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Since ancient times there have been 7 Ancient Planets: Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Mercury with the Sun and Moon being also classed as Planets (or more correctly, Celestial Bodies). These 7 Planets were known to many ancient cultures and the Planets had energies applied based on their size, color, distance, speed of motion etc. Curiously, the Sumerians knew of these 7 planets plus another within our solar system which appears where the asteroid belt is.

The knowledge of the 7 Planets was blended with the Theory of the Elements and Medical theory at an early time. There are 2 ways we can look at it:
  • Western, Four Element: Saturn is Earth, Jupiter is Air, Venus is Water and Mars is Fire, the Sun being Yang (ultimate Fire) and the Moon Yin (Ultimate Water). Mercury is in the Center as Balance.
  • Eastern, Five Element: As above, but Mercury is Metal

Each planet has associations based on the Elements, Organs and Humors:
  • Saturn is associated with the Earth, Spleen and Melancholy
  • Jupiter with Air (Wood), Liver, Metabolism and Blood
  • Mars with Fire, Heart, Circulation and Bile
  • Venus with Water, Kidney, Fluid and Phlegm
  • Mercury is associated with balance
  • Sun with Fire, Heart and Yang
  • Moon with Water, Kidneys and Yin

So an Herb assigned to Jupiter will tend to nourish Liver and Blood, and so with the other Planets.

Each Day of the Week is also assigned to a Planet from which their names are derived:
  • Sunday–Sun
  • Monday–Moon
  • Tuesday–Mars
  • Wednesday–Mercury
  • Thursday–Jupiter
  • Friday–Venus
  • Saturday–Saturn

A Lunar herb is best collected on the day of the Moon (Monday), and so with the other planets. Also, a cool herb could be more Yin tonic in nature if collected on a Monday, as compared to if collected on a Saturday which may be better to clear Heat and Damp.

The day was also divided into equal proportions between sunrise and sunset, with each period being allocated a planet. So the first hour after sunrise on Sunday is allocated to the Sun, the next the Moon, and so on throughout the day. So a Lunar herb is best collected on Monday, and in the hour of the Moon.

Later, this was taken further, and the Natal (Birth) chart was used to ascertain weaknesses in the Chart which could be treated or prevented with appropriate Medicine. Medical Astrologists would look for weaknesses in the Birth chart and aim to strengthen them with medicines. Even today in India, certain Healers study the Birth chart for weaknesses, then prescribe a particular Gem stone to be worn on a particular finger to restore balance. Each planet has an associated color, and stones of that color were associated with the planet.

Astrology and the energetics associated with the Planets is just another method of energetic correspondence that was used by the Ancients to better understand and work with the Universe they lived in.

Picture The following gives an overview of the energetics and effects of the Planets as described by various writers including Albertus Magnus and Culpeper.

Picture Picture Saturn

Nature: Cold, dry; Masculine
Temperament: Melancholic
Effect: enemy to Nature; Evil; ‘Greater Misfortune’
Day: Saturday
Star Signs: Capricorn, Aquarius
Governs: Spleen; Bladder
Benefits: Retentive Faculty
Diseases: Consumption, Paralysis, Edema, Malarial Fever, Arthritis, Leprosy, Cancer, Spleen diseases, Depression, melancholy, Mental Illness
When Lord of the Nativity: Proud; Lofty; Holds onto Anger; Argumentative; Malicious; Lean, pale and slender; Thick lips, wide nostrils

