fast either one day weekly, Several days every month, or for 1 week every year, for example. Another way is to only eat during a 6 or 8 hour period each day. For example, only eating lunch and dinner.

Eat Seasonal Fruit and Vegetables

Ensuring adequate intake of fruit and vegetables is essential for health. Trying to source local, seasonal produce is best, and having some fresh greens straight from your garden is ideal. Seasonal fruit is likewise most suitable, and dried fruit can be used as a snack, added to food or used in hot drinks.

Eat Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and Seeds have been very important foodstuff since ancient times, and many nuts and seeds have been used medicinally, primarily for their high nutrition. They supply good oils and fats while tending to contain good levels of minerals. Almonds and Sesame seeds are 2 especially good examples.

Various Foods are made from Nuts and Seeds such as Nut butters and Tahini. Seeds and nuts can be added to meals, or eaten as a healthy snack between meals. Many traditional cultures, especially in the Middle East use a variety of Seeds and Nuts in their diet.

Learn to Breathe

Most people don’t breathe properly. The Lungs are large organs yet they are typically only used very superficially. Taking several long, deep, deliberate breaths several times a day is very good for health. Deep breathing stimulates the abdominal organs, enhances digestion, increases oxygen and Qi, and freshens the mind.

It’s also good to practice rhythmic breathing, otherwise called Pranayama, or Yogic breathing. The simplest form of this is to breathe in for 4 seconds, hold for 4 seconds, breath out for 4, then hold for 4. This should be relaxed and effortless. If it is difficult, start with a 3 second pattern, increasing to 4 seconds. It’s good practice to do this for 10 or more minutes daily. Doing it before sleep will relax the body and allow for a better quality, deeper sleep.

Oil the Body

The ancient physicians realised great benefit from oiling the body. By oiling the body, the finest channels of the capillaries are softened and lubricated, allowing obstructive toxins and metabolites to be carried to the eliminative organs. Oiling it truly the best way to detoxify the body–far better than drinking copious amounts of water. Oiling calms the nerves, nourishes the skin, frees up stagnant areas of circulation, removes waste from the body and supplies useful fats.


This information is general advice and may not be suited to everyone. Talk to Adam or your Healthcare Professional for more specific advice related to you personally.  

See also

Why Digestion Matters