Picture Picture Jupiter

Nature: Warm, moist; Masculine
Temperament: Sanguine
Effect: Benefits Nature; the ‘Great Fortune’
Day: Thursday
Star Signs: Sagittarius, Pisces
Governs: Liver, Lungs, Abdomen, Cartilage and Sinews, Blood, Sperm and Egg
Benefits: Digestion and Nutrition
Diseases: Scrofula, Pleurisy, Lung diseases, Hypertension, Apoplexy, Headache, Cramps, diseases of rising Blood (Wind).
When Lord of the Nativity: Courageous; Trustworthy; achieve Greatness; Happy; Honest; Gentle Eyes, good color, thick hair; very Loving
Picture Picture Mars
Nature: Hot, dry; Masculine
Temperament: Bilious
Effect: Evil; ‘Lesser Misfortune’
Day: Tuesday
Star Signs: Aries, Scorpio
Governs: Gall Bladder, Kidneys, Testicles
Benefits: Digestion
Diseases: Tertian Fever, Plague, Epidemic diseases, Migraine, and all diseases caused by Bile
When Lord of the Nativity: Children are Rough and Wild, Fierce, Invincible; Bold, Contentious, easily deceived; Lean, hard-faced, red hair, small eyed; delights in burning & destroying; subject to breaking Limbs & a Violent Death.
Picture Picture
Nature: Hot, dry; Masculine
Temperament: Bilious
Effect: ‘Life and Light of all other Planets’; Good Fortune
Day: Sunday
Star Sign: Leo
Governs: Brain, Marrow, Sinews, Right Eye in Men, Left Eye in Women
Benefits: Yang, Circulation
Diseases: all Hot diseases not caused by Bile
When Lord of the Nativity: Trusting; Wise; Just and Courteous; Religious, Obedient, Graceful; Corpulent, Yellowish hair, Tall; if well placed in the Horoscope it suggests Long Life.

Picture Picture Venus

Nature: Cool, moist; Feminine
Temperament: Phlegmatic
Effect: Benefits Nature; ‘Lesser Fortune’
Day: Friday
Star Signs: Taurus, Libra
Governs: Loins; Kidneys; Abdomen, Uterus
Benefits: Yin, Fertility
Diseases: Cold and Moist diseases of the Liver, Heart, Stomach and Uterus
When Lord of the Nativity: Pleasant, Merry, Lovely, Lecherous, Just; Tall, comely, Fair, gentle Looks, thick and soft hair; delights in dancing and music.

Picture Picture Mercury

Nature: Neutral; Masculine with Masculine; Feminine with Feminine
Temperament: Balanced; Hot with Hot, Cold with Cold, Dry with Dry, Moist with Moist
Effect: Good Fortune if well placed
Day: Wednesday
Star Signs: Gemini, Virgo
Governs: Tongue, Memory, Cognition, Hands
Benefits: Qi
Diseases: Frenzy, Madness, Insanity, Melancholy, Epilepsy, Cough, Rheum
When Lord of the Nativity: Stout, Wise, Modest, Secretive, Eloquent; Small, lean, pale, smooth haired, hard and bony hands.

Picture Picture Moon

Nature: Cold, moist; Feminine
Temperament: Phlegmatic
Effect: Conveys virtues of all other Planets
Day: Monday
Star Signs: Cancer
Governs: Brain, Left Eye in Man, Right Eye in Women; Genitals of a Women; Stomach and Abdomen; Left side of the Body
Benefits: Yin
Diseases: Paralysis, Writhing, Obstruction of Sinews; Diseases of Cold Moisture.
When Lord of the Nativity: Honest, honorable, loves Cool and moist places; desire to see different countries; Tall, white, effeminate

Picture As with other Ancient Philosophies such as the Four Element Theory, a system of correspondences was created, linking things with like energies to the Planets. Of particular note was the application of the 7 ancient metals to the Planets: Gold for Sun; Silver for Moon; Iron for Mars, Copper for Venus; Tin for Jupiter; Lead for Saturn and Mercury for Mercury. Thus Gold, the Metal of the Sun, corresponding to the Heart, became regarded as a potent medicine to strengthen the Heart, benefit the Spirit, and support life just as the Sun supports life in our Solar system.

The Gems were also associated with Planets, via their color signature. The 7 Planets were associated with the 7 Colors, each being represented by a Gem. Grains, Birds, Animals and Minerals are among other correspondences.

Picture Based on information in Bibliotheca chemica curiosa, Jacob Mangeti, 1702

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